require "cello" Given /^I have a browser with no context \(blank page\)$/ do @browser = end When /^I ask for the context inputs$/ do @browser.context StaticPages::Site::InputPage end When /^I ask for the context iframe$/ do @browser.context StaticPages::Site::IframePage end When /^and I ask to visit the page$/ do @browser.visit end Then /^I should see the page inputs$/ do @browser.title.should == "Inputs page" @browser.close end Then /^I should see the page iframe$/ do @browser.title.should == "Iframe page" @browser.close end Given /^I am in the inputs context$/ do steps %Q{ Given I have a browser with no context (blank page) When I ask for the context inputs} @browser.visit @browser.title.should == "Inputs page" end When /^I ask for fill the textfield$/ do @browser.text_field_fill_with("It Works!") end Then /^I should see the filled textfield$/ do @browser.text_field_get_text.should == "It Works!" end Then /^I should be able to close the browser$/ do @browser.close end When /^I click on the simple page link$/ do @browser.link_click end When /^I ask to use the simple page context$/ do @browser.context StaticPages::Site::ResponsePage end Then /^I should fail when try access the old textfield$/ do expect { @browser.text_field_get_text}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end Then /^I should be able to verify the text on the new textfield$/ do @browser.text_get_text.should == "Worked Again!" end