require 'pp' Shindo.tests('Fog::Database[oraclecloud] | database requests', 'database') do tests("#database-create", "create") do db = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.create( :service_name => 'TestDB', :description => 'A new database', :edition => 'SE', :ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAkNNQ4ri2oUW46mBO/4CHMGCOALciumwGvFEMDLGNnlDbUSqU4IRrqgj+znLClfb29Oer0devdarM6DilsZVgZ2YbI5ZD5vICR/O9J0c28dArwbtFeIjcV2TCWyj5xKEXF1r+OrJMexHQa0fW1URGrU8QODpJNC/9eCVGcEXddL31xTZYpjoVOCVx66kNa6lSHEVV3T4zaCby9Oe5QI4gZe1+xyxHPNEW5wogwS3dlKSyL2CfBP0aUKOmJ5Nrl8+y0GqJQXdGjZ9FIknmwWueRW/6qPQvZocjOZ8YiPZgAP0RNy6lL+u8mnAazj/mrEdmB5QUzpDAllIr5Tn/xaddZQ==', :shape => 'oc3', :version => '', :backup_destination => 'NONE', :admin_password => 'password123', :usable_storage => '15' ) test "can create a database" do db.is_a? Fog::OracleCloud::Database::Instance end test "is being built" do !db.ready? end db.wait_for { ready? } test "is built" do db.ready? db.shape == 'oc3' end test "scale up instance" do db.scale('oc4') db.wait_for { ready? } db.shape == 'oc4' end test "can add extra storage" do db.add_storage(1) db.wait_for { ready? } db.ready? end test "can expand storage" do db.expand_storage(1) db.wait_for { ready? } db.ready? db.expand_storage(1, 'backup') db.wait_for { ready? } db.ready? end end tests('#database-read') do instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances test "returns an Array" do instances.is_a? Array end test "should return records" do instances.size >= 1 end test "should return a valid name" do instances.first.service_name.is_a? String end instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.get(instances.first.service_name) test "should return an instance" do instance.service_name.is_a? String end servers = instance.servers test "should have compute nodes" do servers.is_a? Array servers.size >= 1 servers.first.status.is_a? String end test "has special attributes" do instance.failover_database == 'no' end end tests("#database-backups-create", "create") do instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.first instance.backup() test "backup created" do backups = instance.backups backups.is_a? Array backups.first.wait_for { completed? } backups.first.completed? end end tests("#database-backups", "backups") do instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.first backups = instance.backups test "should have backups" do backups.is_a? Array end if backups.size >= 1 then test "one of them should have completed" do backups.size >= 1 backups.first.completed? end end end tests("#database-recoveries-create", "create") do instance = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.first tag = instance.backups.first.db_tag instance.recover('tag', tag) recoveries = instance.recoveries test "can recover by tag" do recoveries.is_a? Array rec = recoveries.find {|r| r.db_tag == tag} rec.is_a? Fog::OracleCloud::Database::Recovery rec.wait_for { completed? } rec.recovery_complete_date.is_a? String end test "can recover by latest" do instance.recover_latest() rec = instance.recoveries.find {|r| !r.latest.nil? } rec.is_a? Fog::OracleCloud::Database::Recovery rec.latest rec.wait_for { completed? } rec.recovery_complete_date.is_a? String end test "can recover by timestamp" do time = instance.recover('timestamp', time) rec = instance.recoveries.find {|r| !r.latest.nil? } rec.is_a? Fog::OracleCloud::Database::Recovery rec.timestamp == time rec.wait_for { completed? } rec.recovery_complete_date.is_a? String end # Need to test SCN. Not sure how to mock test this? end tests("#database-recoveries", "recoveries") do instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances recs = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].recoveries.all(instances.first.service_name) test "might have recoveries" do recs.is_a? Array end if recs.size >= 1 then test "one of them should have completed" do recs.first.completed? end end end tests("#database-snapshots-create", "create") do instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances snap = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].snapshots.create( :name => 'TestSnapshot', :description => 'A new snapshot', :database_id => instances.first.service_name ) test "can create a snapshot" do snap.is_a? Fog::OracleCloud::Database::Snapshot end test "is being built" do !snap.completed? end snap.wait_for { completed? } test "is built" do snap.completed? end end tests("#database-snapshots", "snapshots") do instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances snaps = instances.first.snapshots test "might have snapshots" do snaps.is_a? Array end if snaps.size >= 1 then test "one of them should have completed" do snaps.first.completed? end test "can get snapshot" do snap = instances.first.get_snapshot( String snap.cloned_services.is_a? Array snap.cloned_services.first['clonedServiceName'].is_a? String end end end tests("#database-shapshots-delete", "create") do db = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.get('TestDB') snap = db.snapshots.first snap.destroy() snap.wait_for { deleting? } tests("should actually delete snapshot").raises(Fog::OracleCloud::Database::NotFound) do snap.wait_for { status == 'Stopped' } end end tests("database-patches") do instances = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances patches = instances.first.patches test "should have patches" do patches.is_a? Array end if patches.size >= 1 then test "has a patch id" do String end end end tests("#database-delete", "create") do db = Fog::OracleCloud[:database].instances.get('TestDB') db.destroy() db.wait_for { stopping? } tests("should actually delete instance").raises(Fog::OracleCloud::Database::NotFound) do db.wait_for { stopped? } end end end