require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/pops/evaluator/evaluator_impl' # relative to this spec file (./) does not work as this file is loaded by rspec require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/evaluator_rspec_helper') describe 'Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::EvaluatorImpl' do include EvaluatorRspecHelper context "When the evaluator performs arithmetic" do context "on Integers" do it "2 + 2 == 4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(2) + literal(2))).to eq(4) ; end it "7 - 3 == 4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(7) - literal(3))).to eq(4) ; end it "6 * 3 == 18" do; expect(evaluate(literal(6) * literal(3))).to eq(18); end it "6 / 3 == 2" do; expect(evaluate(literal(6) / literal(3))).to eq(2) ; end it "6 % 3 == 0" do; expect(evaluate(literal(6) % literal(3))).to eq(0) ; end it "10 % 3 == 1" do; expect(evaluate(literal(10) % literal(3))).to eq(1); end it "-(6/3) == -2" do; expect(evaluate(minus(literal(6) / literal(3)))).to eq(-2) ; end it "-6/3 == -2" do; expect(evaluate(minus(literal(6)) / literal(3))).to eq(-2) ; end it "8 >> 1 == 4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(8) >> literal(1))).to eq(4) ; end it "8 << 1 == 16" do; expect(evaluate(literal(8) << literal(1))).to eq(16); end it "8 >> -1 == 16" do; expect(evaluate(literal(8) >> literal(-1))).to eq(16) ; end it "8 << -1 == 4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(8) << literal(-1))).to eq(4); end end # 64 bit signed integer max and min MAX_INTEGER = 0x7fffffffffffffff MIN_INTEGER = -0x8000000000000000 context "on integer values that cause 64 bit overflow" do it "MAX + 1 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal(MAX_INTEGER) + literal(1)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "MAX - -1 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal(MAX_INTEGER) - literal(-1)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "MAX * 2 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal(MAX_INTEGER) * literal(2)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "(MAX+1)*2 / 2 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal((MAX_INTEGER+1)*2) / literal(2)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "MAX << 1 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal(MAX_INTEGER) << literal(1)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "((MAX+1)*2) << 1 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal((MAX_INTEGER+1)*2) >> literal(1)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer max range/) end it "MIN - 1 => error" do expect{ evaluate(literal(MIN_INTEGER) - literal(1)) }.to raise_error(/resulted in a value outside of Puppet Integer min range/) end it "does not error on the border values" do expect(evaluate(literal(MAX_INTEGER) + literal(MIN_INTEGER))).to eq(MAX_INTEGER+MIN_INTEGER) end end context "on Floats" do it "2.2 + 2.2 == 4.4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(2.2) + literal(2.2))).to eq(4.4) ; end it "7.7 - 3.3 == 4.4" do; expect(evaluate(literal(7.7) - literal(3.3))).to eq(4.4) ; end it "6.1 * 3.1 == 18.91" do; expect(evaluate(literal(6.1) * literal(3.1))).to eq(18.91); end it "6.6 / 3.3 == 2.0" do; expect(evaluate(literal(6.6) / literal(3.3))).to eq(2.0) ; end it "-(6.0/3.0) == -2.0" do; expect(evaluate(minus(literal(6.0) / literal(3.0)))).to eq(-2.0); end it "-6.0/3.0 == -2.0" do; expect(evaluate(minus(literal(6.0)) / literal(3.0))).to eq(-2.0); end it "6.6 % 3.3 == 0.0" do; expect { evaluate(literal(6.6) % literal(3.3))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError); end it "10.0 % 3.0 == 1.0" do; expect { evaluate(literal(10.0) % literal(3.0))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError); end it "3.14 << 2 == error" do; expect { evaluate(literal(3.14) << literal(2))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError); end it "3.14 >> 2 == error" do; expect { evaluate(literal(3.14) >> literal(2))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError); end end context "on strings requiring boxing to Numeric" do it "'2' + '2' == 4" do expect(evaluate(literal('2') + literal('2'))).to eq(4) end it "'2.2' + '2.2' == 4.4" do expect(evaluate(literal('2.2') + literal('2.2'))).to eq(4.4) end it "'0xF7' + '0x8' == 0xFF" do expect(evaluate(literal('0xF7') + literal('0x8'))).to eq(0xFF) end it "'0367' + '010' == 0xFF" do expect(evaluate(literal('0367') + literal('010'))).to eq(0xFF) end it "'0888' + '010' == error" do expect { evaluate(literal('0888') + literal('010'))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end it "'0xWTF' + '010' == error" do expect { evaluate(literal('0xWTF') + literal('010'))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end it "'0x12.3' + '010' == error" do expect { evaluate(literal('0x12.3') + literal('010'))}.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) end it "'012.3' + '010' == 20.3 (not error, floats can start with 0)" do expect(evaluate(literal('012.3') + literal('010'))).to eq(20.3) end end context 'on binary values' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler require 'base64' encoded = Base64.encode64('Hello world').chomp it 'Binary + Binary' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Binary, Binary([72,101,108,108,111,32]) + Binary([119,111,114,108,100])))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql([encoded]) end end context 'on timespans' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler it 'Timespan + Timespan = Timespan' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) + Timespan({hours => 12})))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['3-12:00:00.0']) end it 'Timespan - Timespan = Timespan' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) - Timespan({hours => 12})))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2-12:00:00.0']) end it 'Timespan + -Timespan = Timespan' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) + -Timespan({hours => 12})))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2-12:00:00.0']) end it 'Timespan - -Timespan = Timespan' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) - -Timespan({hours => 12})))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['3-12:00:00.0']) end it 'Timespan / Timespan = Float' do code = "notice(assert_type(Float, Timespan({days => 3}) / Timespan('0-12:00:00')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['6.0']) end it 'Timespan * Timespan is an error' do code = 'notice(Timespan({days => 3}) * Timespan({hours => 12}))' expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /A Timestamp cannot be multiplied by a Timespan/) end it 'Timespan + Numeric = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) + 7300.0))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['3-02:01:40.0']) end it 'Timespan - Numeric = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) - 7300.123))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2-21:58:19.877']) end it 'Timespan * Numeric = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = "notice(strftime(assert_type(Timespan, Timespan({days => 3}) * 2), '%D'))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['6']) end it 'Numeric + Timespan = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = 'notice(assert_type(Timespan, 7300.0 + Timespan({days => 3})))' expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['3-02:01:40.0']) end it 'Numeric - Timespan = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = "notice(strftime(assert_type(Timespan, 300000 - Timespan({days => 3})), '%H:%M'))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['11:20']) end it 'Numeric * Timespan = Timespan (numeric treated as seconds)' do code = "notice(strftime(assert_type(Timespan, 2 * Timespan({days => 3})), '%D'))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['6']) end it 'Timespan + Timestamp = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, Timespan({days => 3}) + Timestamp('2016-08-27T16:44:49.999 UTC')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-08-30T16:44:49.999000000 UTC']) end it 'Timespan - Timestamp is an error' do code = 'notice(Timespan({days => 3}) - Timestamp())' expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /A Timestamp cannot be subtracted from a Timespan/) end it 'Timespan * Timestamp is an error' do code = 'notice(Timespan({days => 3}) * Timestamp())' expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /A Timestamp cannot be multiplied by a Timestamp/) end it 'Timespan / Timestamp is an error' do code = 'notice(Timespan({days => 3}) / Timestamp())' expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /A Timespan cannot be divided by a Timestamp/) end end context 'on timestamps' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler it 'Timestamp + Timestamp is an error' do code = 'notice(Timestamp() + Timestamp())' expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /A Timestamp cannot be added to a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp + Timespan = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, Timestamp('2016-10-10') + Timespan('0-12:00:00')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-10-10T12:00:00.000000000 UTC']) end it 'Timestamp + Numeric = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, Timestamp('2016-10-10T12:00:00.000') + 3600.123))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-10-10T13:00:00.123000000 UTC']) end it 'Numeric + Timestamp = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, 3600.123 + Timestamp('2016-10-10T12:00:00.000')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-10-10T13:00:00.123000000 UTC']) end it 'Timestamp - Timestamp = Timespan' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timespan, Timestamp('2016-10-10') - Timestamp('2015-10-10')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['366-00:00:00.0']) end it 'Timestamp - Timespan = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, Timestamp('2016-10-10') - Timespan('0-12:00:00')))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-10-09T12:00:00.000000000 UTC']) end it 'Timestamp - Numeric = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, Timestamp('2016-10-10') - 3600.123))" expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eql(['2016-10-09T22:59:59.877000000 UTC']) end it 'Numeric - Timestamp = Timestamp' do code = "notice(assert_type(Timestamp, 123 - Timestamp('2016-10-10')))" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '-' is not applicable.*when right side is a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp / Timestamp is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') / Timestamp())" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\/' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp / Timespan is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') / Timespan('0-12:00:00'))" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\/' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp / Numeric is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') / 3600.123)" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\/' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Numeric / Timestamp is an error' do code = "notice(3600.123 / Timestamp('2016-10-10'))" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\/' is not applicable.*when right side is a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp * Timestamp is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') * Timestamp())" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\*' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp * Timespan is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') * Timespan('0-12:00:00'))" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\*' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Timestamp * Numeric is an error' do code = "notice(Timestamp('2016-10-10') * 3600.123)" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\*' is not applicable to a Timestamp/) end it 'Numeric * Timestamp is an error' do code = "notice(3600.123 * Timestamp('2016-10-10'))" expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Operator '\*' is not applicable.*when right side is a Timestamp/) end end end end