class Onceover class Beaker # WARNING: All of this functionality is deprecated. It will be left around # until there is something to replace it, but don't rely on it def self.facts_to_vagrant_box(facts) warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" # Gets the most similar vagrant box to the facts set provided, will accept a single fact # se or an array if facts.is_a?(Array) returnval = [] facts.each do |fact| returnval << self.facts_to_vagrant_box(fact) end return returnval end begin if facts['os']['distro']['id'] == 'Ubuntu' os = 'ubuntu' version = facts['os']['distro']['release']['major'] end rescue # Do nothing, this is the easiest way to handle the hash bing in different formats end begin if facts['os']['distro']['id'] == 'Debian' os = 'Debian' version = facts['os']['distro']['release']['full'] end rescue # Do nothing end begin if facts['os']['family'] == "RedHat" os = 'centos' version = "#{facts['os']['release']['major']}.#{facts['os']['release']['minor']}" end rescue # Do nothing end return "UNKNOWN" unless os.is_a?(String) if facts['os']['architecture'] =~ /64/ arch = '64' else arch = '32' end "puppetlabs/#{os}-#{version}-#{arch}-puppet" end # This will take a fact set and return the beaker platform of that machine # This is necissary as beaker needs the platform set up correctly to know which # commands to run when we do stuff. Personally I would prefer beaker to detect the # platform as it would not be that hard, especially once puppet is installed, oh well. def self.facts_to_platform(facts) warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" if facts.is_a?(Array) returnval = [] facts.each do |fact| returnval << self.facts_to_platform(fact) end return returnval end begin if facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' platform = 'el' version = facts['os']['release']['major'] end rescue # Do nothing, this is the easiest way to handle the hash being in different formats end begin if facts['os']['distro']['id'] == 'Ubuntu' platform = 'ubuntu' version = facts['os']['distro']['release']['major'] end rescue # Do nothing, this is the easiest way to handle the hash being in different formats end begin if facts['os']['distro']['id'] == 'Debian' platform = 'debian' version = facts['os']['distro']['release']['full'] end rescue # Do nothing end if facts['os']['architecture'] =~ /64/ arch = '64' else arch = '32' end "#{platform}-#{version}-#{arch}" end # This little method will deploy a Controlrepo object to a host, just using r10k deploy def self.deploy_controlrepo_on(host, repo = warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" require 'beaker-rspec' require 'onceover/controlrepo' if host.is_a?(Array) hosts.each do |single_host| deploy_controlrepo_on(single_host) end end # Use a beaker helper to do the install (*nix only) install_r10k_on(host) # Use beaker to install git host.install_package('git') # copy the file over to the host (Maybe I should be changing the directory here??) scp_to(host, repo.r10k_config_file, '/tmp/r10k.yaml') # Do an r10k deploy r10k_deploy(host, { :puppetfile => true, :configfile => '/tmp/r10k.yaml', }) end # This actually provisions a node and checks that puppet will be able to run and # be idempotent. It hacks the beaker NetworkManager object to do this. The reason # is that beaker is designed to run in the following order: # 1. Spin up nodes # 2. Run all tests # 3. Kill all nodes # # This is not helpful for us. We want to be able to test all of our classes on # all of our nodes, this could be a lot of vms and having them all running at once # would be a real kick in the dick for whatever system was running it. def self.provision_and_test(host,puppet_class,opts = {}, repo = warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" opts = {:runs_before_idempotency => 1}.merge(opts) opts = {:check_idempotency => true}.merge(opts) opts = {:deploy_controlrepo => true}.merge(opts) raise "Hosts must be a single host object, not an array" if host.is_a?(Array) raise "Class must be a single Class [String], not an array" unless puppet_class.is_a?(String) # Create our own NWM object that we are going to interact with # Note here that 'options', 'logger' and are exposed within the rspec tests # if this is run outside of that context it will fail network_manager =,logger) # Hack the network manager to smash our host in there without provisioning network_manager.instance_variable_set(:@hosts,[host]) # Now that we have a working network manager object, we can provision, but only if # we need to, ahhh smart... unless host.up? network_manager.provision network_manager.proxy_package_manager network_manager.validate network_manager.configure end # Actually run the tests manifest = "include #{puppet_class}" opts[:runs_before_idempotency].times do apply_manifest_on(host, manifest, {:catch_failures => true}) end if opts[:check_idempotency] apply_manifest_on(host, manifest, {:catch_changes => true}) end network_manager.cleanup end def self.match_indentation(test,logger) warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" logger.line_prefix = ' ' * (test.metadata[:scoped_id].split(':').count - 1) end def self.host_create(name, nodes) warn "[DEPRECATION] #{__method__} is deprecated due to the removal of Beaker" require 'beaker/network_manager' current_opts = {} nodes.each do |opt,val| if opt == :HOSTS val.each do |k,v| if k == name current_opts[:HOSTS] = {k => v} end end else current_opts[opt] = val end end # I copied this code off the internet, basically it allows us # to refer to each key as either a string or an object current_opts.default_proc = proc do |h, k| case k when String then sym = k.to_sym; h[sym] if h.key?(sym) when Symbol then str = k.to_s; h[str] if h.key?(str) end end @nwm =,logger) @nwm.provision @nwm.proxy_package_manager @nwm.validate @nwm.configure @nwm.instance_variable_get(:@hosts).each do |host| host.instance_variable_set(:@nwm,@nwm) host.define_singleton_method(:down!) do @nwm.cleanup end end raise "The networkmanager created too many machines! Only expecting one" if hosts.count > 1 @nwm.instance_variable_get(:@hosts)[0] end end end