# typed: strict module RuboCop module Cop module Packs class RootNamespaceIsPackName < Base # # This is a private class that represents API that we would prefer to be available somehow in Zeitwerk. # However, the boundaries between systems (packwerk/zeitwerk, rubocop/zeitwerk) are poor in this class, so # that would need to be separated prior to proposing any API changes in zeitwerk. # class DesiredZeitwerkApi extend T::Sig class NamespaceContext < T::Struct const :current_namespace, String const :current_fully_qualified_constant, String const :expected_namespace, String const :expected_filepath, String end # # For now, this API includes `package_for_path` # If this were truly zeitwerk API, it wouldn't include any mention of packs and it would likely not need the package at all # Since it could get the actual namespace without knowing anything about packs. # However, we would need to pass to it the desired namespace based on the pack name for it to be able to suggest # a desired filepath. # Likely this means that our own cop should determine the desired namespace and pass that in # and this can determine actual namespace and how to get to expected. # sig { params(relative_filename: String, package_for_path: ParsePackwerk::Package).returns(T.nilable(NamespaceContext)) } def for_file(relative_filename, package_for_path) package_name = package_for_path.name # Zeitwerk establishes a standard convention by which namespaces are defined. # The package protections namespace checker is coupled to a specific assumption about how auto-loading works. # # Namely, we expect the following autoload paths: `packs/**/app/**/` # Examples: # 1) `packs/package_1/app/public/package_1/my_constant.rb` produces constant `Package1::MyConstant` # 2) `packs/package_1/app/services/package_1/my_service.rb` produces constant `Package1::MyService` # 3) `packs/package_1/app/services/package_1.rb` produces constant `Package1` # 4) `packs/package_1/app/public/package_1.rb` produces constant `Package1` # # Described another way, we expect any part of the directory labeled NAMESPACE to establish a portion of the fully qualified runtime constant: # `packs/**/app/**/NAMESPACE1/NAMESPACE2/[etc]` # # Therefore, for our implementation, we substitute out the non-namespace producing portions of the filename to count the number of namespaces. # Note this will *not work* properly in applications that have different assumptions about autoloading. path_without_package_base = relative_filename.gsub(%r{#{package_name}/app/}, '') if path_without_package_base.include?('/concerns/') autoload_folder_name = path_without_package_base.split('/').first(2).join('/') else autoload_folder_name = path_without_package_base.split('/').first end remaining_file_path = path_without_package_base.gsub(%r{\A#{autoload_folder_name}/}, '') actual_namespace = get_actual_namespace(remaining_file_path, package_name) if relative_filename.include?('app/') app_or_lib = 'app' elsif relative_filename.include?('lib/') app_or_lib = 'lib' end absolute_desired_path = root_pathname.join( package_name, T.must(app_or_lib), T.must(autoload_folder_name), get_package_last_name(package_for_path), remaining_file_path ) relative_desired_path = absolute_desired_path.relative_path_from(root_pathname) NamespaceContext.new( current_namespace: T.must(actual_namespace.split('::').first), current_fully_qualified_constant: actual_namespace, expected_namespace: get_pack_based_namespace(package_for_path), expected_filepath: relative_desired_path.to_s ) end sig { params(pack: ParsePackwerk::Package).returns(String) } def get_pack_based_namespace(pack) get_package_last_name(pack).camelize end private sig { returns(Pathname) } def root_pathname Pathname.pwd end sig { params(pack: ParsePackwerk::Package).returns(String) } def get_package_last_name(pack) T.must(pack.name.split('/').last) end sig { params(remaining_file_path: String, package_name: String).returns(String) } def get_actual_namespace(remaining_file_path, package_name) # If the remaining file path is a ruby file (not a directory), then it establishes a global namespace # Otherwise, per Zeitwerk's conventions as listed above, its a directory that establishes another global namespace remaining_file_path.split('/').map { |entry| entry.gsub('.rb', '').camelize }.join('::') end end private_constant :DesiredZeitwerkApi end end end end