# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require 'yard' require 'rake_circle_ci' require 'rake_github' require 'rake_ssh' require 'rake_gpg' require 'securerandom' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'rubocop/rake_task' task default: %i[ library:fix test:unit ] namespace :encryption do namespace :passphrase do desc 'Generate encryption passphrase for CI GPG key' task :generate do File.write('config/secrets/ci/encryption.passphrase', SecureRandom.base64(36)) end end end namespace :keys do namespace :deploy do RakeSSH.define_key_tasks( path: 'config/secrets/ci/', comment: 'maintainers@infrablocks.io' ) end namespace :gpg do RakeGPG.define_generate_key_task( output_directory: 'config/secrets/ci', name_prefix: 'gpg', owner_name: 'InfraBlocks Maintainers', owner_email: 'maintainers@infrablocks.io', owner_comment: 'rake_terraform CI Key' ) end end RuboCop::RakeTask.new YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb'] t.options = %w[--embed-mixins --output-dir docs] end namespace :library do desc 'Run all checks of the library' task check: [:rubocop] desc 'Attempt to automatically fix issues with the library' task fix: [:'rubocop:auto_correct'] end namespace :documentation do desc 'Generate documentation' task generate: [:yard] desc 'Commit documentation' task :commit, [:skip] do |_, args| args.with_defaults(skip: 'true') skip_ci = args.skip == 'true' sh('git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', "Generate latest documentation#{skip_ci ? ' [ci skip]' : ''}") end desc 'Update documentation' task update: %i[generate commit] end namespace :test do RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:unit) end RakeCircleCI.define_project_tasks( namespace: :circle_ci, project_slug: 'github/infrablocks/rake_terraform' ) do |t| circle_ci_config = YAML.load_file('config/secrets/circle_ci/config.yaml') t.api_token = circle_ci_config['circle_ci_api_token'] t.environment_variables = { ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE: File.read('config/secrets/ci/encryption.passphrase') .chomp } t.checkout_keys = [] t.ssh_keys = [ { hostname: 'github.com', private_key: File.read('config/secrets/ci/ssh.private') } ] end RakeGithub.define_repository_tasks( namespace: :github, repository: 'infrablocks/rake_terraform' ) do |t, args| github_config = YAML.load_file('config/secrets/github/config.yaml') t.access_token = github_config['github_personal_access_token'] t.deploy_keys = [ { title: 'CircleCI', public_key: File.read('config/secrets/ci/ssh.public') } ] t.branch_name = args.branch_name t.commit_message = args.commit_message end namespace :pipeline do desc 'Prepare CircleCI Pipeline' task prepare: %i[ circle_ci:project:follow circle_ci:env_vars:ensure circle_ci:checkout_keys:ensure circle_ci:ssh_keys:ensure github:deploy_keys:ensure ] end namespace :version do desc 'Bump version for specified type (pre, major, minor, patch)' task :bump, [:type] do |_, args| bump_version_for(args.type) end end desc 'Release gem' task :release do sh 'gem release --tag --push' end def bump_version_for(version_type) sh "gem bump --version #{version_type} " \ '&& bundle install ' \ '&& export LAST_MESSAGE="$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)" ' \ '&& git commit -a --amend -m "${LAST_MESSAGE} [ci skip]"' end