module Sequel class Database # --------------------- # :section: 6 - Methods relating to logging # This methods affect relating to the logging of executed SQL. # --------------------- # Numeric specifying the duration beyond which queries are logged at warn # level instead of info level. attr_accessor :log_warn_duration # Array of SQL loggers to use for this database. attr_accessor :loggers # Log level at which to log SQL queries. This is actually the method # sent to the logger, so it should be the method name symbol. The default # is :info, it can be set to :debug to log at DEBUG level. attr_accessor :sql_log_level # Log a message at error level, with information about the exception. def log_exception(exception, message) log_each(:error, "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message.strip if exception.message}: #{message}") end # Log a message at level info to all loggers. def log_info(message, args=nil) log_each(:info, args ? "#{message}; #{args.inspect}" : message) end # Yield to the block, logging any errors at error level to all loggers, # and all other queries with the duration at warn or info level. def log_yield(sql, args=nil) return yield if @loggers.empty? sql = "#{sql}; #{args.inspect}" if args start = begin yield rescue => e log_exception(e, sql) raise ensure log_duration( - start, sql) unless e end end # Remove any existing loggers and just use the given logger: # # DB.logger =$stdout) def logger=(logger) @loggers = Array(logger) end private # Log the given SQL and then execute it on the connection, used by # the transaction code. def log_connection_execute(conn, sql) log_yield(sql){conn.send(connection_execute_method, sql)} end # Log message with message prefixed by duration at info level, or # warn level if duration is greater than log_warn_duration. def log_duration(duration, message) log_each((lwd = log_warn_duration and duration >= lwd) ? :warn : sql_log_level, "(#{sprintf('%0.6fs', duration)}) #{message}") end # Log message at level (which should be :error, :warn, or :info) # to all loggers. def log_each(level, message) @loggers.each{|logger| logger.send(level, message)} end end end