require 'spec_helper' require 'sandbox/cli' describe Sandbox::CLI do it "should raise an error when running from a loaded sandbox" do begin ENV[ 'SANDBOX' ] = 'something' lambda { Sandbox::CLI.verify_environment! }.should raise_error(Sandbox::LoadedSandboxError) ensure ENV[ 'SANDBOX' ] = nil end end describe "calling execute" do before(:each) do @instance = stub_everything() end it "should handle all errors" do Sandbox::CLI.stubs(:new).raises(StandardError) Sandbox::CLI.expects(:handle_error).with(instance_of(StandardError)) Sandbox::CLI.execute end it "should attempt to parse ARGV by default" do Sandbox::CLI.expects(:parse).with(ARGV).returns(@instance) Sandbox::CLI.execute end it "should create a new instance" do Sandbox::CLI.expects(:new).returns(@instance) Sandbox::CLI.execute end it "should call parse_args! on the new instance" do @instance.expects(:parse_args!) Sandbox::CLI.expects(:new).returns(@instance) Sandbox::CLI.execute end it "should run the instance" do @instance.expects(:execute!) Sandbox::CLI.expects(:parse).returns(@instance) Sandbox::CLI.execute end end describe "handling errors" do it "should just print Sandbox::Error message" do err ="spec test msg") Sandbox::CLI.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).once.with(regexp_matches(/^spec test msg/)) Sandbox::CLI.handle_error(err) end it "should just print wrapped StandardError message" do err ="spec test msg") Sandbox::CLI.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).once.with(regexp_matches(/^Error: spec test msg/)) Sandbox::CLI.handle_error(err) end it "should have simple message for Interrupt" do err ="spec test msg") Sandbox::CLI.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).once.with('Interrupted') Sandbox::CLI.handle_error(err) end it "should reraise other errors" do err ='you should have implemented it, dummy') Sandbox::CLI.expects(:raise).once.with(err) Sandbox::CLI.handle_error(err) end end describe "a new instance" do before(:each) do @cli = end it "should have no default 'gems to install'" do @cli.options[:gems].should == [] end describe "instance calling parse_args!" do def processor(*args); lambda { @cli.parse_args!(args) }; end def process(*args); processor(*args).call; end describe "using NO arguments" do it "should use raise nothing" do process @cli.options[:original_args].should == [] @cli.options[:args].should == [] end end describe "using VALID arguments" do [ '-V', '--version' ].each do |arg| it "should print the version for switch '#{arg}'" do @cli.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).with(Sandbox::VERSION) processor(arg).should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } end end [ '-V', '--version' ].each do |arg| it "should ignore additional arguments after '#{arg}'" do @cli.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).with(Sandbox::VERSION).times(2) processor(arg, '-x').should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } processor(arg, 'unknown').should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } end end [ '-h', '--help' ].each do |arg| it "should show help for '#{arg}'" do @cli.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).with(instance_of(OptionParser)) processor(arg).should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } end end [ '-h', '--help' ].each do |arg| it "should ignore additional arguments after '#{arg}'" do @cli.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet).with(instance_of(OptionParser)).times(2) processor(arg, '-x').should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } processor(arg, 'unknown').should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } end end [ '-H', '--long-help' ].each do |arg| it "should show long help for '#{arg}'" do @cli.expects(:tell_unless_really_quiet) @cli.expects(:long_help) processor(arg).should raise_error(SystemExit) { |error| error.status.should == 0 } end end [ '-v', '--verbose' ].each do |arg| it "should increase verbosity with '#{arg}'" do Sandbox.expects(:increase_verbosity) process(arg) @cli.options[:original_args].should == [arg] @cli.options[:args].should == [] end end [['-v', '-v'], ['--verbose', '--verbose'] ].each do |args| it "should increase verbosity twice with '#{args.join(' ')}'" do Sandbox.expects(:increase_verbosity).times(2) process(*args) @cli.options[:original_args].should == args @cli.options[:args].should == [] end end it "should require additional arguments with switch '-g'" do processor('-g').should raise_error(Sandbox::ParseError) end it "should set 'gems to install' with switch '-g'" do args = ['-g', 'somegem,anothergem'] process(*args) @cli.options[:original_args].should == args @cli.options[:args].should == [] @cli.options[:gems].should == ['somegem', 'anothergem'] end it "should clear 'gems to install' with switch '-n'" do process('-n') @cli.options[:original_args].should == ['-n'] @cli.options[:args].should == [] @cli.options[:gems].should == [] end it "should store leftover arguments in options for arguments '/path/to/somewhere'" do args = ['/path/to/somewhere'] process(*args) @cli.options[:original_args].should == args @cli.options[:args].should == args end it "should store leftover arguments in options for arguments '-v /path/to/somewhere'" do args = ['-v', '/path/to/somewhere'] process(*args) @cli.options[:original_args].should == args @cli.options[:args].should == [args.last] end end describe "using INVALID arguments" do it "should exit with message for invalid switch '-x'" do processor('-x'). should raise_error(Sandbox::ParseError) { |error| error.message.should =~ /-x\b/ } end end end describe "instance calling execute!" do def processor; lambda { @cli.execute! }; end def process;; end it "should raise error with no target specified" do @cli.options[:args] = [] processor.should raise_error end it "should raise error with more than one target" do @cli.options[:args] = ['one', 'two'] processor.should raise_error end it "should instantiate an Installer and call populate with one target" do @cli.options.delete(:gems) @cli.options[:args] = ['one'] installer = mock('Installer', :populate) Sandbox::Installer.expects(:new).with({:target=>'one'}).returns(installer) process end end describe "instance calling long_help" do it "should return a long descriptive string" do @cli.long_help.split("\n").size.should be > 20 @cli.long_help.should =~ /activate/ @cli.long_help.should =~ /deactivate/ @cli.long_help.should =~ /NOTES:/ @cli.long_help.should =~ /WARNINGS:/ end end end end