require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for 'Valid DB-backed Model' do context 'with DB backend', :db => true do after(:all) { DatabaseCleaner.clean } it_behaves_like 'Model with associations' it 'is saved' do be_true @saved = subject end it 'does not set created and updated properties to SAVED model' do subject.created_at.should be_a Time subject.updated_at.should be_a Time end it 'saves a single model' do all_models = described_class.find(:all) all_models.should have_exactly(1).model end it 'loads back in the same valid state as saved' do model = described_class.find(:first) model.object_id.should_not == subject.object_id #model.valid? #p model.errors model.should be_valid model.should == subject end it 'and with the same properties' do if init_with_props? model = described_class.find(:first) #p model.attributes #p model.content_attributes props.each do |name, value| model.send(name).should == value end end end it 'updates timestamps when saving the model' do model = described_class.find(:first) model.created_at.usec.should_not == subject.created_at.utc.usec #be_a Time model.updated_at.usec.should_not == subject.updated_at.utc.usec #be_a Time end it 'is loads back with associations, if any' do if defined? associations end end end # DB end shared_examples_for 'Invalid DB-backed Model' do context 'with DB backend', :db => true do after(:all) { DatabaseCleaner.clean } it_behaves_like 'Model with associations' it 'is not saved' do be_false end it 'is not loaded' do models = described_class.find(:all) models.should have_exactly(0).model end end # DB end shared_examples_for 'Model with associations' do it 'works with associations, if any' do subject_name_plural = described_class.to_s.demodulize.tableize associations.each do |name, item_props| item = "IB::Models::#{name.to_s.classify}" item_props #item = const_get("IB::#{name.to_s.classify}").new item_props puts "Testing single association #{name}" subject.association(name).reflection.should_not be_collection # Assign item to association expect { subject.send "#{name}=", item }.to_not raise_error association = subject.send name #, :reload association.should == item association.should be_new_record # Reverse association does not include subject reverse_association = association.send(subject_name_plural) reverse_association.should be_empty # Now let's save subject if subject.valid? association = subject.send name association.should_not be_new_record # Reverse association now DOES include subject (if reloaded!) reverse_association = association.send(subject_name_plural, :reload) reverse_association.should include subject end end end it 'works with associated collections, if any' do subject_name = described_class.to_s.demodulize.tableize.singularize collections.each do |name, items| puts "Testing associated collection #{name}" subject.association(name).reflection.should be_collection [items].flatten.each do |item_props| item = "IB::Models::#{name.to_s.classify}" item_props #item = item_props association = subject.send name #, :reload # Add item to collection expect { association << item }.to_not raise_error association.should include item # Reverse association does NOT point to subject reverse_association = association.first.send(subject_name) #reverse_association.should be_nil # But not always! #association.size.should == items.size # Not for Order, +1 OrderState end # Now let's save subject if subject.valid? [items].flatten.each do |item_props| item = "IB::Models::#{name.to_s.classify}" item_props association = subject.send name #, :reload association.should include item # Reverse association DOES point to subject now reverse_association = association.first.send(subject_name) reverse_association.should == subject end end end end end