require 'erb' require 'etc' require 'pathname' require 'securerandom' require 'shellwords' require 'time' # Object used for simplified communication SSH hosts # # @api private class OodCore::Job::Adapters::LinuxHost::Launcher attr_reader :contain, :debug, :site_timeout, :session_name_label, :singularity_bin, :site_singularity_bindpath, :default_singularity_image, :ssh_hosts, :strict_host_checking, :tmux_bin, :username # The root exception class that all LinuxHost adapter-specific exceptions inherit # from class Error < StandardError; end UNIT_SEPARATOR = "," # @param debug Whether the adapter should be used in debug mode # @param site_timeout [#to_i] A period after which the job should be killed or nil # @param singularity_bin Path to the Singularity executable # @param singularity_bindpath A comma delimited string of host paths to bindmount into the guest; sets SINGULARITY_BINDPATH environment variable # @param singularity_image [#to_s] Path to the Singularity image # @param ssh_hosts List of hosts to check when scanning for running jobs # @param strict_host_checking Allow SSH to perform strict host checking # @param submit_host The SSH-able host # @param tmux_bin [#to_s] Path to the tmux executable def initialize( contain: false, debug: false, site_timeout: nil, singularity_bin:, singularity_bindpath: '/etc,/media,/mnt,/opt,/run,/srv,/usr,/var,/users', singularity_image:, ssh_hosts:, strict_host_checking: false, submit_host:, tmux_bin:, **_ ) @contain = !! contain @debug = !! debug @site_timeout = site_timeout.to_i @session_name_label = 'launched-by-ondemand' @singularity_bin = @site_singularity_bindpath = singularity_bindpath.to_s @default_singularity_image = @ssh_hosts = ssh_hosts @strict_host_checking = strict_host_checking @submit_host = submit_host @tmux_bin = tmux_bin @username = Etc.getlogin end # @param hostname [#to_s] The hostname to submit the work to # @param script [OodCore::Job::Script] The script object defining the work def start_remote_session(script) cmd = ssh_cmd(submit_host(script), ['/usr/bin/env', 'bash']) session_name = unique_session_name output = call(*cmd, stdin: wrapped_script(script, session_name)) hostname = output.strip "#{session_name}@#{hostname}" end def stop_remote_session(session_name, hostname) cmd = ssh_cmd(hostname, ['/usr/bin/env', 'bash']) kill_cmd = <<~SCRIPT # Get the tmux pane PID for the target session pane_pid=$(tmux list-panes -aF '\#{session_name} \#{pane_pid}' | grep '#{session_name}' | cut -f 2 -d ' ') # Find the Singularity sinit PID child of the pane process pane_sinit_pid=$(pstree -p -l "$pane_pid" | grep -o 'sinit([[:digit:]]*' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*') # Kill sinit which stops both Singularity-based processes and the tmux session kill "$pane_sinit_pid" SCRIPT call(*cmd, stdin: kill_cmd) rescue Error => e interpret_and_raise(e) end def list_remote_sessions(host: nil) host_list = (host) ? [host] : ssh_hosts { |hostname| list_remote_tmux_session(hostname) }.flatten.sort_by { |hsh| hsh[:session_name] } end def submit_host(script = nil) if script && script.native && script.native['submit_host_override'] script.native['submit_host_override'] else @submit_host end end private # Call a forked Slurm command for a given cluster def call(cmd, *args, env: {}, stdin: "") args = env = env.to_h o, e, s = Open3.capture3(env, cmd, *args, stdin_data: stdin.to_s) s.success? ? o : raise(Error, e) end # The full command to ssh into the destination host and execute the command. # SSH options include: # -t Force pseudo-terminal allocation (required to allow tmux to run) # -o BatchMode=yes (set mode to be non-interactive) # if ! strict_host_checking # -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null (do not update the user's known hosts file) # -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no (do no check the user's known hosts file) # # @param destination_host [#to_s] the destination host you wish to ssh into # @param cmd [Array<#to_s>] the command to be executed on the destination host def ssh_cmd(destination_host, cmd) if strict_host_checking [ 'ssh', '-t', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', "#{username}@#{destination_host}" ].concat(cmd) else [ 'ssh', '-t', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', "#{username}@#{destination_host}" ].concat(cmd) end end def shell ENV['SHELL'] || '/bin/bash' end # Wraps a user-provided script into a Tmux invocation def wrapped_script(script, session_name) content = script.content unless user_script_has_shebang?