# For complete Aruba step listing see: # lib/aruba/cucumber.rb # or https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/aruba/blob/master/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb Feature: Executing commands In order to test a running local system As an administrator I want to use Aruba steps to run commands and test output Background: Given that "cuken/cmd" has been required Scenario: Check Stdout When I run `echo 'i like cheese'` Then the stdout from "echo 'i like cheese'" should contain "i like cheese" Scenario: Check Stderr When I run `some_error` Then the stderr from "some_error" should contain "No such file or directory - some_error" Scenario: Check Stdout for multiple lines When I run `echo 'one\none\none\n'` Then the output should contain: """ one one one """ Scenario: Check exit code When I run `true` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Check exit code When I run `false` Then the exit status should be 1