require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "finders", :type => :controller do setup = lambda { class PiratesController < ActionController::Base expose_many(:pirates) private def find_pirate Pirate.find_by_title(params[:id]) end def find_pirates Pirate.all end end ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.resources :pirates end } controller_name :pirates Object.remove_class(PiratesController) before(:each) do @controller = @request = @response = @pirate = Factory.stub(:pirate) @pirates = [Factory.stub(:pirate)] Pirate.stub(:find_by_title => @pirate) Pirate.stub(:all => @pirates) end after(:each) do Object.remove_class(PiratesController) end it "finds member resource with a method name as symbol" do PiratesController.find :pirate, :with => proc { Pirate.find_by_title(params[:id]) } get(:show, {:id => 'Captain'}) should assign_to(:pirate).with(@pirate) end it "finds collection resource with a method name as symbol" do PiratesController.find :pirates, :with => proc { [:all] } get(:index) should assign_to(:pirates).with(@pirates) end it "finds member resource with a proc" do PiratesController.find :pirate, :with => :find_pirate get(:show, {:id => 'Captain'}) should assign_to(:pirate).with(@pirate) end it "finds collection resource with a proc" do PiratesController.find :pirates, :with => :find_pirates get(:index) should assign_to(:pirates).with(@pirates) end it "finds member resource with a block" do PiratesController.find :pirate do Pirate.find_by_title(params[:id]) end get(:show, {:id => 'Captain'}) should assign_to(:pirate).with(@pirate) end it "finds collection resource with a block" do PiratesController.find :pirates do [:all] end get(:index) should assign_to(:pirates).with(@pirates) end end