(script) content = "#!#{shell}\n#{content}" end'templates/')) ).result(binding.tap {|bnd| { 'arguments' => script_arguments(script), 'cd_to_workdir' => (script.workdir) ? "cd #{script.workdir}" : '', 'contain' => (contain) ? '--contain' : '', 'debug' => debug, 'email_on_terminated' => script_email_on_event(script, 'terminated'), 'email_on_start' => script_email_on_event(script, 'started'), 'environment' => export_env(script), 'error_path' => error_path(script), 'job_name' => script.job_name.to_s, 'output_path' => (script.output_path) ? script.output_path.to_s : '/dev/null', 'script_content' => content, 'script_timeout' => script_timeout(script), 'session_name' => session_name, 'singularity_bin' => singularity_bin, 'singularity_image' => singularity_image(script.native), 'ssh_hosts' => ssh_hosts, 'tmux_bin' => tmux_bin, 'workdir' => (script.workdir) ? script.workdir.to_s : '/tmp', }.each{ |key, value| bnd.local_variable_set(key, value) } }) end # Generate the environment export block for this script def export_env(script) environment = script.job_environment (environment ? environment : {}).tap{ |hsh| hsh['SINGULARITY_BINDPATH'] = singularity_bindpath(script.native) }.map{ |key, value| "export #{key}=#{Shellwords.escape(value)}" }.sort.join("\n") end def singularity_image(native) if native && native[:singularity_container] return native[:singularity_container] end default_singularity_image end def singularity_bindpath(native) return site_singularity_bindpath unless native && native[:singularity_bindpath] native[:singularity_bindpath] end def script_timeout(script) wall_time = script.wall_time.to_i return site_timeout if wall_time == 0 return [wall_time, site_timeout].min unless site_timeout == 0 wall_time end def script_arguments(script) return '' unless script.args Shellwords.join(script.args) end def script_email_on_event(script, event) return false unless && script.send("email_on_#{event}")'templates/')) ).result(binding.tap {|bnd| { 'email_recipients' =>{|addr| Shellwords.escape(addr)}.join(', '), 'job_name' => (script.job_name) ? script.job_name : 'LinuxHost_Adapter_Job', 'job_status' => event }.each{ |key, value| bnd.local_variable_set(key, value) } }) end def unique_session_name "#{session_name_label}-#{SecureRandom.uuid}" end # List all Tmux sessions on destination_host started by this adapter # Additional tmux ls options available: def list_remote_tmux_session(destination_host) # Note that the tmux variable substitution looks like Ruby string sub, # these must either be single quoted strings or Ruby-string escaped as well format_str = Shellwords.escape( ['#{session_name}', '#{session_created}', '#{pane_pid}'].join(UNIT_SEPARATOR) ) keys = [:session_name, :session_created, :session_pid] cmd = ssh_cmd(destination_host, ['tmux', 'list-panes', '-aF', format_str]) call(*cmd).split( "\n" ).map do |line| Hash[].tap do |session_hash| session_hash[:destination_host] = destination_host session_hash[:id] = "#{session_hash[:session_name]}@#{destination_host}" end{ |session_hash| session_hash[:session_name].start_with?(session_name_label) } rescue Error => e interpret_and_raise(e) [] end def user_script_has_shebang?(script) return false if script.content.empty? script.content.split("\n").first.start_with?('#!/') end def error_path(script) return script.error_path.to_s if script.error_path return script.output_path.to_s if script.output_path '/dev/null' end # under some conditions tmux returns status code 1 but it's not an actual # error. These are when the session is not found or there are no sessions # at all. def interpret_and_raise(error) if error.message.include?('failed to connect to server') # no sessions in tmux 1.8 nil elsif error.message.include?('no server running on') # no sessions in tmux 2.7+ message nil else raise error end end end