<% if namespaced? -%> require_dependency '<%= namespaced_path %>/application_controller' <% end -%> <% module_namespacing do -%> class <%= namespaced_class_name %>Controller < <%= [namespace_path.classify.presence, ApplicationController].compact.join('::') %> before_action :authenticate_user! # Devise enforce user is present <% if defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> include Effective::CrudController <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('index') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def index @page_title = '<%= plural_name.titleize %>' authorize! :index, <%= class_name %> @datatable = <%= namespaced_class_name %>Datatable.new(params[:scopes]) end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('new') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def new @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.new @page_title = 'New <%= human_name %>' authorize! :new, @<%= singular_name %> end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('create') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def create @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.new(<%= singular_name %>_params) @page_title = 'New <%= human_name %>' authorize! :create, @<%= singular_name %> if @<%= singular_name %>.save flash[:success] = 'Successfully created <%= singular_name %>' redirect_to(redirect_path) else flash.now[:danger] = "Unable to create <%= singular_name %>: #{@<%= singular_name %>.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" render :new end end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('show') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def show @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) @page_title = @<%= singular_name %>.to_s authorize! :show, @<%= singular_name %> end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('edit') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def edit @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) @page_title = "Edit #{@<%= singular_name %>}" authorize! :edit, @<%= singular_name %> end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('update') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def update @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) @page_title = "Edit #{@<%= singular_name %>}" authorize! :update, @<%= singular_name %> if @<%= singular_name %>.update_attributes(<%= singular_name %>_params) flash[:success] = 'Successfully updated <%= singular_name %>' redirect_to(redirect_path) else flash.now[:danger] = "Unable to update <%= singular_name %>: #{@<%= singular_name %>.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" render :edit end end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('destroy') && !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def destroy @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) authorize! :destroy, @<%= singular_name %> if @<%= singular_name %>.destroy flash[:success] = 'Successfully deleted <%= singular_name %>' else flash[:danger] = "Unable to delete <%= singular_name %>: #{@<%= singular_name %>.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" end redirect_to <%= index_path %> end <% end -%> <% if actions.delete('unarchive') -%> def unarchive @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) authorize! :unarchive, @<%= singular_name %> if @<%= singular_name %>.unarchive flash[:success] = 'Successfully restored <%= singular_name %>' else flash.now[:danger] = "Unable to restore <%= singular_name %>: #{@<%= singular_name %>.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" end redirect_to <%= index_path %> end <% end -%> <% actions.each do |action| -%> def <%= action %> @<%= singular_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find(params[:id]) @page_title = "<%= action.titleize %> #{@<%= singular_name %>}" authorize! :<%= action %>, @<%= singular_name %> end <% end -%> protected def <%= singular_name %>_params params.require(:<%= singular_name %>).permit(:id, <% attributes_names.each_slice(8).with_index do |slice, index| -%> <%= slice.map { |name| permitted_param_for(name) }.join(', ') %><%= ',' if ((index+1) * 8) < attributes.length %> <% end -%> ) end <% if !defined?(EffectiveResources) -%> def redirect_path case params[:commit].to_s when 'Save' <%= edit_path %> when 'Save and Continue' <%= index_path %> when 'Save and Add New' <%= new_path %> else raise 'Unexpected redirect path' end end <% end -%> end <% end -%>