# # Author:: Thom May () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" # Now we are using the option --with-colons that works across old os versions # as well as the latest (16.10). This for both `apt-key` and `gpg` commands # # Output of the command: # => apt-key adv --list-public-keys --with-fingerprint --with-colons APT_KEY_FINGER = <<~EOF.freeze tru:t:1:1488924856:0:3:1:5 pub:-:1024:17:40976EAF437D05B5:2004-09-12:::-:Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key ::scESC: fpr:::::::::630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5: sub:-:2048:16:251BEFF479164387:2004-09-12::::::e: pub:-:1024:17:46181433FBB75451:2004-12-30:::-:Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key ::scSC: fpr:::::::::C5986B4F1257FFA86632CBA746181433FBB75451: pub:-:4096:1:3B4FE6ACC0B21F32:2012-05-11:::-:Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012) ::scSC: fpr:::::::::790BC7277767219C42C86F933B4FE6ACC0B21F32: pub:-:4096:1:D94AA3F0EFE21092:2012-05-11:::-:Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) ::scSC: fpr:::::::::843938DF228D22F7B3742BC0D94AA3F0EFE21092: EOF # Output of the command: # => gpg --with-fingerprint --with-colons [FILE] GPG_FINGER = <<~EOF.freeze pub:-:1024:17:327574EE02A818DD:2009-04-22:::-:Cloudera Apt Repository: fpr:::::::::F36A89E33CC1BD0F71079007327574EE02A818DD: sub:-:2048:16:84080586D1CA74A1:2009-04-22:::: EOF describe "Chef::Provider::AptRepository" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:run_context) { Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) } let(:collection) { double("resource collection") } let(:new_resource) { Chef::Resource::AptRepository.new("multiverse", run_context) } let(:provider) { new_resource.provider_for_action(:add) } let(:apt_key_finger_cmd) do %w{apt-key adv --list-public-keys --with-fingerprint --with-colons} end let(:apt_key_finger) do double("shell_out", stdout: APT_KEY_FINGER, exitstatus: 0, error?: false) end let(:gpg_finger) do double("shell_out", stdout: GPG_FINGER, exitstatus: 0, error?: false) end let(:gpg_shell_out_success) do double("shell_out", stdout: "pub 2048R/7BD9BF62 2011-08-19 nginx signing key ", exitstatus: 0, error?: false) end let(:gpg_shell_out_failure) do double("shell_out", stderr: "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.\n gpg: processing message failed: eof", exitstatus: 1, error?: true) end let(:apt_fingerprints) do %w{630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5 C5986B4F1257FFA86632CBA746181433FBB75451 790BC7277767219C42C86F933B4FE6ACC0B21F32 843938DF228D22F7B3742BC0D94AA3F0EFE21092} end it "responds to load_current_resource" do expect(provider).to respond_to(:load_current_resource) end describe "#is_key_id?" do it "detects a key" do expect(provider.is_key_id?("A4FF2279")).to be_truthy end it "detects a key with a hex signifier" do expect(provider.is_key_id?("0xA4FF2279")).to be_truthy end it "rejects a key with the wrong length" do expect(provider.is_key_id?("4FF2279")).to be_falsey end it "rejects a key with non-hex characters" do expect(provider.is_key_id?("A4KF2279")).to be_falsey end end describe "#extract_fingerprints_from_cmd" do it "runs the desired command" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).and_return(apt_key_finger) provider.extract_fingerprints_from_cmd(*apt_key_finger_cmd) end it "returns a list of key fingerprints" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out).and_return(apt_key_finger) expect(provider.extract_fingerprints_from_cmd(*apt_key_finger_cmd)).to eql(apt_fingerprints) end end describe "#cookbook_name" do it "returns 'test' when the cookbook property is set" do new_resource.cookbook("test") expect(provider.cookbook_name).to eq("test") end end describe "#no_new_keys?" do before do allow(provider).to receive(:extract_fingerprints_from_cmd).with(*apt_key_finger_cmd).and_return(apt_fingerprints) end let(:file) { "/tmp/remote-gpg-keyfile" } it "matches a set of keys" do allow(provider).to receive(:extract_fingerprints_from_cmd) .with("gpg", "--with-fingerprint", "--with-colons", file) .and_return(Array(apt_fingerprints.first)) expect(provider.no_new_keys?(file)).to be_truthy end it "notices missing keys" do allow(provider).to receive(:extract_fingerprints_from_cmd) .with("gpg", "--with-fingerprint", "--with-colons", file) .and_return(%w{ F36A89E33CC1BD0F71079007327574EE02A818DD }) expect(provider.no_new_keys?