module Remi module Transform extend self def [](meth) method(meth) end # We need to memoize each lambda with its static arguments so it's not recreated each row. # Inspired by parameter memoization in def memoize_as_lambda(func, *args, &block) iv = instance_variable_get("@#{func}") return iv[args] if iv hash_memo = do |h, margs| h[margs] = lambda { |*largs|, *largs) } end instance_variable_set("@#{func}", hash_memo)[args] end def prefix(prefix, if_blank: '') memoize_as_lambda(__method__, prefix, if_blank) do |(mprefix, mif_blank), larg| if larg.blank? mif_blank else "#{mprefix}#{larg}" end end end def postfix(postfix, if_blank: '') memoize_as_lambda(__method__, postfix, if_blank) do |(mpostfix, mif_blank), larg| if larg.blank? mif_blank else "#{larg}#{mpostfix}" end end end def truncate(len) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, len) do |(mlen), larg| larg.slice(0,mlen) end end def concatenate(delimiter="") memoize_as_lambda(__method__, delimiter) do |(mdelimiter), *largs| Array(largs).join(mdelimiter) end end def lookup(h_lookup, missing: nil) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, h_lookup, missing) do |(mh_lookup, mmissing), larg| result = mh_lookup[larg] if !result.nil? result elsif mmissing.class == Proc else mmissing end end end def nvl(default='') memoize_as_lambda(__method__, default) do |(mdefault), *largs| Array(largs).find(->() { mdefault }) { |arg| !arg.blank? } end end def ifblank(replace_with) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, replace_with) do |(mreplace_with), larg| larg.blank? ? mreplace_with : larg end end def format_date(from_fmt: '%m/%d/%Y', to_fmt: '%Y-%m-%d') memoize_as_lambda(__method__, from_fmt, to_fmt) do |(mfrom_fmt, mto_fmt), larg| begin if larg.blank? then '' elsif larg.respond_to? :strftime larg.strftime(mto_fmt) else Date.strptime(larg, mfrom_fmt).strftime(mto_fmt) end rescue ArgumentError => err puts "Error parsing date (#{larg.class}): '#{larg}'" raise err end end end def parse_date(format: '%Y-%m-%d', if_blank: nil) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, format, if_blank.try(:to_sym)) do |(mformat, mif_blank), larg| begin if larg.respond_to?(:strftime) larg elsif larg.blank? then if mif_blank == :low,01,01) elsif mif_blank == :high,12,31) else mif_blank end else Date.strptime(larg, mformat) end rescue ArgumentError => err puts "Error parsing date (#{larg.class}): '#{larg}')" raise err end end end def date_diff(measure = :days) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, measure.to_sym) do |(mmeasure), *larg| if mmeasure == :days (larg.last - larg.first).to_i elsif mmeasure == :months (larg.last.year * 12 + larg.last.month) - (larg.first.year * 12 + larg.first.month) elsif mmeasure == :years larg.last.year - larg.first.year else raise "I don't know how to handle #{mmeasure} yet" end end end def constant(const) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, const) do |(mconst), larg| mconst end end def replace(regex, replace_with) memoize_as_lambda(__method__, regex, replace_with) do |(mregex, mreplace_with), larg| larg.gsub(regex, replace_with) end end def validate_email(substitute='') memoize_as_lambda(__method__, substitute) do |(msubstitute), larg| larg = larg || '' larg.match(/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$/i) ? larg : msubstitute end end end end