# encoding: UTF-8
require './test_helper'
require 'tempfile'
require 'test/unit'
class TestXPath < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@doc = XML::Document.file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/soap.xml'))
def teardown
@doc = nil
def test_doc_find
nodes = @doc.find('/soap:Envelope')
assert_instance_of(XML::XPath::Object, nodes)
assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
assert_equal(nodes.xpath_type, XML::XPath::NODESET)
def test_doc_find_first
node = @doc.find_first('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body')
assert_instance_of(XML::Node, node)
def test_ns
nodes = @doc.find('//ns1:IdAndName', 'ns1:http://domain.somewhere.com')
assert_equal(3, nodes.length)
def test_ns_array
nodes = @doc.find('//ns1:IdAndName', ['ns1:http://domain.somewhere.com'])
assert_equal(3, nodes.length)
def test_default_ns1
# Find all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
nodes = @doc.find('//*[namespace-uri()="http://services.somewhere.com"]')
assert_equal(2, nodes.length)
assert_equal('getManufacturerNamesResponse', nodes[0].name)
assert_equal('IDAndNameList', nodes[1].name)
def test_default_ns2
# Find all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
nodes = @doc.find('//ns:*', 'ns:http://services.somewhere.com')
assert_equal(2, nodes.length)
assert_equal('getManufacturerNamesResponse', nodes[0].name)
assert_equal('IDAndNameList', nodes[1].name)
# Get getManufacturerNamesResponse node
nodes = @doc.find('//ns:getManufacturerNamesResponse', 'ns:http://services.somewhere.com')
assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
# Get IdAndName node
nodes = @doc.find('/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns0:getManufacturerNamesResponse/ns0:IDAndNameList/ns1:IdAndName',
['ns0:http://services.somewhere.com', 'ns1:http://domain.somewhere.com'])
assert_equal(3, nodes.length)
def test_default_ns3
# Find all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
nodes = @doc.find('//ns:*', 'ns' => 'http://services.somewhere.com')
assert_equal(2, nodes.length)
assert_equal('getManufacturerNamesResponse', nodes[0].name)
assert_equal('IDAndNameList', nodes[1].name)
# def test_default_ns4
# # Find all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
# nodes = @doc.find('//ns:*', :ns => 'http://services.somewhere.com')
# assert_equal(2, nodes.length)
# assert_equal('getManufacturerNamesResponse', nodes[0].name)
# assert_equal('IDAndNameList', nodes[1].name)
# end
# def test_default_ns5
# # Find all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
# XML::Namespace.new(@doc.root, 'ns', 'http://services.somewhere.com')
# nodes = @doc.find('//ns:*')
# assert_equal(2, nodes.length)
# assert_equal('getManufacturerNamesResponse', nodes[0].name)
# assert_equal('IDAndNameList', nodes[1].name)
# end
# def test_attribute_ns
# # Pull all nodes with http://services.somewhere.com namespace
# nodes = @doc.find('@soap:encodingStyle')
# assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
# assert_equal('encodingStyle', nodes.first.name)
# assert_equal('http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-encoding', nodes.first.value)
# end
# def test_register_default_ns
# doc = XML::Document.file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/atom.xml'))
# # No namespace has been yet defined
# assert_raise(XML::Error) do
# node = doc.find("atom:title")
# end
# node = doc.find('atom:title', 'atom:http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
# assert_not_nil(node)
# # Register namespace
# doc.root.namespaces.default_prefix = 'atom'
# node = doc.find("atom:title")
# assert_not_nil(node)
# end
# def test_node_find
# nodes = @doc.find('//ns1:IdAndName', 'ns1:http://domain.somewhere.com')
# node = nodes.first
# # Since we are searching on the node, don't have to register namespace
# nodes = node.find('ns1:name')
# assert_equal(1, nodes.length)
# assert_equal(nodes.first.object_id, nodes.last.object_id, 'First and last should be the same')
# assert_equal('name', nodes.first.name)
# assert_equal('man1', nodes.first.content)
# end
# def test_node_find_first
# node = @doc.find_first('//ns1:IdAndName', 'ns1:http://domain.somewhere.com')
# # Since we are searching on the node, don't have to register namespace
# node = node.find_first('ns1:name')
# assert_equal('name', node.name)
# assert_equal('man1', node.content)
# end
# def test_node_no_doc
# node = XML::Node.new('header', 'some content')
# assert_raise(TypeError) do
# node = node.find_first('/header')
# end
# end
# def test_memory
# # This sometimes causes a segmentation fault because
# # an xml document is sometimes freed before the
# # xpath_object used to query it. When the xpath_object
# # is free, it iterates over its results which are pointers
# # to the document's nodes. A segmentation fault then happens.
# 1000.times do
# doc = XML::Document.new('1.0')
# doc.root = XML::Node.new("header")
# 1000.times do
# doc.root << XML::Node.new("footer")
# end
# nodes = doc.find('/header/footer')
# end
# end
# # Test that document doesn't get freed before nodes
# def test_xpath_free
# doc = XML::Document.file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'model/soap.xml'))
# nodes = doc.find('//*')
# GC.start
# assert_equal('Envelope', nodes.first.name)
# end
# def test_xpath_namespace_nodes
# doc = XML::Document.string('
Welcome to XHTML land!
') # nodes = doc.find("//object/param[translate(@name, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = 'wmode']") # assert_not_nil nodes # end # # def test_invalid_expression # xml = LibXML::XML::Document.string('') # # # Using the expression twice used to cause a Segmentation Fault # error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do # xml.find('//a/') # end # assert_equal("Error: Invalid expression.", error.to_s) # # # Try again - this used to cause a Segmentation Fault # error = assert_raise(XML::Error) do # xml.find('//a/') # end # assert_equal("Error: Invalid expression.", error.to_s) # end end