module Neo4j::Shared module Persistence class RecordInvalidError < RuntimeError attr_reader :record def initialize(record) @record = record super(@record.errors.full_messages.join(", ")) end end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Neo4j::TypeConverters # Saves the model. # # If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise the existing record gets updated. # If perform_validation is true validations run. # If any of them fail the action is cancelled and save returns false. If the flag is false validations are bypassed altogether. See ActiveRecord::Validations for more information. # There’s a series of callbacks associated with save. If any of the before_* callbacks return false the action is cancelled and save returns false. def save(*) update_magic_properties create_or_update end # Persist the object to the database. Validations and Callbacks are included # by default but validation can be disabled by passing :validate => false # to #save! Creates a new transaction. # # @raise a RecordInvalidError if there is a problem during save. # @param (see Neo4j::Rails::Validations#save) # @return nil # @see #save # @see Neo4j::Rails::Validations Neo4j::Rails::Validations - for the :validate parameter # @see Neo4j::Rails::Callbacks Neo4j::Rails::Callbacks - for callbacks def save!(*args) unless save(*args) raise end end def update_model if changed_attributes && !changed_attributes.empty? changed_props ={|k,v| changed_attributes.include?(k)} changed_props = convert_properties_to :db, changed_props _persisted_obj.update_props(changed_props) changed_attributes.clear end end # Convenience method to set attribute and #save at the same time # @param [Symbol, String] attribute of the attribute to update # @param [Object] value to set def update_attribute(attribute, value) send("#{attribute}=", value) end # Convenience method to set attribute and #save! at the same time # @param [Symbol, String] attribute of the attribute to update # @param [Object] value to set def update_attribute!(attribute, value) send("#{attribute}=", value)! end # Convenience method to set multiple attributes and #save at the same time # @param [Hash] attributes of names and values of attributes to set def update_attributes(attributes) assign_attributes(attributes) end def create_or_update # since the same model can be created or updated twice from a relationship we have to have this guard @_create_or_updating = true result = persisted? ? update_model : create_model unless result != false if Neo4j::Transaction.current false else true end rescue => e if Neo4j::Transaction.current raise e ensure @_create_or_updating = nil end # Returns +true+ if the record is persisted, i.e. it’s not a new record and it was not destroyed def persisted? !new_record? && !destroyed? end # Returns +true+ if the record hasn't been saved to Neo4j yet. def new_record? !_persisted_obj end alias :new? :new_record? def destroy _persisted_obj && _persisted_obj.del @_deleted = true end def exist? _persisted_obj && _persisted_obj.exist? end # Returns +true+ if the object was destroyed. def destroyed? @_deleted || (!new_record? && !exist?) end # @return [Hash] all defined and none nil properties def props attributes.reject{|k,v| v.nil?}.symbolize_keys end # @return true if the attributes hash has been frozen def frozen? freeze_if_deleted @attributes.frozen? end def freeze @attributes.freeze self end def freeze_if_deleted unless new_record? # TODO - Neo4j::IdentityMap.remove_node_by_id(neo_id) unless self.class.load_entity(neo_id) @_deleted = true freeze end end end def reload return self if new_record? changed_attributes && changed_attributes.clear unless reload_from_database @_deleted = true freeze end self end def reload_from_database # TODO - Neo4j::IdentityMap.remove_node_by_id(neo_id) if reloaded = self.class.load_entity(neo_id) send(:attributes=, reloaded.attributes) end reloaded end # Updates this resource with all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and requests that the record be saved. # If saving fails because the resource is invalid then false will be returned. def update(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save end alias_method :update_attributes, :update # Same as {#update_attributes}, but raises an exception if saving fails. def update!(attributes) self.attributes = attributes save! end alias_method :update_attributes!, :update! def cache_key if self.new_record? "#{self.class.model_name.cache_key}/new" elsif self.respond_to?(:updated_at) && !self.updated_at.blank? "#{self.class.model_name.cache_key}/#{neo_id}-#{self.updated_at.utc.to_s(:number)}" else "#{self.class.model_name.cache_key}/#{neo_id}" end end private def create_magic_properties end def update_magic_properties self.updated_at = if respond_to?(:updated_at=) && changed? end def set_classname(props) props[:_classname] = if self.class.cached_class? end # def assign_attributes(attributes) # attributes.each do |attribute, value| # send("#{attribute}=", value) # end # end def set_timestamps self.created_at = if respond_to?(:created_at=) self.updated_at = self.created_at if respond_to?(:updated_at=) end end end