module ActiveFedora module RdfNode extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend ActiveSupport::Autoload include ActiveFedora::Rdf::NestedAttributes autoload :TermProxy # Mapping from URI to ruby class def self.rdf_registry @@rdf_registry ||= {} end # Comparison Operator # Checks that # * RDF subject id (URI) is same # * Class is the same # * Both objects reference the same RDF graph in memory def ==(other_object) self.class == other_object.class && == && self.graph.object_id == other_object.graph.object_id end ## # Get the subject for this rdf object def rdf_subject @subject ||= begin s = s &&= if s.is_a? String s end end def reset_rdf_subject! @subject = nil end def reset_child_cache! @target = {} end # @param [RDF::URI] subject the base node to start the search from # @param [Symbol] term the term to get the values for def get_values(subject, term) options = config_for_term_or_uri(term) @target ||= {} @target[term.to_s] ||=, subject, options) end def target_class(conf) ActiveFedora.class_from_string(conf.class_name, self.class) if conf.class_name end def mark_for_destruction @marked_for_destruction = true end def marked_for_destruction? @marked_for_destruction end def new_record= val @new_record = val end def new_record? @new_record end # if there are any existing statements with this predicate, replace them # @param [RDF::URI] subject the subject to insert into the graph # @param [Symbol, RDF::URI] term the term to insert into the graph # @param [Array,#to_s] values the value/values to insert into the graph def set_value(subject, term, values) options = config_for_term_or_uri(term) predicate = options.predicate values = Array(values) raise "can't modify frozen #{self.class}" if graph.frozen? remove_existing_values(subject, predicate, values) values.each do |arg| if arg.respond_to?(:rdf_subject) # an RdfObject graph.insert([subject, predicate, arg.rdf_subject ]) else arg = arg.to_s if arg.kind_of? RDF::Literal graph.insert([subject, predicate, arg]) end end @target ||= {} proxy = @target[term.to_s] proxy ||=, subject, options) proxy.reset! proxy end # Be careful with destroy. It will still be in the cache untill you call reset() def destroy # delete any statements about this rdf_subject subject = rdf_subject query = do pattern [subject, :predicate, :value] end query.execute(graph).each do |solution| graph.delete [subject, solution.predicate, solution.value] end # delete any statements that reference this rdf_subject query = do pattern [:subject, :predicate, subject] end query.execute(graph).each do |solution| graph.delete [solution.subject, solution.predicate, subject] end end # @option [Hash] values the values to assign to this rdf node. def attributes=(values) raise ArgumentError, "values must be a Hash, you provided #{values.class}" unless values.kind_of? Hash values.with_indifferent_access.each do |key, value| if self.class.config.keys.include?(key) set_value(rdf_subject, key, value) elsif{ |k| "#{k}_attributes"}.include?(key) send("#{key}=".to_sym, value) end end end def delete_predicate(subject, predicate, values = nil) predicate = find_predicate(predicate) unless predicate.kind_of? RDF::URI if values.nil? query = do pattern [subject, predicate, :value] end query.execute(graph).each do |solution| graph.delete [subject, predicate, solution.value] end else Array(values).each do |v| graph.delete [subject, predicate, v] end end reset_child_cache! end # append a value # @param [Symbol, RDF::URI] predicate the predicate to insert into the graph def append(subject, predicate, args) options = config_for_term_or_uri(predicate) graph.insert([subject, predicate, args]) end def insert_child(predicate, node) graph.insert([rdf_subject, predicate, node.rdf_subject]) end # In Rails 4 you can do "delegate :config_for_term_or_uri, :class", but in rails 3 it breaks. def config_for_term_or_uri(val) self.class.config_for_term_or_uri(val) end # @param [Symbol, RDF::URI] term predicate the predicate to insert into the graph def find_predicate(term) conf = config_for_term_or_uri(term) conf ? conf.predicate : nil end def query subject, predicate, &block predicate = find_predicate(predicate) unless predicate.kind_of? RDF::URI q = do pattern [subject, predicate, :value] end q.execute(graph, &block) end private def remove_existing_values(subject, predicate, values) if values.any? { |x| x.respond_to?(:rdf_subject)} values.each do |arg| if arg.respond_to?(:rdf_subject) # an RdfObject # can't just delete_predicate, have to delete the predicate with the class values_to_delete = find_values_with_class(subject, predicate, arg.class.rdf_type) delete_predicate(subject, predicate, values_to_delete) else delete_predicate(subject, predicate) end end else delete_predicate(subject, predicate) end end def find_values_with_class(subject, predicate, rdf_type) matching = [] query = do pattern [subject, predicate, :value] end query.execute(graph).each do |solution| if rdf_type query2 = do pattern [solution.value, RDF.type, rdf_type] end query2.execute(graph).each do |sol2| matching << solution.value end else matching << solution.value end end matching end class Builder def initialize(parent) @parent = parent @parent.create_node_accessor(:type) end def build(&block) yield self end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) args = args.first if args.respond_to? :first raise "mapping for '#{name}' must specify RDF vocabulary as :in argument" unless args.kind_of?(Hash) && args.has_key?(:in) vocab = args.delete(:in) field = args.delete(:to) {name}.to_sym raise "Vocabulary '#{vocab.inspect}' does not define property '#{field.inspect}'" unless vocab.respond_to? field @parent.config[name] =, vocab.send(field), args).tap do |config| config.with_index(&block) if block_given? end @parent.create_node_accessor(name) end end module ClassMethods def create_node_accessor(name) class_eval <<-eoruby, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(*args) set_value(rdf_subject, :#{name}, *args) end def #{name} get_values(rdf_subject, :#{name}) end eoruby end def config @config ||= if superclass.respond_to? :config superclass.config.dup else {}.with_indifferent_access end end # List of symbols representing the fields for this terminology. # ':type' is excluded because it represents RDF.type and is a fixed value # @see rdf_type def fields - [:type] end def map_predicates(&block) builder = &block end # Provide the value for the RDF.type of this node # @example # class Location # include ActiveFedora::RdfObject # rdf_type RDF::EbuCore.Location # end def rdf_type(uri_or_string=nil) if uri_or_string uri = uri_or_string.kind_of?(RDF::URI) ? uri_or_string : self.config[:type] =, RDF.type) @rdf_type = uri logger.warn "Duplicate RDF Class. Trying to register #{self} for #{uri} but it is already registered for #{ActiveFedora::RdfNode.rdf_registry[uri]}" if ActiveFedora::RdfNode.rdf_registry.key? uri ActiveFedora::RdfNode.rdf_registry[uri] = self end @rdf_type end def config_for_term_or_uri(term) case term when RDF::URI config.each { |k, v| return v if v.predicate == term} else config[term.to_sym] end end def config_for_predicate(predicate) config.each do |term, value| return term, value if value.predicate == predicate end return nil end ## # Register a ruby block that evaluates to the subject of the graph # By default, the block returns the current object's pid # @yield [ds] 'ds' is the datastream instance def rdf_subject &block if block_given? return @subject_block = block end # Create a B-node if they don't supply the rdf_subject @subject_block ||= lambda { |ds| } end end end end