3.0 add_ceiling_fan a025ba5b-fb89-472e-a9e3-9edc14a631b0 96086fff-d2ed-415a-a9fb-91abc68e766e 20230719T172112Z FD8E710D AddCeilingFan Add Ceiling Fan Install ceiling fans in buildings to increase air circulation. Ceiling fans effectively cool by introducing slow movement to induce evaporative cooling, rather than directly conditioning the air. A diversity factor is added to consider the simultaneous usage among the household. Ceiling fan is modeled by increasing air velocity in the People objects and adding electric equipment to consider extra fan energy use. Cooling setpoint is increased by certain degrees in the presence of ceiling fans. A schedule is also introduced to simulate ceiling fan operation. A diversity factor (different in commercial and residential buildings) is added to consider the simultaneous usage among the building/household. bldg_type Select building type: Building type (residential or commercial) Choice true false commercial residential residential commercial commercial cool_stp_increase_C Cooling setpoint increase - C Cooling setpoint increase in degree C Double true false 3 motor_type Select ceiling fan motor type: Ceiling fan motor type Choice true false DC DC DC AC AC watts_per_m2 Ceiling fan EUI in watts per floor area Ceiling fan watts per m2 Double false false start_date First start date for the Reduction In MM-DD format String false false 05-01 end_date First end date for the Reduction In MM-DD format String false false 09-30 start_time Start Time for the Reduction In HH:MM:SS format String false false 08:00:00 end_time End Time for the Reduction In HH:MM:SS format String false false 18:00:00 diversity_factor Diversity factor Diversity factor Double false false people_air_velocity People air velocity Air velocity surrounding people (m/s) Double false false 0.8 Equipment.Electric Equipment Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case New Construction EE string Intended Use Case Retrofit EE string README.md.erb erb readmeerb F1C26127 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 00000000 CZ06RV2.epw epw test 52282D70 SFD_1story_UB_UA_ASHP2_HPWH.osm osm test F0332415 MediumOffice-90.1-2010-ASHRAE 169-2013-5A.osm osm test A364A953 README.md md readme 251293B0 LICENSE.md md license BFFB1AA6 OpenStudio 3.4.0 3.4.0 measure.rb rb script A724F7C4 add_ceiling_fan_test.rb rb test 9AF23BB9