# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" RSpec.describe "hanami server", type: :integration do context "without routes" do it "shows welcome page" do with_project do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") expect(page).to have_content("The web, with simplicity.") expect(page).to have_content("Hanami is Open Source Software for MVC web development with Ruby.") expect(page).to have_content("bundle exec hanami generate action web 'home#index' --url=/") end end end it "shows welcome page for generated app" do with_project do generate "app admin" server do visit "/admin" expect(page).to have_content("bundle exec hanami generate action admin 'home#index' --url=/") end end end end context "with routes" do it "serves action" do with_project do server do generate "action web home#index --url=/" visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Web") end end end it "serves static asset" do with_project do server do write "apps/web/assets/javascripts/app.js", <<~EOF console.log('test'); EOF visit "/assets/app.js" expect(page).to have_content("console.log('test');") end end end it "serves contents from database" do with_project do setup_model console do |input, _, _| input.puts("BookRepository.new.create(title: 'Learn Hanami')") input.puts("exit") end generate "action web books#show --url=/books/:id" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/books/show.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Books class Show include Web::Action expose :book def call(params) @book = BookRepository.new.find(params[:id]) or halt(404) end end end EOF rewrite "apps/web/templates/books/show.html.erb", <<~EOF

<%= book.title %>

EOF server do visit "/books/1" expect(page).to have_content("Learn Hanami") end end end end context "logging" do let(:log) { "log/development.log" } let(:project) { "bookshelf" } context "when enabled" do it "logs GET requests" do with_project(project) do touch log replace "config/environment.rb", "logger level: :debug", %(logger level: :debug, stream: "#{log}") server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end content = contents(log) expect(content).to include("[#{project}] [INFO]") expect(content).to match(%r{HTTP/1.1 GET 200 (.*) /}) end end it "logs GET requests with query string" do with_project(project) do touch log replace "config/environment.rb", "logger level: :debug", %(logger level: :debug, stream: "#{log}") run_cmd "hanami generate action web home#index --url=/", [] server do visit "/?ping=pong" expect(page).to have_title("Web") end content = contents(log) expect(content).to include("[#{project}] [INFO]") expect(content).to match(%({"ping"=>"pong"})) end end it "logs non-GET requests with payload" do with_project(project) do touch log replace "config/environment.rb", "logger level: :debug", %(logger level: :debug, stream: "#{log}") run_cmd "hanami generate action web books#create --method=POST", [] server do post "/books", book: { title: "Functions" } end content = contents(log) expect(content).to include("[#{project}] [INFO]") expect(content).to match(%({"book"=>{"title"=>"Functions"}})) end end it "logs non-GET requests from body parsers" do with_project(project) do touch log replace "config/environment.rb", "logger level: :debug", %(logger level: :debug, stream: "#{log}") inject_line_after "config/environment.rb", "Hanami.configure", "require 'hanami/middleware/body_parser'\nmiddleware.use Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser, :json" run_cmd "hanami generate action web books#create --method=POST", [] inject_line_after "apps/web/controllers/books/create.rb", "call", 'Hanami.logger.debug(request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"]);self.body = %({"status":"OK"})' server do post "/books", book: { title: "Why we sleep" } post "/books", JSON.generate(book: { title: "Parsers" }), "CONTENT_TYPE" => "app/json", "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "app/json" post "/books", JSON.generate(%w[this is cool]), "CONTENT_TYPE" => "app/json", "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "app/json" end content = contents(log) expect(content).to include("[#{project}] [INFO]") expect(content).to include("POST 200") expect(content).to include("app/x-www-form-urlencoded") expect(content).to include(%({"book"=>{"title"=>"Why we sleep"}})) expect(content).to include("app/json") expect(content).to include(%({"book"=>{"title"=>"Parsers"}})) expect(content).to include(%({"_"=>["this", "is", "cool"]})) end end end context "when not enabled" do it "does not log request" do with_project(project) do replace "config/environment.rb", "logger level: :debug", "" server do visit "/" end expect(log).to_not be_an_existing_file end end end end context "--host" do it "starts on given host" do with_project do server(host: "") do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end xit "fails when missing" do with_project do server(host: nil) expect(exitstatus).to eq(1) end end end context "--port" do it "starts on given port" do with_project do server(port: 1982) do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end xit "fails when missing" do with_project do server(port: nil) expect(exitstatus).to eq(1) end end end context "environment" do it "starts with given environment" do with_project do generate "action web home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/home/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Home class Index include Web::Action def call(params) self.body = Hanami.env end end end EOF RSpec::Support::Env["HANAMI_ENV"] = env = "production" RSpec::Support::Env["DATABASE_URL"] = "sqlite://#{Pathname.new('db').join('bookshelf.sqlite')}" RSpec::Support::Env["SMTP_HOST"] = "localhost" RSpec::Support::Env["SMTP_PORT"] = "25" server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_content(env) end end end xit "fails when missing" do with_project do server(environment: nil) expect(exitstatus).to eq(1) end end end context "puma" do it "starts" do with_project("bookshelf_server_puma", server: :puma) do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end end context "unicorn" do it "starts" do with_project("bookshelf_server_unicorn", server: :unicorn) do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end end context "code reloading" do it "reloads templates code" do with_project do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") generate "action web home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/web/templates/home/index.html.erb", <<~EOF

Hello, World!

