# Discourage the use of `include` (`ConvertIncludeToRender`) The `include` tag is [deprecated][deprecated]. This tag exists to enforce the use of the `render` tag instead of `include`. The `include` tag works similarly to the `render` tag, but it lets the code inside of the snippet to access and overwrite the variables within its parent theme file. The `include` tag has been deprecated because the way that it handles variables reduces performance and makes theme code harder to both read and maintain. ## Check Details This check is aimed at eliminating the use of `include` tags. :-1: Examples of **incorrect** code for this check: ```liquid {% include 'snippet' %} ``` :+1: Examples of **correct** code for this check: ```liquid {% render 'snippet' %} ``` ## Check Options The default configuration for this check is the following: ```yaml ConvertIncludeToRender: enabled: true ``` ## When Not To Use It It is discouraged to disable this rule. ## Version This check has been introduced in PlatformOS Check 0.0.1. ## Resources - [Deprecated Tags Reference][deprecated] - [Rule Source][codesource] - [Documentation Source][docsource] [deprecated]: https://documentation.platformos.com/api-reference/liquid/include [codesource]: /lib/platformos_check/checks/convert_include_to_render.rb [docsource]: /docs/checks/convert_include_to_render.md