require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' module Sass::Exec # The `sass-convert` executable. class SassConvert < Base # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments def initialize(args) super require 'sass' @options[:for_tree] = {} @options[:for_engine] = {:cache => false, :read_cache => true} end # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments. # # @param opts [OptionParser] def set_opts(opts) opts.banner = <<END Usage: sass-convert [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT] Description: Converts between CSS, indented syntax, and SCSS files. For example, this can convert from the indented syntax to SCSS, or from CSS to SCSS (adding appropriate nesting). END common_options(opts) style(opts) input_and_output(opts) miscellaneous(opts) end # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments, # and runs the CSS compiler appropriately. def process_result require 'sass' if @options[:recursive] process_directory return end super input = @options[:input] if raise "Error: '#{input.path}' is a directory (did you mean to use --recursive?)" end output = @options[:output] output = input if @options[:in_place] process_file(input, output) end private def common_options(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Common Options:' opts.on('-F', '--from FORMAT', 'The format to convert from. Can be css, scss, sass.', 'By default, this is inferred from the input filename.', 'If there is none, defaults to css.') do |name| @options[:from] = name.downcase.to_sym raise "sass-convert no longer supports LessCSS." if @options[:from] == :less unless [:css, :scss, :sass].include?(@options[:from]) raise "Unknown format for sass-convert --from: #{name}" end end opts.on('-T', '--to FORMAT', 'The format to convert to. Can be scss or sass.', 'By default, this is inferred from the output filename.', 'If there is none, defaults to sass.') do |name| @options[:to] = name.downcase.to_sym unless [:scss, :sass].include?(@options[:to]) raise "Unknown format for sass-convert --to: #{name}" end end opts.on('-i', '--in-place', 'Convert a file to its own syntax.', 'This can be used to update some deprecated syntax.') do @options[:in_place] = true end opts.on('-R', '--recursive', 'Convert all the files in a directory. Requires --from and --to.') do @options[:recursive] = true end opts.on("-?", "-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") do puts opts exit end opts.on("-v", "--version", "Print the Sass version.") do puts("Sass #{Sass.version[:string]}") exit end end def style(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Style:' opts.on('--dasherize', 'Convert underscores to dashes.') do @options[:for_tree][:dasherize] = true end opts.on('--indent NUM', 'How many spaces to use for each level of indentation. Defaults to 2.', '"t" means use hard tabs.') do |indent| if indent == 't' @options[:for_tree][:indent] = "\t" else @options[:for_tree][:indent] = " " * indent.to_i end end opts.on('--old', 'Output the old-style ":prop val" property syntax.', 'Only meaningful when generating Sass.') do @options[:for_tree][:old] = true end end def input_and_output(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Input and Output:' opts.on('-s', '--stdin', :NONE, 'Read input from standard input instead of an input file.', 'This is the default if no input file is specified. Requires --from.') do @options[:input] = $stdin end encoding_option(opts) opts.on('--unix-newlines', 'Use Unix-style newlines in written files.', ('Always true on Unix.' unless do @options[:unix_newlines] = true if end end def miscellaneous(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Miscellaneous:' opts.on('--cache-location PATH', 'The path to save parsed Sass files. Defaults to .sass-cache.') do |loc| @options[:for_engine][:cache_location] = loc end opts.on('-C', '--no-cache', "Don't cache to sassc files.") do @options[:for_engine][:read_cache] = false end opts.on('--trace', :NONE, 'Show a full Ruby stack trace on error') do @options[:trace] = true end end def process_directory unless @options[:input] = @args.shift raise "Error: directory required when using --recursive." end output = @options[:output] = @args.shift raise "Error: --from required when using --recursive." unless @options[:from] raise "Error: --to required when using --recursive." unless @options[:to] unless[:input]) raise "Error: '#{@options[:input]}' is not a directory" end if @options[:output] && File.exist?(@options[:output]) && ![:output]) raise "Error: '#{@options[:output]}' is not a directory" end @options[:output] ||= @options[:input] if @options[:to] == @options[:from] && !@options[:in_place] fmt = @options[:from] raise "Error: converting from #{fmt} to #{fmt} without --in-place" end ext = @options[:from] Sass::Util.glob("#{@options[:input]}/**/*.#{ext}") do |f| output = if @options[:in_place] f elsif @options[:output] output_name = f.gsub(/\.(c|sa|sc|le)ss$/, ".#{@options[:to]}") output_name[0...@options[:input].size] = @options[:output] output_name else f.gsub(/\.(c|sa|sc|le)ss$/, ".#{@options[:to]}") end unless puts_action :directory, :green, File.dirname(output) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output)) end puts_action :convert, :green, f if File.exist?(output) puts_action :overwrite, :yellow, output else puts_action :create, :green, output end process_file(f, output) end end def process_file(input, output) input_path, output_path = path_for(input), path_for(output) if input_path @options[:from] ||= case input_path when /\.scss$/; :scss when /\.sass$/; :sass when /\.less$/; raise "sass-convert no longer supports LessCSS." when /\.css$/; :css end elsif @options[:in_place] raise "Error: the --in-place option requires a filename." end if output_path @options[:to] ||= case output_path when /\.scss$/; :scss when /\.sass$/; :sass end end @options[:from] ||= :css @options[:to] ||= :sass @options[:for_engine][:syntax] = @options[:from] out = Sass::Util.silence_sass_warnings do if @options[:from] == :css require 'sass/css', @options[:for_tree]).render(@options[:to]) else if input_path Sass::Engine.for_file(input_path, @options[:for_engine]) else, @options[:for_engine]) end.to_tree.send("to_#{@options[:to]}", @options[:for_tree]) end end output = input_path if @options[:in_place] write_output(out, output) rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e raise e if @options[:trace] file = " of #{e.sass_filename}" if e.sass_filename raise "Error on line #{e.sass_line}#{file}: #{e.message}\n Use --trace for backtrace" rescue LoadError => err handle_load_error(err) end def path_for(file) return file.path if file.is_a?(File) return file if file.is_a?(String) end end end