module OhlohScm::Adapters class GitAdapter < AbstractAdapter def pull(from, &block) { "Pulling #{from.url}" } case from when GitAdapter clone_or_fetch(from, &block) when CvsAdapter, SvnAdapter convert(from, &block) end end # Clone source_scm as new repository. # If a local repository already exists, update the local repository with the latest changes. def clone_or_fetch(source_scm) raise"Cannot pull from #{source_scm.inspect}") unless source_scm.is_a?(GitAdapter) yield(0,1) if block_given? # Progress bar callback unless self.exist? && self.has_branch? run "mkdir -p '#{self.url}'" run "rm -rf '#{self.url}'" run "git clone -q -n '#{source_scm.url}' '#{self.url}'" create_tracking_branch(source_scm.branch_name) # ensure the correct branch exist locally checkout # switch to the correct branch else checkout # should already be on correct branch, but some old repositories were stricken by a bug run "cd '#{self.url}' && git fetch --tags --update-head-ok '#{source_scm.url}' #{self.branch_name}:#{self.branch_name}" end clean_up_disk yield(1,1) if block_given? # Progress bar callback end # Apply all recent changes from source_scm, converting to Git in the process. # # Progress is reported by yielding [current_step, total_steps] pairs to a provided block. # # There are two design goals here: # # First, minimize adminstrator burden. The conversion process is # idempotent: if it fails, Ohloh's first recourse is always to try again. # For this reason, it is important that multiple pulls do not result in # duplicate data. No matter how badly a previous attempt may be screwed up # the contents on disk, a second attempt should be able to gracefully # resume. # # Second, maximize compatibility with a wild array of public source control # servers. CVS in particular has a broad spectrum of server capabilities. # Therefore, this conversion algorithm is brute-force simplicity itself. We # require a minimum number of features: a log feature to get the list of # commits, and the checkout feature to get the contents of each commit. # # The basic idea for conversion is that we sequentially check out each # revision from the original repository into a local directory, which also # happens to be a local Git repository. As each revision is checked out # from the original repository, we commit it into the local Git repository. # By walking forward through each commit, we build a Git equivalent to the # original repository. # # It's not fast, but it almost always succeeds. # # The original commit ID (CVS timestamp or Subversion revision number) is # stored in a special file called 'ohloh_token' and checked in as part of # each Git commit. This enables us to match code to original source # commit, and also enables us to pick up where we left off for incremental # updates. # # Only a single branch from the original repository is converted. def convert(source_scm) yield(0,1) if block_given? # Progress bar callback # Any new work to be done since the last time we were here? commits = source_scm.commits(:after => read_token) if commits and commits.size > 0 # Start by making sure we are in a known good state. Set up our working directory. clean_up_disk checkout commits.each_with_index do |r,i| yield(i,commits.size) if block_given? # Progress bar callback { "Downloading revision #{r.token} (#{i+1} of #{commits.size})... " } begin r.scm.checkout(r, url) rescue logger.error { $!.inspect } # If we fail to checkout, it's often because there is junk of some kind # in our working directory. { "Checkout failed. Cleaning and trying again..." } clean_up_disk r.scm.checkout(r, url) end # Sometimes svn conflicts occur leading to a silent `svn checkout` failure. if source_scm.is_a?(SvnAdapter) && SvnAdapter.has_conflicts?(url) { "Working copy has svn conflicts. Cleaning and trying again..." } clean_up_disk r.scm.checkout(r, url) end logger.debug { "Committing revision #{r.token} (#{i+1} of #{commits.size})... " } commit_all(r) end yield(commits.size, commits.size) if block_given? elsif !read_token && commits.empty? raise RuntimeError, "Empty repository" else { "Already up-to-date." } end end # Deletes everything in the working directory. # All pending changes are discarded. # Only the hidden git folder will remain. def clean_up_disk if FileTest.exist? url run "cd #{url} && find . -maxdepth 1 -not -name .git -not -name . -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf --" end end end end