require 'spec_helper' describe Ridley::SandboxUploader do let(:client) do double('client', client_name: 'reset', client_key: fixtures_path.join('reset.pem') ) end let(:checksums) do { "oGCPHrQ+5MylEL+V+NIJ9w==" => { needs_upload: true, url: "" } } end let(:sandbox) do, checksums: checksums) end describe "ClassMethods" do subject { described_class } describe "::upload" do it "terminates the uploader after upload" do uploader = double('uploader', alive?: true) Ridley::SandboxUploader.should_receive(:pool).with(size: 12, args: [sandbox]).and_return(uploader) uploader.should_receive(:multi_upload).with(checksums) uploader.should_receive(:terminate) subject.upload(sandbox, checksums) end end describe "::checksum" do it "returns a string" do subject.checksum(fixtures_path.join('reset.pem')).should be_a(String) end end describe "::checksum64" do it "returns a string" do subject.checksum64(fixtures_path.join('reset.pem')).should be_a(String) end end end subject { } describe "#multi_upload" do it "sends an upload command for each pair of checksum/path" do subject.should_receive(:upload).with(checksums.first[0], checksums.first[1]) subject.multi_upload(checksums) end end describe "#upload" do let(:chk_id) { "oGCPHrQ+5MylEL+V+NIJ9w==" } let(:path) { fixtures_path.join('reset.pem').to_s } context "when the checksum needs uploading" do let(:checksums) do { chk_id => { url: "", needs_upload: true } } end it "uploads each checksum to their target URL" do stub_request(:put, checksums[chk_id][:url]) subject.upload(chk_id, path) end end context "when the checksum doesn't need uploading" do let(:checksums) do { chk_id => { needs_upload: false } } end let(:sandbox) do, checksums: checksums) end it "returns nil" do subject.upload(chk_id, path).should be_nil end end end end