TODO LIST - create install.rb for rails 1.1 plugin installs, it will create config/masterview and some sample configs - create namespace for mv and publish, update generated files - more videos - publish .xsd namespace definition for builtin directives to enable xhtml docs using mv markup to validate - wiki for site - render from db - app for syntax - include additional stylesheets - ajax examples - ajax table component - improve directives info page in admin controller - add link to directives rdoc from Loaded Directives page - documentation - update the plugin generator descr in installation.html: also installs config file templates in config - add tips in installation.doc about running gems rdoc server to view installed gems' rdoc - update admin controller description to point out that it installs public/stylesheets/masterview - run spelling checker on our html and release docs; retrofit to rdoc comments - build utility to auto-generate directives reference doc from directive metadata and std. rdoc markup - add doc on directive impl unit test helper and techniques/examples - more tests - build improvements - add release tasks to automate archiving trunk to tags/masterview-N.N.N, resetting tags/masterview - investigate mirror sites for obtaining gems (supplement primary rubyforge host) - improve RubyForge project site: include online docs; post release msgs in news - reverse engineer legacy rhtml into masterview templates --#################### ??? can we tweak the admin controller for gem plugin so it puts its empty.rhtml in, say, config/masterview/admin?? => better loc than vendor/plugins/masterview/........ if users are going to customize that guy --#################### - make tidy installation easier - clean up rhtml files when switching from write rhtml files to filesystem to direct erb, otherwise written files will take precedence over MV internals. - build patch to send to rails core team improving hooks for template engines, removing file system dependency - make admin pages localhost lockdown configurable rather than simple only available from localhost - create DirectiveHelpers.parse_string_into_hash - create DirectiveHelpers.serialize_hash_to_attributes # refactor attr directive code into here - liquid directives or other non-evaling safe mode which allows user created templates or parts - handle all xml syntax including processing_instruction, attlistdecl, elementdecl, entitydecl, notationdecl