############################################## # String Comparison Algorithms ############################################## module BBLib # A simple rendition of the levenshtein distance algorithm def self.levenshtein_distance a, b costs = (0..b.length).to_a (1..a.length).each do |i| costs[0], nw = i, i - 1 (1..b.length).each do |j| costs[j], nw = [costs[j] + 1, costs[j-1] + 1, a[i-1] == b[j-1] ? nw : nw + 1].min, costs[j] end end costs[b.length] end # Calculates a percentage based match using the levenshtein distance algorithm def self.levenshtein_similarity a, b distance = BBLib.levenshtein_distance a, b max = [a.length, b.length].max.to_f return ((max - distance.to_f) / max) * 100.0 end # Calculates a percentage based match of two strings based on their character composition. def self.composition_similarity a, b if a.length <= b.length then t = a; a = b; b = t; end matches, temp = 0, b.dup a.chars.each do |c| if temp.chars.include? c matches+=1 temp = temp.sub(c, '') end end (matches / [a.length, b.length].max.to_f )* 100.0 end # Calculates a percentage based match between two strings based on the similarity of word matches. def self.phrase_similarity a, b temp = b.drop_symbols.split ' ' matches = 0 a.drop_symbols.split(' ').each do |w| if temp.include? w matches+=1 temp.delete_at temp.find_index w end end (matches.to_f / [a.split(' ').size, b.split(' ').size].max.to_f) * 100.0 end # Extracts all numbers from two strings and compares them and generates a percentage of match. # Percentage calculations here need to be weighted better...TODO def self.numeric_similarity a, b a, b = a.extract_numbers, b.extract_numbers return 100.0 if a.empty? && b.empty? || a == b matches = [] for i in 0..[a.size, b.size].max-1 matches << 1.0 / ([a[i].to_f, b[i].to_f].max - [a[i].to_f, b[i].to_f].min + 1.0) end (matches.inject{ |sum, m| sum + m } / matches.size.to_f) * 100.0 end # A simple character distance calculator that uses qwerty key positions to determine how similar two strings are. # May be useful for typo detection. def self.qwerty_distance a, b a, b = a.downcase.strip, b.downcase.strip if a.length <= b.length then t = a; a = b; b = t; end qwerty = { 1 => ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'], 2 => ['q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p'], 3 => ['a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l'], 4 => ['z','x','c','v','b','n','m'] } count, offset = 0, 0 a.chars.each do |c| if b.length <= count offset+=10 else ai = qwerty.keys.find{ |f| qwerty[f].include? c }.to_i bi = qwerty.keys.find{ |f| qwerty[f].include? b.chars[count] }.to_i offset+= (ai - bi).abs offset+= (qwerty[ai].index(c) - qwerty[bi].index(b.chars[count])).abs end count+=1 end offset end end class String def levenshtein_distance str BBLib.levenshtein_distance self, str end def levenshtein_similarity str BBLib.levenshtein_similarity self, str end def composition_similarity str BBLib.composition_similarity self, str end def phrase_similarity str BBLib.phrase_similarity self, str end def numeric_similarity str BBLib.numeric_similarity self, str end def qwerty_distance str BBLib.qwerty_distance self, str end end