== 0.4.2 2008-10-14 * 2 major enhancements: * Fixed bug with rails irb loading when RAILS_GEM_VERSION is different from installed rails * added StandardError#message_filters and StandardError#backtrace_filters to _not_ open vim for certain messages or backtrace matches TODO: Expose a method for adding filters == 0.4.1 2008-10-14 * 2 major enhancements: * Modified std_err_hooks.rb to know when the file loaded came from an in vim (loading buffer into irb). If so, it will just switch back to the screen window with the original file open, and move the cursor to the erroring line * Writing the file in /tmp/ now keeps SCREEN window number and full path intact (though coded) == 0.3.1 2008-10-13 * 2 major enhancements: * Added std_err_hooks.rb so that when on a console session, any errors encountered open up the files which errored in vim, with the cursor on the line which triggered the Exception * Tested on newgem, merb, and rails. Full working (with vim-only) == 0.2.1 2008-10-13 * 4 major enhancements: * Added keybinding in vim to load current vim buffer in irb and switch to it * Moved vim files to proper directories * Made a new ride-console script to make sure the debuuger (irb, window 1) opens properly for non-rails/non-newgem apps (works on merb!) * Added .irbrc == 0.0.1 2008-08-19 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release