Skyline.Dialog = new Class({ Implements: [Options,Events], options : { width: 200, height: 200, blocker : Skyline.Blocker, blockerOpacity : 0.5 }, initialize: function(options){ this.setOptions({blocker : Skyline.Blocker}); // Doesn't work in the options above 'cause of load order this.setOptions(options); // Prebind position event. this._onPosition = this._position.bind(this); this._create(); }, /* Function: update(content) Updates the content window with HTML. */ update: function(content){ this.setContent(content); }, /* Function: show() Show the window */ show : function(){; this.windowEl.setStyle("display", "block"); var sizes = this.getSize(); this.titleBarEl.setStyle("width",sizes.x); this._position(); this._attachEvents(); this.focus(); }, hide : function(){ this.windowEl.setStyle("display", "none"); }, close : function(){ this.options.blocker.hide(); this.hide(); this._detachEvents(); this.fireEvent("close"); if(Skyline.Dialog.current == this){ Skyline.Dialog.current = null; } }, destroy : function(){ this.windowEl.dispose(); }, focus : function(){ this.fireEvent("focus"); Skyline.Dialog.current = this; // TODO }, setTitle : function(title){ this.title = true; this.titleEl.set("html",title); }, setContent : function(content){ this.content = true; if($type(content) == "element"){ this.contentEl.empty(); this.contentEl.adopt(content); } else { this.contentEl.set("html",content); content.stripScripts(true); } }, getSize : function(){ return this.contentEl.getSize(); }, setup : function(){ if(this.options.width){ this.contentEl.setStyle("width",this.options.width); } if(this.options.height){ this.contentEl.setStyle("height",this.options.height); } }, // Internal methods _attachEvents : function(){ // Dragging this.drag = new Drag.Move(this.windowEl,{ handle: this.titleBarEl, snap: 2 }); this.drag.addEvent("complete", function(){ var pos = this.windowEl.getPosition(); this.windowPos = { x : pos.x - window.getScrollLeft(), y : pos.y - window.getScrollTop() }; }.bind(this)); this.drag.addEvent("beforeStart", this._onBeforeStartDrag.bind(this)); // Window resize window.addEvents({scroll: this._onPosition, resize: this._onPosition}); // Close this.closeEl.addEvent("click", this.close.bind(this)); }, _detachEvents : function(){ this.closeEl.removeEvent("click",this.close.bind(this)); window.removeEvents({scroll: this._onPosition, resize: this._onPosition}); this.drag.detach(); }, _onBeforeStartDrag : function(){ var xLimit, yLimit, lScroll = window.getScrollLeft(), tScroll = window.getScrollTop(), size; size = this.windowEl.getSize(); xLimit = [lScroll,lScroll + window.getWidth() - size.x]; yLimit = [tScroll,tScroll + window.getHeight() - size.y]; this.drag.setOptions({ limit: {x: xLimit, y: yLimit} }); }, _position : function(){ var pos = {}; if(!this.windowPos){ var size = this.windowEl.getSize(); // Center the window = (window.getHeight() - size.y)/2; pos.left = (window.getWidth() - size.x)/2; } else { = this.windowPos.y; pos.left = this.windowPos.x; }; // Correct for scrolling = window.getScrollTop() +; pos.left = window.getScrollLeft() + pos.left; this.windowEl.setStyles(pos); }, //
// _create : function(){ this.windowEl = new Element("div", {"class" : "dialog"}); this.titleBarEl = new Element("div",{"class" : "inner"}); this.titleEl = new Element("span", {"class" : "title", "html": " "}); this.closeEl = new Element("a", {"class" : "close", "href" : "#", "html" : "X"}); this.contentEl = new Element("div", {"class" : "inner","html": " "}); this.windowEl.adopt( new Element("div", {"class" : "head"}).adopt( new Element("div",{"class" : "rightShadow"}).adopt( new Element("div",{"class" : "leftShadow"}).adopt( this.titleBarEl.adopt( this.titleEl, new Element("div",{"class" : "controls"}).adopt( this.closeEl ) ) ) ) ), new Element("div", {"class" : "body"}).adopt( new Element("div", {"class" : "shadow"}).adopt( this.contentEl.setProperty("class","inner") ) ), new Element("div", {"class" : "bottomShadow"}).adopt( new Element("div", {"class" : "leftShadow", "html" : " "}), new Element("div", {"class" : "middleShadow", "html" : " "}), new Element("div", {"class" : "rightShadow", "html" : " "}) ) ); this.windowEl.setStyle("display", "none"); this.windowEl.inject(document.body);"skyline.dialog",this); } }); Skyline.Blocker = { visible : false, // Pas in an opacity value for the background. show : function(opacity){ if(this.visible){ return false; } this.create(); this.element.setStyles({opacity: (opacity ? opacity : 0.8), display: "block"}); this.iframe.setStyle("display","block"); this.setup(true); this.visible = true; }, hide : function(){ if(!this.element){return false;} this.element.setStyle("display","none"); this.iframe.setStyle("display","none"); this.setup(false); this.visible = false; }, setup : function(open){ if (Browser.Engine.trident && !window.XmlHttpRequest || Browser.Engine.gecko && Browser.Engine.version <= 18){ // alert("going there"); var fn = open ? 'addEvent' : 'removeEvent'; window[fn]('scroll', this.setPositionEvent); window[fn]('resize', this.setPositionEvent); this.setPosition(); } }, // Set position and size to full window setPosition : function(){ var size = window.getSize(); var coords = {position: "absolute", top: window.getScrollTop(),left:window.getScrollLeft(), height: size.y , width: size.x}; this.element.setStyles(coords); this.iframe.setStyles(coords); }, create : function(){ if(!this.element){ this.element = new Element("div").setProperty('id', 'overlay').injectInside(document.body); // Pre-bind the function so we can use it as eventhandler this.setPositionEvent = this.setPosition.bind(this); this.iframe = new Element("iframe").setProperties({ id: "overlayiframe", src: "javascript:'';", marginwidth: 0, marginheight: 0, align: "bottom", scrolling: "no", frameborder: 0}).setStyles({ display: "none", filter: "alpha(opacity=0)" }); this.iframe.injectInside(document.body); this.element.injectInside(document.body); } } }; Skyline.RemoteDialog = new Class({ Extends: Skyline.Dialog, url: "", open : function(){ var req, url = this.url, t = this; if(arguments[0]){ url = arguments[0]; } this.setup();; this.setContent("Loading"); this.setTitle("Loading..."); req = new Request.HTML({url: url, method: "get", data : $H(this.params).toQueryString(), evalScripts : false}); req.addEvent("success",function(tree,elements,html,js){ t.setContent(html); $exec(js); this.fireEvent("loaded"); }.bind(this)); req.send(); } });