class DocumentsController < ApplicationController unloadable skip_before_filter :require_user # Show a document: # Route using catch-all, /*path, or, pass specific 'id', :path => 'gallery' def show render :file => cache_file and return if cached_file? @document = Document.find_by_path(request_path) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @document and (@document.published? or @document.allowed? current_user, 'read') respond_to do |format| format.html do setup_view_environment render :template => view_for end format.xml { render :xml => @document.to_xml(:only => [:title, :summary, :body, :published_at, :permalink]) } format.rss { render :template => 'pages/feed.rss.builder' } end cache_this_page! end # Show all pages in any Document for a particular month/year # /*path/archive/:month/:year def archive render :file => cache_file and return if cached_file? @document = Document.public.find_by_path(params[:path].join('/')) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if @document.nil? @documents = @document.archive_for(params[:month], params[:year]).paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => Settings.documents.per_page render :template => view_for(:suffix => '_archive') cache_this_page! end # Allows searching of pages in a folder # /:permalink/search?search[title_like]=hello def search params[:search] ||= {} @document = Document.public.find_by_path(params[:path].join('/')) params[:search].merge!(:parent_id => params[:search][:state_eq] = 'published' @documents =[:search]).paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => Settings.documents.per_page setup_view_environment render :template => view_for(:suffix => '_search') end # Allow Document wide search # /search?terms[title_like]=hello def search_all params[:search] ||= {} params[:search][:state_eq] = 'published' @documents =[:search]).paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => Settings.documents.per_page render :template => '/pages/search' end # public facing creation of documents def create @document = Document.public.find(params[:id]) begin do_human_test rescue[:notice] = 'You did not add up the numbers correctly, please try again.' new_document = new_document.body = params[:document][:body] eval("@new_#{params[:label]} = new_document") setup_view_environment render :template => view_for return end params[:document][:state] = nil # prevent auto approval hack (FIXME: use attr_protected) if @document.meta_definition_for(params[:label]).allowed? current_user, 'create' new_document =[:document]) new_document.parent = @document new_document.label = params[:label] = current_user || User.anonymous new_document.published_at = if flash[:notice] = new_document.meta_definition.flash_messages['create'] || "Your #{params[:label]} has been saved" if new_document.meta_definition.notify_admins DocumentMailer.deliver_new_document(new_document) end redirect_to document_path(@document) else[:notice] = 'Could not be saved' eval("@new_#{params[:label]} = new_document") setup_view_environment render :template => view_for end else render :text => 'Not Allowed' and return end end private def request_path @path ||= CGI::unescape(request.path[1..-1]) @path.blank? ? 'home' : @path end # Does a cache exist for this URL def cached_file? Settings.documents.page_cache && File.exists?(cache_file) end def cache_file @url_id ||= request_path.split('/').last + (request.query_string.blank? ? '' : '_' + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(request.query_string)) @cache_file ||= File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'public', 'cache', request_path, self.action_name, @url_id) + '.html' end def cache_this_page! if Settings.documents.page_cache && !File.exists?(cache_file) logger.debug 'Caching Page: ' + cache_file FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(cache_file) cache =, 'w') cache.write(response.body) cache.close end end def do_human_test raise 'Human Test Failed' unless params[:human_test][:answer].crypt('humAn5') == params[:human_test][:crypted_answer] end def setup_view_environment # create children vars such as @comments if @document.can_have_children? @children = [] # make an instance variable for each child eg. @posts @comments etc. @document.child_labels.each do | label| per_page = @document.meta_definition.children.by_label(label).first.per_page || Settings.documents.per_page order = @document.meta_definition.children.by_label(label).first.sort_by || Settings.documents._sort_by instance_variable_set('@' + label.pluralize, @document.children.by_label(label).with_states(:published).paginate(:order => order, :page => params[:page], :per_page => per_page)) end end # make instance variable for the parent eg. @story instance_variable_set("@#{@document.label.gsub(' ', '_')}", @document) # HTML meta tags @page_title = @document.meta_title @meta_description = @document.meta_description @meta_keywords = @document.meta_keywords end # eg. def view_for(options = {}) create_missing_template if !params[:create_template].nil? && RAILS_ENV == 'development' options[:extension] = '.html.erb' options[:prefix] ||= '' options[:suffix] ||= '' filenames = [@document.permalink, @document.meta_definition.template_filename(false), 'default'] view_paths.each do | view_path | filenames.each do | filename | target = File.join('pages', filename) + options[:suffix] + options[:extension] target_with_view_path = File.join(view_path, target) if File.exists? target_with_view_path logger.debug 'FOUND: ' + target_with_view_path return target else logger.debug 'NOT FOUND: ' + target_with_view_path end end end raise 'No Template found' end end