# frozen_string_literal: true require 'socket' require 'securerandom' require 'sentry/interface' require 'sentry/backtrace' require 'sentry/utils/real_ip' module Sentry class Event ATTRIBUTES = %i( event_id level timestamp release environment server_name modules message user tags contexts extra fingerprint breadcrumbs backtrace transaction platform sdk ) attr_accessor(*ATTRIBUTES) attr_reader :id, :configuration alias event_id id def initialize(configuration:, message: nil) # this needs to go first because some setters rely on configuration @configuration = configuration # Set some simple default values @id = SecureRandom.uuid.delete("-") @timestamp = Time.now.utc @platform = :ruby @sdk = Sentry.sdk_meta @user = {} @extra = {} @contexts = {} @tags = {} @fingerprint = [] @server_name = configuration.server_name @environment = configuration.current_environment @release = configuration.release @modules = list_gem_specs if configuration.send_modules @message = message || "" self.level = :error end class << self def get_log_message(event_hash) message = event_hash[:message] || event_hash['message'] message = get_message_from_exception(event_hash) if message.empty? message = '' if message.empty? message end def get_message_from_exception(event_hash) ( event_hash && event_hash[:exception] && event_hash[:exception][:values] && event_hash[:exception][:values][0] && "#{event_hash[:exception][:values][0][:type]}: #{event_hash[:exception][:values][0][:value]}" ) end end def timestamp=(time) @timestamp = time.is_a?(Time) ? time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') : time end def level=(new_level) # needed to meet the Sentry spec @level = new_level.to_s == "warn" ? :warning : new_level end def rack_env=(env) unless @request || env.empty? @request = Sentry::RequestInterface.new.tap do |int| int.from_rack(env) end if configuration.send_default_pii && ip = calculate_real_ip_from_rack(env.dup) user[:ip_address] = ip end end end def to_hash data = ATTRIBUTES.each_with_object({}) do |att, memo| memo[att] = public_send(att) if public_send(att) end data[:breadcrumbs] = breadcrumbs.to_hash if breadcrumbs data[:stacktrace] = @stacktrace.to_hash if @stacktrace data[:request] = @request.to_hash if @request data[:exception] = @exception.to_hash if @exception data end def to_json_compatible JSON.parse(JSON.generate(to_hash)) end def add_exception_interface(exc) if exc.respond_to?(:sentry_context) @extra.merge!(exc.sentry_context) end @exception = Sentry::ExceptionInterface.new.tap do |exc_int| exceptions = Sentry::Utils::ExceptionCauseChain.exception_to_array(exc).reverse backtraces = Set.new exc_int.values = exceptions.map do |e| SingleExceptionInterface.new.tap do |int| int.type = e.class.to_s int.value = e.to_s int.module = e.class.to_s.split('::')[0...-1].join('::') int.stacktrace = if e.backtrace && !backtraces.include?(e.backtrace.object_id) backtraces << e.backtrace.object_id StacktraceInterface.new.tap do |stacktrace| stacktrace.frames = stacktrace_interface_from(e.backtrace) end end end end end end def stacktrace_interface_from(backtrace) project_root = configuration.project_root.to_s Backtrace.parse(backtrace, configuration: configuration).lines.reverse.each_with_object([]) do |line, memo| frame = StacktraceInterface::Frame.new(project_root) frame.abs_path = line.file if line.file frame.function = line.method if line.method frame.lineno = line.number frame.in_app = line.in_app frame.module = line.module_name if line.module_name if configuration[:context_lines] && frame.abs_path frame.pre_context, frame.context_line, frame.post_context = \ configuration.linecache.get_file_context(frame.abs_path, frame.lineno, configuration[:context_lines]) end memo << frame if frame.filename end end private # When behind a proxy (or if the user is using a proxy), we can't use # REMOTE_ADDR to determine the Event IP, and must use other headers instead. def calculate_real_ip_from_rack(env) Utils::RealIp.new( :remote_addr => env["REMOTE_ADDR"], :client_ip => env["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"], :real_ip => env["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"], :forwarded_for => env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ).calculate_ip end def list_gem_specs # Older versions of Rubygems don't support iterating over all specs Hash[Gem::Specification.map { |spec| [spec.name, spec.version.to_s] }] if Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:map) end end end