require 'canals' require 'canals/options' require 'canals/environment' require 'canals/cli/environment' require 'canals/cli/session' require 'canals/cli/helpers' require 'canals/cli/setup' require 'canals/cli/list' require 'canals/core_ext/shell_colors' require 'thor' module Canals module Cli class Application < Thor include Thor::Actions include Canals::Cli::Helpers def initialize(*args) super startup_checks end desc 'create NAME REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_PORT [LOCAL_PORT]', "Create a new tunnel; if LOCAL_PORT isn't supplied, REMOTE_PORT will be used as LOCAL" method_option :env, :type => :string, :desc => "The proxy environment to use" method_option :hostname, :type => :string, :desc => "The proxy host we will use to connect through" method_option :user, :type => :string, :desc => "The user for the ssh proxy host" def create(name, remote_host, remote_port, local_port=nil) opts = {"name" => name, "remote_host" => remote_host, "remote_port" => remote_port, "local_port" => local_port}.merge(options) opts = Canals.create_tunnel(opts) say "Tunnel #{name.inspect} created.", :green end desc 'start NAME', 'Start tunnel' def start(name) tstart(name) end desc 'stop NAME', 'Stop tunnel' def stop(name) tstop(name) end desc 'restart NAME', 'Restart tunnel' def restart(name) trestart(name) end desc "repo", "Show the available tunnels, for given enviroment if given" method_option :full, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show full data on repostitory" method_option :env, :type => :string , :desc => "Show data only on given environment" method_option :'sort-by', :type => :string, :desc => "Sort by this field", :default => "name" def repo if Canals.repository.empty? say "Repository is currently empty." return end require 'terminal-table' require 'canals/core_ext/string' columns = ["name", "remote_host", "remote_port", "local_port"] columns_extra = ["bind_address", "env_name", "user", "hostname"] if options[:full] columns += columns_extra end env = options[:env] sort_by = options[:'sort-by'].downcase.split.join("_").to_sym rows = { |conf| env.nil? || conf.env_name == env } .sort { |a,b| a.send(sort_by) <=> b.send(sort_by) rescue <=> } .map { |conf|{ |c| conf.send c.to_sym } } table = :headings =>{|c| c.sub("_"," ").titleize }, :rows => rows say table say "* use --full to show more data", [:white, :dim] if !options[:full] end desc "environment SUBCOMMAND", "Environment related command (use 'canal environment help' to find out more)" subcommand "environment", Canals::Cli::Environment desc "session SUBCOMMAND", "Session related commands (use 'canal session help' to find out more)" subcommand "session", Canals::Cli::Session desc "setup", "Setup related commands (use 'canal setup help' to find out more)" subcommand "setup", Canals::Cli::Setup desc "list", "hidden lists for autocompletion", :hide => true subcommand "list", Canals::Cli::List end end end