EOF visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Web") expect(page).to have_content("Hello, World!") end end end it "reloads view" do with_project do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") generate "action web home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/web/views/home/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Views::Home class Index include Web::View def greeting "Ciao!" end end end EOF rewrite "apps/web/templates/home/index.html.erb", <<~EOF <%= greeting %> EOF visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Web") expect(page).to have_content("Ciao!") end end end it "reloads action" do with_project do server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") generate "action web home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/home/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Home class Index include Web::Action def call(params) self.body = "Hi!" end end end EOF visit "/" expect(page).to have_content("Hi!") end end end it "reloads model" do project_name = "bookshelf" with_project(project_name) do # STEP 1: prepare the database and the repository generate_model "user" generate_migration "create_users", <<~EOF Hanami::Model.migration do change do create_table :users do primary_key :id column :name, String end execute "INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES('L')" execute "INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES('MG')" end end EOF rewrite "lib/#{project_name}/repositories/user_repository.rb", <<~EOF class UserRepository < Hanami::Repository def listing all end end EOF hanami "db prepare" # STEP 2: generate the action generate "action web users#index --url=/users" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/users/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Users class Index include Web::Action def call(params) self.body = UserRepository.new.listing.map(&:name).join(", ") end end end EOF server do # STEP 3: visit the page visit "/users" expect(page).to have_content("L, MG") # STEP 4: change the repository, then visit the page again rewrite "lib/#{project_name}/repositories/user_repository.rb", <<~EOF class UserRepository < Hanami::Repository def listing all.reverse end end EOF visit "/users" expect(page).to have_content("MG, L") end end end xit "reloads asset" do with_project do server do write "apps/web/assets/stylesheets/style.css", <<~EOF body { background-color: #fff; } EOF visit "/assets/style.css" expect(page).to have_content("#fff") rewrite "apps/web/assets/stylesheets/style.css", <<~EOF body { background-color: #333; } EOF visit "/assets/style.css" expect(page).to have_content("#333") end end end end context "without code reloading" do it "doesn't reload code" do with_project do server("no-code-reloading" => nil) do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") generate "action web home#index --url=/" visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end end context "without hanami model" do it "uses custom model domain" do project_without_hanami_model("bookshelf", gems: ["dry-struct"]) do write "lib/entities/access_token.rb", <<~EOF require 'dry-struct' require 'securerandom' module Types include Dry::Types.module end class AccessToken < Dry::Struct attribute :id, Types::String.default { SecureRandom.uuid } attribute :secret, Types::String attribute :digest, Types::String end EOF generate "action web access_tokens#show --url=/access_tokens/:id" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/access_tokens/show.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::AccessTokens class Show include Web::Action expose :access_token def call(params) @access_token = AccessToken.new(id: '1', secret: 'shh', digest: 'abc') end end end EOF rewrite "apps/web/templates/access_tokens/show.html.erb", <<~EOF

<%= access_token.secret %>

EOF server do visit "/access_tokens/1" visit "/access_tokens/1" # forces code reloading expect(page).to have_content("shh") end end end end context "without mailer" do it "returns page" do with_project do remove_block "config/environment.rb", "mailer do" server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_title("Hanami | The web, with simplicity") end end end end it "prints help message" do with_project do output = <<-OUT Command: hanami server Usage: hanami server Description: Start Hanami server (only for development) Options: --server=VALUE # Force a server engine (eg, webrick, puma, thin, etc..) --host=VALUE # The host address to bind to --port=VALUE, -p VALUE # The port to run the server on --debug=VALUE # Turn on debug output --warn=VALUE # Turn on warnings --daemonize=VALUE # Daemonize the server --pid=VALUE # Path to write a pid file after daemonize --[no-]code-reloading # Code reloading, default: true --help, -h # Print this help Examples: hanami server # Basic usage (it uses the bundled server engine) hanami server --server=webrick # Force `webrick` server engine hanami server --host= # Bind to a host hanami server --port=2306 # Bind to a port hanami server --no-code-reloading # Disable code reloading OUT run_cmd 'hanami server --help', output end end context "with HANAMI_APPS ENV variable" do it "loads only specific app" do with_project do generate "app admin" remove_line "config/environment.rb", "require_relative '../apps/admin/app'" remove_line "config/environment.rb", "mount Admin::App" remove_line "config/environment.rb", "require_relative '../apps/web/app'" remove_line "config/environment.rb", "mount Web::App" inject_line_after "config/environment.rb", "Hanami.configure", <<-EOL if Hanami.app?(:admin) require_relative '../apps/admin/app' mount Admin::App, at: '/admin' end if Hanami.app?(:web) require_relative '../apps/web/app' mount Web::App, at: '/' end EOL generate "action web home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/web/controllers/home/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Home class Index include Web::Action def call(params) self.body = "app: web" end end end EOF generate "action admin home#index --url=/" rewrite "apps/admin/controllers/home/index.rb", <<~EOF module Web::Controllers::Home class Index include Admin::Action def call(params) self.body = "app: admin" end end end EOF RSpec::Support::Env["HANAMI_APPS"] = "web" server do visit "/" expect(page).to have_content("app: web") visit "/admin" expect(page).to have_content("Not Found") end end end end end