# Porting part of the code from bitcoin-ruby. see the license. # https://github.com/lian/bitcoin-ruby/blob/master/COPYING require 'tapyrus/version' require 'eventmachine' require 'ecdsa' require 'securerandom' require 'json' require 'ffi' require 'observer' require 'tmpdir' require_relative 'openassets' require_relative 'schnorr' module Tapyrus autoload :Ext, 'tapyrus/ext' autoload :Util, 'tapyrus/util' autoload :ChainParams, 'tapyrus/chain_params' autoload :Message, 'tapyrus/message' autoload :Logger, 'tapyrus/logger' autoload :Block, 'tapyrus/block' autoload :BlockHeader, 'tapyrus/block_header' autoload :Tx, 'tapyrus/tx' autoload :Script, 'tapyrus/script/script' autoload :Multisig, 'tapyrus/script/multisig' autoload :ScriptInterpreter, 'tapyrus/script/script_interpreter' autoload :ScriptError, 'tapyrus/script/script_error' autoload :TxChecker, 'tapyrus/script/tx_checker' autoload :TxIn, 'tapyrus/tx_in' autoload :TxOut, 'tapyrus/tx_out' autoload :OutPoint, 'tapyrus/out_point' autoload :MerkleTree, 'tapyrus/merkle_tree' autoload :Key, 'tapyrus/key' autoload :ExtKey, 'tapyrus/ext_key' autoload :ExtPubkey, 'tapyrus/ext_key' autoload :Opcodes, 'tapyrus/opcodes' autoload :Node, 'tapyrus/node' autoload :Base58, 'tapyrus/base58' autoload :Secp256k1, 'tapyrus/secp256k1' autoload :Mnemonic, 'tapyrus/mnemonic' autoload :ValidationState, 'tapyrus/validation' autoload :Network, 'tapyrus/network' autoload :Store, 'tapyrus/store' autoload :RPC, 'tapyrus/rpc' autoload :Wallet, 'tapyrus/wallet' autoload :BloomFilter, 'tapyrus/bloom_filter' autoload :KeyPath, 'tapyrus/key_path' autoload :SLIP39, 'tapyrus/slip39' autoload :Color, 'tapyrus/script/color' autoload :Errors, 'tapyrus/errors' autoload :TxBuilder, 'tapyrus/tx_builder' autoload :BIP175, 'tapyrus/bip175' require_relative 'tapyrus/constants' require_relative 'tapyrus/ext/ecdsa' extend Util @chain_param = :prod # set tapyrus network chain params def self.chain_params=(name) raise "chain params for #{name} is not defined." unless %i[prod dev].include?(name.to_sym) @current_chain = nil @chain_param = name.to_sym end # current tapyrus network chain params. def self.chain_params return @current_chain if @current_chain case @chain_param when :prod @current_chain = Tapyrus::ChainParams.prod when :dev @current_chain = Tapyrus::ChainParams.dev end @current_chain end # base dir path that store blockchain data and wallet data def self.base_dir "#{Dir.home}/.tapyrusrb/#{@chain_param}" end # get secp implementation module def self.secp_impl path = ENV['SECP256K1_LIB_PATH'] (path && File.exist?(path)) ? Tapyrus::Secp256k1::Native : Tapyrus::Secp256k1::Ruby end def self.hmac_sha512(key, data) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('SHA512'), key, data) end def self.hmac_sha256(key, data) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('SHA256'), key, data) end class ::String # binary convert to hex string def bth unpack('H*').first end # hex string convert to binary def htb [self].pack('H*') end # binary convert to integer def bti bth.to_i(16) end # reverse hex string endian def rhex htb.reverse.bth end # get opcode def opcode force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT).ord end def opcode? !pushdata? end def push_opcode? [Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA1, Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA2, Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA4].include?(opcode) end # whether data push only? def pushdata? opcode <= Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA4 && opcode > Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_0 end def pushed_data return nil unless pushdata? offset = 1 case opcode when Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA1 offset += 1 when Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA2 offset += 2 when Tapyrus::Opcodes::OP_PUSHDATA4 offset += 4 end self[offset..-1] end # whether value is hex or not hex # @return [Boolean] return true if data is hex def valid_hex? !self[/\H/] end end class ::Object def build_json self.is_a?(Array) ? "[#{self.map { |o| o.to_h.to_json }.join(',')}]" : to_h.to_json end def to_h return self if self.is_a?(String) instance_variables.inject({}) do |result, var| key = var.to_s key.slice!(0) if key.start_with?('@') value = instance_variable_get(var) value.is_a?(Array) ? result.update(key => value.map { |v| v.to_h }) : result.update(key => value) end end end class ::Integer def to_even_length_hex hex = to_s(16) hex.rjust((hex.length / 2.0).ceil * 2, '0') end def itb to_even_length_hex.htb end # convert bit string def to_bits(length = nil) length ? to_s(2).rjust(length, '0') : to_s(2) end end end