], function(
var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({
assetRoot : 'public/', // just a reference for asset url config
intervalDiviser : 4, // used for dynamically reducing x-axis label markers
infiniteTimes : [], // save infinite data in our graphData object
infiniteLabels : [],
infiniteTimesInt : [],
* BaseView#addHelpers()
addHelpers : function() {
Handlebars.registerHelper('nl2br', function(text) {
var nl2br = (text + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + '
' + '$2');
return new Handlebars.SafeString(nl2br);
* BaseView#destroySubscriptions()
destroySubscriptions : function () {
for (sub in this.subscriptions) {
Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe(sub, this[this.subscriptions[sub]], this);
* BaseView#drawAsInfinite(key) -> Boolean|Null
drawAsInfinite : function (key) {
var match = key.match(/^drawAsInfinite\((.*)\)$/);
if (match) {
return _.last(match);
} else {
return null;
* BaseView#formatGraphData(graphData) -> Object
* - graphData (Object): payload containing graph data, output, status
* from the /monitors route
* This method splits out coordinate data into 2 linear arrays keyed to
* the specific metrics. This makes it easier for high charts to consume
* the data and graph it. The old data key/value pairs are stored in the
* graphite key under the metrics queue created by the metrics field in
* the setmetrics.hbs template.
formatGraphData : function( graphData ) {
var formattedGraphData = _.reduce(_.keys(graphData), (function(accum, key) {
var graphiteDataRaw = graphData[key];
graphData[key] = {};
graphData[key].graphite = graphiteDataRaw;
graphData[key].xInt = [];
graphData[key].x = [];
graphData[key].y = [];
_.each(graphData[key].graphite, function(dataPair) {
// NOTE : non standardized date data coming from database, sometimes 13 digits sometimes 10
// in this case 10
graphData[key].x.push( new XDate(dataPair[0] * 1000).toUTCString("HH:mm") );
graphData[key].y.push( dataPair[1] );
graphData[key].xInt.push( dataPair[0] );
return graphData;
}), []);
return formattedGraphData;
focusFirst : function() {
* BaseView#initGraph(el) -> Object
* - el (Element): container element for graph
* Just sets up a high chart for any given element container.
initGraph : function(el) {
var self = this;
self.chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
exporting : {
buttons : {
exportButton : {
enabled : false
printButton : {
enabled : false
credits: {
enabled : false
chart: {
zoomType : 'x',
spacingRight : 24,
animation : true,
renderTo : el,
type : 'line',
borderRadius : 3,
backgroundColor : {
stops: [
[0, 'rgb(16, 16, 16)'],
[1, 'rgb(16, 16, 16)']
title : {
text : null
xAxis : {
minTickInterval : this,
title : {
text : null
yAxis : {
title : {
text : null
plotOptions: {
column: {
animation: true
series: {
animation : false,
marker: {
enabled: false
tooltip : {
animation : true
return self.chart;
* BaseView#keyOrder(hash) -> Array
* - hash : a hash of values
* Just getting a list of alphabetically sorted hash keys.
keyOrder : function(hash) {
var self = this,
keys = [];
keys = _.keys(hash);
keys = _.sortBy(keys, function (key) {
return key.toLowerCase();
return keys;
* BaseView#_renderGraphData(chart, graphData)
* - chart (Object): HighChart object
* - graphData (Object): formatted graph data object
* Adds the right data sets to the given chart.
