module ChatWork::Client::RoomMethods
  # Get the list of all chats on your account
  # @see
  # @see
  # @yield [response_body, response_header] if block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments
  # @yieldparam response_body [Array<Hashie::Mash>] response body
  # @yieldparam response_header [Hash<String, String>] response header (e.g. X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset)
  # @return [Array<Hashie::Mash>]
  # @example response format
  #   [
  #     {
  #       "room_id": 123,
  #       "name": "Group Chat Name",
  #       "type": "group",
  #       "role": "admin",
  #       "sticky": false,
  #       "unread_num": 10,
  #       "mention_num": 1,
  #       "mytask_num": 0,
  #       "message_num": 122,
  #       "file_num": 10,
  #       "task_num": 17,
  #       "icon_path": "",
  #       "last_update_time": 1298905200
  #     }
  #   ]
  def get_rooms(&block)
    get("/rooms", &block)

  # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists

  # Create a new group chat
  # @see
  # @see
  # @param description [String] Description of the group chat
  # @param icon_preset [String] Type of the group chat icon (group, check, document, meeting, event, project, business,
  #                             study, security, star, idea, heart, magcup, beer, music, sports, travel)
  # @param members_admin_ids [Array<Integer>, String] List of user IDs who will be given administrator permission for the group chat.
  #                                                   At least one user must be specified as an administrator.
  # @param members_member_ids [Array<Integer>, String] List of user IDs who will be given member permission for the group chat.
  # @param members_readonly_ids [Array<Integer>, String] List of user IDs who will be given read-only permission for the group chat.
  # @param name [String] Title of the group chat.
  # @param link [Boolean] whether create invitation link
  # @param link_code [String] link path (default. random string)
  # @param link_need_acceptance [Boolean] Approval necessity. Whether participation requires administrator approval.
  # @yield [response_body, response_header] if block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments
  # @yieldparam response_body [Hashie::Mash] response body
  # @yieldparam response_header [Hash<String, String>] response header (e.g. X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset)
  # @return [Hashie::Mash]
  # @example response format
  #   {
  #     "room_id": 1234
  #   }
  def create_room(description: nil, icon_preset: nil, members_admin_ids:, members_member_ids: nil, members_readonly_ids: nil, name:,
                  link: nil, link_code: nil, link_need_acceptance: nil, &block)
    params = {
      description:          description,
      icon_preset:          icon_preset,
      members_admin_ids:    Array(members_admin_ids).join(","),
      name:                 name,
      link:                 boolean_to_integer(link),
      link_need_acceptance: boolean_to_integer(link_need_acceptance),
      link_code:            link_code,
    params[:members_member_ids] = Array(members_member_ids).join(",") if members_member_ids
    params[:members_readonly_ids] = Array(members_readonly_ids).join(",") if members_readonly_ids

    post("/rooms", params, &block)

  # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists

  # Get chat name, icon, and Type (my, direct, or group)
  # @see
  # @see
  # @param room_id [Integer]
  # @yield [response_body, response_header] if block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments
  # @yieldparam response_body [Hashie::Mash] response body
  # @yieldparam response_header [Hash<String, String>] response header (e.g. X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset)
  # @return [Hashie::Mash]
  # @example response format
  #   {
  #     "room_id": 123,
  #     "name": "Group Chat Name",
  #     "type": "group",
  #     "role": "admin",
  #     "sticky": false,
  #     "unread_num": 10,
  #     "mention_num": 1,
  #     "mytask_num": 0,
  #     "message_num": 122,
  #     "file_num": 10,
  #     "task_num": 17,
  #     "icon_path": "",
  #     "last_update_time": 1298905200,
  #     "description": "room description text"
  #   }
  def find_room(room_id:, &block)
    get("/rooms/#{room_id}", &block)

  # Change the title and icon type of the specified chat
  # @see
  # @see
  # @param room_id [Integer]
  # @param description [String] Description of the group chat
  # @param icon_preset [String] Type of the group chat icon (group, check, document, meeting, event, project, business,
  #                             study, security, star, idea, heart, magcup, beer, music, sports, travel)
  # @param name [String] Title of the group chat.
  # @yield [response_body, response_header] if block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments
  # @yieldparam response_body [Hashie::Mash] response body
  # @yieldparam response_header [Hash<String, String>] response header (e.g. X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset)
  # @return [Hashie::Mash]
  # @example response format
  #   {
  #     "room_id": 1234
  #   }
  def update_room(room_id:, description: nil, icon_preset: nil, name: nil, &block)
    put("/rooms/#{room_id}", description: description, icon_preset: icon_preset, name: name, &block)

  # Leave/Delete a group chat
  # @see
  # @see
  # @param room_id [Integer]
  # @param action_type [String] leave from a room or delete a room (leave, delete)
  # @yield [response_body, response_header] if block was given, return response body and response header through block arguments
  # @yieldparam response_body [Hashie::Mash] response body
  # @yieldparam response_header [Hash<String, String>] response header (e.g. X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset)
  def destroy_room(room_id:, action_type:, &block)
    delete("/rooms/#{room_id}", action_type: action_type, &block)