module Katello class Provider < Katello::Model self.include_root_in_json = false include ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject include Glue::Provider include Glue REDHAT = 'Red Hat'.encode('utf-8') CUSTOM = 'Custom'.encode('utf-8') ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'.encode('utf-8') TYPES = [REDHAT, CUSTOM, ANONYMOUS] belongs_to :organization, :inverse_of => :providers, :class_name => "Organization" belongs_to :task_status, :inverse_of => :provider has_many :products, :class_name => "Katello::Product", :inverse_of => :provider, :dependent => :restrict_with_exception has_many :repositories, :through => :products validates_lengths_from_database validates :name, :uniqueness => {:scope => :organization_id} validates :provider_type, :inclusion => {:in => TYPES, :allow_blank => false, :message => "Please select provider type from one of the following: #{TYPES.join(', ')}."} validate :constraint_redhat_update validate :only_one_rhn_provider validates_with Validators::KatelloNameFormatValidator, :attributes => :name validates_with Validators::KatelloUrlFormatValidator, :if => :redhat_provider?, :attributes => [:repository_url] before_destroy :prevent_redhat_deletion before_validation :sanitize_repository_url scope :redhat, -> { where(:provider_type => REDHAT) } scope :custom, -> { where(:provider_type => CUSTOM) } scope :anonymous, -> { where(:provider_type => ANONYMOUS) } def self.create_anonymous!(organization) create!(:name => SecureRandom.uuid, :description => nil, :organization => organization, :provider_type => ANONYMOUS, :repository_url => nil) end def only_one_rhn_provider # validate only when new record is added (skip explicit valid? calls) if new_record? && provider_type == REDHAT && count_providers(REDHAT) != 0 errors.add(:base, _("Only one Red Hat provider permitted for an Organization")) end end def prevent_redhat_deletion if !being_deleted? && redhat_provider? Rails.logger.error _("Red Hat provider can not be deleted") false else # organization that is being deleted via background destroyer can delete rh provider true end end def constraint_redhat_update if !new_record? && redhat_provider? allowed_changes = %w(repository_url task_status_id) not_allowed_changes = changes.keys - allowed_changes unless not_allowed_changes.empty? errors.add(:base, _("the following attributes can not be updated for the Red Hat provider: [ %s ]") % not_allowed_changes.join(", ")) end end end def count_providers(type) Provider.where(:organization_id => self.organization_id, :provider_type => type).count(:id) end def yum_repo? provider_type == CUSTOM || provider_type == ANONYMOUS end def redhat_provider=(is_rh) is_rh ? REDHAT : ANONYMOUS # Anonymous is the now the default end def redhat_provider? provider_type == REDHAT end def custom_provider? provider_type == CUSTOM end def anonymous_provider? provider_type == ANONYMOUS end delegate :being_deleted?, to: :organization def serializable_hash(options = {}) options = {} if options.nil? hash = super(options) hash = hash.merge(:sync_state => self.sync_state, :last_sync => self.last_sync) hash end def available_releases releases = [] begin Util::CdnVarSubstitutor.with_cache do self.products.each do |product| cdn_var_substitutor =[:repository_url], :ssl_client_cert =>, :ssl_client_key => product.productContent.each do |pc| if url_to_releases = pc.content.contentUrl[/^.*\$releasever/] begin cdn_var_substitutor.substitute_vars(url_to_releases).each do |(substitutions, _path)| releases << Resources::CDN::Utils.parse_version(substitutions['releasever'])[:minor] end rescue Errors::SecurityViolation => e # Some products may not be accessible but these should not impact available releases available "Skipping unreadable product content: #{e}" end end end end end rescue => e raise _("Unable to retrieve release versions from Repository URL %{url}. Error message: %{error}") % {:url => self.repository_url, :error => e.to_s} end releases.uniq.sort end def manifest_task return task_status end def as_json(*args) super.merge('organization_label' => self.organization.label) end def total_products products.length end def total_repositories repositories.length end def related_resources self.organization end protected def sanitize_repository_url sanitize_url(:repository_url, SETTINGS[:katello][:redhat_repository_url]) end def sanitize_url(attrib, default_value) if redhat_provider? && self.send(attrib).blank? self.send("#{attrib}=", default_value) end if self.send(attrib) self.send(attrib).strip! end end end end