%w{ active_record rack murlsh }.each { |m| require m } module Murlsh # Dispatch requests. class Dispatch # Set up database connection and dispatch table. def initialize(config) @config = config ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => @config.fetch('db_file')) db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get(:@connection) url_server = Murlsh::UrlServer.new(@config, db) flickr_server = Murlsh::FlickrServer.new(@config) twitter_server = Murlsh::TwitterServer.new root_path = URI(@config.fetch('root_url')).path @dispatch = [ [%r{^GET #{root_path}(url)?$}, url_server.method(:get)], [%r{^POST #{root_path}(url)?$}, url_server.method(:post)], [%r{^GET /flickr$}, flickr_server.method(:get)], [%r{^GET /twitter/.+$}, twitter_server.method(:get)], ] end # Figure out which method will handle request. def dispatch(req) method_match = @dispatch.find do |rule| rule[0].match("#{req.request_method} #{req.path}") end method_match ? method_match[1] : self.method(:not_found) end # Rack call. def call(env) req = Rack::Request.new(env) dispatch(req).call(req).finish end # Called if the request is not found. def not_found(req) Rack::Response.new("
#{req.url} not found
", 404, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }) end end end