#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' # or use Bundler.setup require 'eventmachine' class SimpleChatServer < EM::Connection @@connected_clients = Array.new DM_REGEXP = /^@([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*:?\s*(.+)/.freeze attr_reader :username # # EventMachine handlers # def post_init @username = nil puts "A client has connected..." ask_username end def unbind @@connected_clients.delete(self) puts "[info] #{@username} has left" if entered_username? end def receive_data(data) if entered_username? handle_chat_message(data.strip) else handle_username(data.strip) end end # # Username handling # def entered_username? !@username.nil? && !@username.empty? end # entered_username? def handle_username(input) if input.empty? send_line("Blank usernames are not allowed. Try again.") ask_username else @username = input @@connected_clients.push(self) self.other_peers.each { |c| c.send_data("#{@username} has joined the room\n") } puts "#{@username} has joined" self.send_line("[info] Ohai, #{@username}") end end # handle_username(input) def ask_username self.send_line("[info] Enter your username:") end # ask_username # # Message handling # def handle_chat_message(msg) if command?(msg) self.handle_command(msg) else if direct_message?(msg) self.handle_direct_message(msg) else self.announce(msg, "#{@username}:") end end end # handle_chat_message(msg) def direct_message?(input) input =~ DM_REGEXP end # direct_message?(input) def handle_direct_message(input) username, message = parse_direct_message(input) if connection = @@connected_clients.find { |c| c.username == username } puts "[dm] @#{@username} => @#{username}" connection.send_line("[dm] @#{@username}: #{message}") else send_line "@#{username} is not in the room. Here's who is: #{usernames.join(', ')}" end end # handle_direct_message(input) def parse_direct_message(input) return [$1, $2] if input =~ DM_REGEXP end # parse_direct_message(input) # # Commands handling # def command?(input) input =~ /(exit|status)$/i end # command?(input) def handle_command(cmd) case cmd when /exit$/i then self.close_connection when /status$/i then self.send_line("[chat server] It's #{Time.now.strftime('%H:%M')} and there are #{self.number_of_connected_clients} people in the room") end end # handle_command(cmd) # # Helpers # def announce(msg = nil, prefix = "[chat server]") @@connected_clients.each { |c| c.send_line("#{prefix} #{msg}") } unless msg.empty? end # announce(msg) def number_of_connected_clients @@connected_clients.size end # number_of_connected_clients def other_peers @@connected_clients.reject { |c| self == c } end # other_peers def send_line(line) self.send_data("#{line}\n") end # send_line(line) def usernames @@connected_clients.map { |c| c.username } end # usernames end EventMachine.run do # hit Control + C to stop Signal.trap("INT") { EventMachine.stop } Signal.trap("TERM") { EventMachine.stop } EventMachine.start_server("", 10000, SimpleChatServer) end