renderGraphData : function(chart, graphData) {
var self = this,
renderData = graphData,
times = [],
colors = [ // creating an array to a series color scheme to stay consistant between updates from the server
// clear out previous data series
while (chart.series.length > 0) {
// remove all existing plot lines
self.infiniteTimes = [];
self.infiniteTimesInt = [];
self.infiniteLabels = [];
_.each(graphData, function(dataSet, key) {
if ( self.drawAsInfinite(key) ) {
var drawAsInfiniteTimes = [],
drawAsInfiniteIntTimes = [];
// check for time plots where defineAsInfinite is enabled
for (var i = 0; i < dataSet.xInt.length; i++) {
if (dataSet.y[i]) {
delete graphData[key];
// go by alpha sorted key order for graph rendering color/label consistancy
var sortedGraphDataKeys = self.keyOrder(graphData);
// index of array for position placement for drawAsInfinite method
for (var i = 0; i < sortedGraphDataKeys.length; i++) {
var dataSet = graphData[sortedGraphDataKeys[i]];
chart.xAxis[0].setCategories( dataSet.x );
chart.xAxis[0].options.tickInterval = parseInt((dataSet.x.length / self.intervalDiviser), 10);
chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(null, null);
name : sortedGraphDataKeys[i],
data : dataSet.y,
animation : false,
color : colors[i]
// keep track of x time intervals for each group combined
// in order to have a complete list of x data points
times = _.union(times, dataSet.xInt);
// check to see that there are any infinite lines to plot
if ( self.infiniteTimes.length ) {
var infinitesLength = self.infiniteTimes.length - 1;
for (var i = infinitesLength; i >= 0; i--) {
var infiniteTimesPlots = self.infiniteTimesInt[i];
if ( infiniteTimesPlots.length ) {
for (var j = 0; j < infiniteTimesPlots.length; j++) {
// check the position in the time array to place the plot
var timeIndex = _.sortedIndex(times, infiniteTimesPlots[j]);
if (!_.isNull(timeIndex)) {
id : 'plotLine',
value : timeIndex,
color : 'green',
dashStyle : 'shortdash',
width : 2,
label : {
text : self.infiniteLabels[i],
style : {
color : '#ccc'
* BaseView#formatServerDateTime(value) -> Date Obj
* - value (String|Int): Can't rely always rely on date format being given to the front end
* - utc (Boolean): UTC time format flag
* This is a centralized method simply for detecting the date format from the service architecture,
* where some systems may use a 13 digit timestamp and others a 10, etc. This method should make
* things easier to change wholesale in the future if needed.
formatServerDateTime : function(value, utc) {
var serverDateLength = value.toString().length;
return ( serverDateLength == 10 ) ? new XDate( parseInt(value, 10) * 1000, utc ) : new XDate( parseInt(value, 10), utc );
* BaseView#parseAlertKeys(value) -> Array
* - value (String): INput string to parse
* This method is used to parse a string delimited by spaces, commas, or newlines
parseAlertKeys : function(value) {
var parsed = [];
var fragments = value.split('\n');
_.each(fragments, function(frag) {
parsed.push(_.str.words(frag, /([ \,])/));
// assure a one dimensional array
parsed = _.flatten(parsed);
// filter out non valid alert keys
parsed = _.filter(parsed, function(str) {
// no blank values and no commas
return !_.str.isBlank(str) && ( str !== ',' );
return parsed;
resizeModal : function($modal, size, ignoreHeight) {
var width = $(window).width(),
height = $(window).height(),
widthMultiplier = 0.6,
heightMultiplier = 0.8;
switch(size) {
case 'small' :
widthMultipler = 0.3; break;
case 'medium' :
widthMultipler = 0.6; break;
case 'large' :
widthMultipler = 0.9; break;
default :
widthMultipler = 0.6;
width : width * widthMultipler,
marginLeft : -(width * (widthMultipler / 2))
if (!ignoreHeight) {
height : height * heightMultiplier
maxHeight : (height * heightMultiplier) - 140,
height : (height * heightMultiplier) - 149
$modal.each(function () {
marginTop: -($(this).height() / 2),
// add a class to add other styling to
$modal.addClass('modal-' + size);
return {
height : $modal.height(),
width : $modal.width(),
body : {
height : $modal.find('.modal-body').height(),
width : $modal.find('.modal-body').width()
/** internal
* BaseView#_processRadioControl(collection[, defaults]) -> String
* - collection (Object): Element collection
* - defaults (String): if empty collection, return defaulted string
* Simply used to process bootstrap button groups and find what is
* currently selected. Buttons require data-value attributes to set
* selected value.
_processRadioControl : function(collection, defaults) {
var activeValues =, function(el) {
return $(el).attr('data-value');
if ( activeValues.length > 0 ) {
return activeValues.join(',');
} else if ( !defaults ) {
return '';
} else {
return defaults;
/** internal
* BaseView#_createCronExpr() -> String
* Used to set up cron expression from the schedulemonitor.hbs view
_createCronExpr : function() {
var self = this;
// cron syntax eg. 0 * * * * ?
return [
0, // self.$el.find('#inputSeconds').val()
self._processRadioControl(self.$el.find('.month-picker'), '*'),
self._processRadioControl(self.$el.find('.day-picker'), '?')
].join(' ');
* BaseView#showOverlay(el, text, class) -> Element
showOverlay : function(el, text, className) {
var self = this;
el = $(el);
if ( !self.overlay ) {
var className = ( className ) ? className : '';
self.overlay = $("