require 'spec_helper' describe BaseCRM::SyncService do let(:device_uuid) { '6dadcec8-6e61-4691-b318-1aab27b8fecf' } let(:session_id) { '29f2aeeb-8d68-4ea7-95c3-a2c8e151f5a3' } describe 'Responds to' do subject { } it { should respond_to :start } it { should respond_to :ack } it { should respond_to :fetch } end describe 'Client respond to' do subject { client } it { should respond_to :sync } end describe 'Client#sync' do it 'returns BaseCRM::SyncService instance' do expect(client.sync).to be_a BaseCRM::SyncService end end describe :start do describe 'validation' do context 'device_uuid is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.start(nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'device_uuid is empty' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.start(" ") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context 'nothing new to fetch' do let(:http_response) do [204, {}, nil] end it 'returns nil' do expect(client.http_client).to receive(:post).with('/sync/start', {}, {'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID' => device_uuid}).and_return(http_response) expect(client.sync.start(device_uuid)).to be_nil end end context 'we have to data to synchronize' do let(:payload) do { data: { id: session_id, queues: [ data: { name: 'main', pages: 1, total_count: 2 }, meta: { type: :sync_queue } ] }, meta: { type: :sync_session } } end let(:http_response) do [201, {}, payload] end before :each do expect(client.http_client).to receive(:post).with('/sync/start', {}, {'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID' => device_uuid}).and_return(http_response) end it 'returns an instance of BaseCRM::SyncSession' do expect(client.sync.start(device_uuid)).to be_an BaseCRM::SyncSession end it "flattens BaseCRM::SyncSession's queues" do client.sync.start(device_uuid).queues.each do |queue| expect(queue).to be_an BaseCRM::SyncQueue end end end end describe :ack do let(:http_response) do [202, {}, nil] end let(:ack_keys) do ['User-1234-1', 'Source-1234-1'] end describe 'validation' do context 'device_uuid is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.ack(nil, ack_keys) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'device_uuid is empty' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.ack(" ", ack_keys) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'ack_keys is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.ack(device_uuid, nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'ack_keys is not an Array' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.ack(device_uuid, {}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context 'empty ack_keys array' do let(:ack_keys) do [] end it 'returns imedieatly with true value' do expect(client.http_client).not_to receive(:post) expect(client.sync.ack(device_uuid, ack_keys)).to eq(true) end end context 'non empty ack_keys call' do it 'returns true value' do expect(client.http_client).to receive(:post).with('/sync/ack', {ack_keys: ack_keys}, {'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID' => device_uuid}).and_return(http_response) expect(client.sync.ack(device_uuid, ack_keys)).to eq(true) end end end describe :fetch do context 'validation' do context 'device_uuid is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(nil, session_id) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'device_uuid is empty' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(" ", session_id) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'session_id is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'session_id is empty' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, ' ') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'queue names is nil' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id, nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'queue names is empty' do it 'raises ArgumentError exception' do expect { client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id, ' ') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end context 'no more data to fetch' do let(:http_response) do [204, {}, nil] end it 'returns an empty array' do expect(client.http_client).to receive(:get).with("/sync/#{session_id}/queues/main", {}, {'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID' => device_uuid}).and_return(http_response) expect(client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id)).to eq([]) end end context 'there is still data in the main queue' do let(:payload) do { items: [ { data: { id: 1 }, meta: { type: 'user', sync: { event_type: 'created', ack_key: 'User-123-1', revision: 1 } } }, { data: { id: 1 }, meta: { type: 'source', sync: { event_type: 'created', ack_key: 'Source-123-1', revision: 1 } } } ], meta: { type: 'collection', count: 2, count_left: 0 } } end let(:http_response) do [200, {}, payload] end before :each do expect(client.http_client).to receive(:get).with("/sync/#{session_id}/queues/main", {}, {'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID' => device_uuid}).and_return(http_response) end it 'returns an array' do expect(client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id)).to be_an Array end it 'returns a non empty array' do expect(client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id)).not_to be_empty end it 'returns an array of two items' do expect(client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id).length).to eq(2) end it 'returns an array of arrays' do client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id).each do |item| expect(item).to be_an Array expect(item).not_to be_empty expect(item.length).to eq(2) end end it 'returns an array where the first element is BaseCRM::SyncMeta and the second is a model' do items = client.sync.fetch(device_uuid, session_id) sync_meta, user = items[0] expect(sync_meta).to be_a BaseCRM::SyncMeta expect(user).to be_a BaseCRM::User expect(sync_meta.ack_key).to eq('User-123-1') expect( eq(1) sync_meta, source = items[1] expect(sync_meta).to be_a BaseCRM::SyncMeta expect(source).to be_a BaseCRM::Source expect(sync_meta.ack_key).to eq('Source-123-1') expect( eq(1) end end end end