(file)).to be_falsey end end describe "#key_type" do it "returns :remote_file with an http URL" do expect(provider.key_type("https://www.chef.io/key")).to eq(:remote_file) end it "returns :cookbook_file with a chef managed file" do expect(provider).to receive(:has_cookbook_file?).and_return(true) expect(provider.key_type("/foo/bar.key")).to eq(:cookbook_file) end it "throws exception if an unknown file specified" do expect(provider).to receive(:has_cookbook_file?).and_return(false) expect { provider.key_type("/foo/bar.key") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound) end end describe "#keyserver_install_cmd" do it "returns keyserver install command" do expect(provider.keyserver_install_cmd("ABC", "gpg.mit.edu")).to eq("apt-key adv --no-tty --recv --keyserver hkp://gpg.mit.edu:80 ABC") end it "uses proxy if key_proxy property is set" do new_resource.key_proxy("proxy.mycorp.dmz:3128") expect(provider.keyserver_install_cmd("ABC", "gpg.mit.edu")).to eq("apt-key adv --no-tty --recv --keyserver-options http-proxy=proxy.mycorp.dmz:3128 --keyserver hkp://gpg.mit.edu:80 ABC") end it "properly handles keyservers passed with hkp:// URIs" do expect(provider.keyserver_install_cmd("ABC", "hkp://gpg.mit.edu")).to eq("apt-key adv --no-tty --recv --keyserver hkp://gpg.mit.edu ABC") end end describe "#is_ppa_url" do it "returns true if the URL starts with ppa:" do expect(provider.is_ppa_url?("ppa://example.com")).to be_truthy end it "returns false if the URL does not start with ppa:" do expect(provider.is_ppa_url?("example.com")).to be_falsey end end describe "#repo_components" do it "returns 'main' if a PPA and components property not set" do expect(provider).to receive(:is_ppa_url?).and_return(true) expect(provider.repo_components).to eq("main") end it "returns components property if a PPA and components is set" do new_resource.components(["foo"]) expect(provider).to receive(:is_ppa_url?).and_return(true) expect(provider.repo_components).to eq(["foo"]) end it "returns components property if not a PPA" do new_resource.components(["foo"]) expect(provider).to receive(:is_ppa_url?).and_return(false) expect(provider.repo_components).to eq(["foo"]) end end describe "#install_ppa_key" do let(:url) { "https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~chef/+archive/main" } let(:key) { "C5986B4F1257FFA86632CBA746181433FBB75451" } it "gets a key" do simples = double("HTTP") allow(simples).to receive(:get).and_return("\"#{key}\"") expect(Chef::HTTP::Simple).to receive(:new).with(url).and_return(simples) expect(provider).to receive(:install_key_from_keyserver).with(key, "keyserver.ubuntu.com") provider.install_ppa_key("chef", "main") end end describe "#make_ppa_url" do it "creates a URL" do expect(provider).to receive(:install_ppa_key).with("chef", "main").and_return(true) expect(provider.make_ppa_url("ppa:chef/main")).to eql("http://ppa.launchpad.net/chef/main/ubuntu") end end describe "#build_repo" do it "creates a repository string" do target = "deb http://test/uri unstable main\n" expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) end it "creates a repository string with spaces" do target = "deb http://test/uri%20with%20spaces unstable main\n" expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri with spaces", "unstable", "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) end it "creates a repository string with no distribution" do target = "deb http://test/uri main\n" expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", nil, "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) end it "creates a repository string with source" do target = "deb http://test/uri unstable main\ndeb-src http://test/uri unstable main\n" expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", false, nil, true)).to eql(target) end it "creates a repository string with options" do target = "deb [trusted=yes] http://test/uri unstable main\n" expect(provider.build_repo("http://test/uri", "unstable", "main", true, nil)).to eql(target) end it "handles a ppa repo" do target = "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chef/main/ubuntu unstable main\n" expect(provider).to receive(:make_ppa_url).with("ppa:chef/main").and_return("http://ppa.launchpad.net/chef/main/ubuntu") expect(provider.build_repo("ppa:chef/main", "unstable", "main", false, nil)).to eql(target) end end end