--- redirect_from: /docs/documentation.html --- # Arbo HTML Views in Ruby {: .no_toc }
Table of contents {: .text-delta } - TOC {:toc}
--- ### Introduction Arbo is a alternate template system for [Ruby on Rails Action View](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_view_overview.html). Arbo expresses HTML using a Ruby DSL, which makes it similar to the [Builder](https://github.com/tenderlove/builder) gem for XML. Arbo is a fork of Arbre, which was extracted from [Active Admin](https://activeadmin.info/). An example `index.html.arb`: ```ruby html { head { title "Welcome page" } body { para "Hello, world" } } ``` The purpose of Arbo is to leave the view as Ruby objects as long as possible, which allows an object-oriented approach including inheritance, composition, and encapsulation. ### Installation Add gem `arbo` to your `Gemfile` and `bundle install`. Arbo registers itself as a Rails template handler for files with an extension `.arb`. ### Tags Arbo DSL is composed of HTML tags. Tag attributes including `id` and HTML classes are passed as a hash parameter and the tag body is passed as a block. Most HTML5 tags are implemented, including `script`, `embed` and `video`. A special case is the paragraph tag,

, which is mapped to `para`. JavaScript can be included by using `script { raw ... }` To include text that is not immediately part of a tag use `text_node`. ### Components Arbo DSL can be extended by defining new tags composed of other, simpler tags. This provides a simpler alternative to nesting partials. The recommended approach is to subclass Arbo::Component and implement a new builder method. The builder_method defines the method that will be called to build this component when using the DSL. The arguments passed into the builder_method will be passed into the #build method for you. For example: ```ruby class Panel < Arbo::Component builder_method :panel def build(title, attributes = {}) super(attributes) h3(title, class: "panel-title") end end ``` By default components are `div` tags with an HTML class corresponding to the component class name. This can be overridden by redefining the `tag_name` method. Several examples of Arbo components are [included in Active Admin](https://activeadmin.info/12-arbo-components.html) ### Contexts An [Arbo::Context](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/arbo/Arbo/Context) is an object in which Arbo DSL is interpreted, providing a root for the Ruby DOM that can be [searched and manipulated](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/arbo/Arbo/Element). A context is automatically provided when a `.arb` template or partial is loaded. Contexts can be used when developing or testing a component. Contexts are rendered by calling render_in. ```ruby html = Arbo::Context.new do div "Hello World", id: "my-panel" do span "Inside the panel" text_node "Plain text" end end puts html.render_in # => ``` ```html

Hello World

Inside the panel Plain text
``` A context allows you to specify Rails template assigns, aka. 'locals' and helper methods. Templates loaded by Action View have access to all [Action View helper methods](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_view_overview.html#overview-of-helpers-provided-by-action-view) ### Background Similar projects include: - [Markaby](http://markaby.github.io/), written by \_why the luck stiff. - [Erector](http://erector.github.io/), developed at PivotalLabs. - [Fortitude](https://github.com/ageweke/fortitude), developed at Scribd. - [Inesita](https://inesita.fazibear.me/) (Opal) - [html_builder](https://github.com/crystal-lang/html_builder) (Crystal)