require "isodoc" require_relative "metadata" require "fileutils" module IsoDoc module Ogc module BaseConvert def annex_name(annex, name, div) div.h1 **{ class: "Annex" } do |t| t << "#{anchor(annex['id'], :label)} " t.b do |b| name&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, b) } end end end def term_defs_boilerplate(div, source, term, preface) if source.empty? && term.nil? div << @no_terms_boilerplate else div << term_defs_boilerplate_cont(source, term) end end def fileloc(loc) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), loc) end def cleanup(docxml) super term_cleanup(docxml) end def term_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'Terms']").each do |d| h2 ="./preceding-sibling::*[@class = 'TermNum'][1]") h2.add_child(" ") h2.add_child(d.remove) end docxml end def info(isoxml, out) @meta.keywords isoxml, out super end def load_yaml(lang, script) y = if @i18nyaml then YAML.load_file(@i18nyaml) elsif lang == "en" YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) else YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) end super.merge(y) end def keywords(_docxml, out) kw = @meta.get[:keywords] kw.empty? and return @prefacenum += 1 out.div **{ class: "Section3" } do |div| clause_name(RomanNumerals.to_roman(@prefacenum).downcase, "Keywords", div, class: "IntroTitle") div.p "The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues." div.p kw.join(", ") end end SUBMITTINGORGS = "//bibdata/contributor[role/@type = 'author']/organization/name".freeze def submittingorgs(docxml, out) orgs = [] docxml.xpath(ns(SUBMITTINGORGS)).each { |org| orgs << org.text } return if orgs.empty? @prefacenum += 1 out.div **{ class: "Section3" } do |div| clause_name(RomanNumerals.to_roman(@prefacenum).downcase, "Submitting Organizations", div, class: "IntroTitle") div.p "The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):" div.ul do |ul| orgs.each do |org| org end end end end def submitters(docxml, out) f ="//submitters")) || return out.div **{ class: "Section3" } do |div| clause_name(anchor(f['id'], :label), "Submitters", div, class: "IntroTitle") f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" } end end def preface_names(clause) return if clause.nil? @prefacenum += 1 @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: RomanNumerals.to_roman(@prefacenum).downcase, level: 1, xref: preface_clause_name(clause), type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns("./clause | ./terms | ./term | ./definitions")).each_with_index do |c, i| section_names1(c, "#{@prefacenum}.#{i + 1}", 2) end end def abstract(isoxml, out) f ="//preface/abstract")) || return @prefacenum += 1 page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| clause_name(anchor(f["id"], :label), @abstract_lbl, s, class: "AbstractTitle") f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def foreword(isoxml, out) f ="//foreword")) || return @prefacenum += 1 page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| clause_name(anchor(f["id"], :label), @foreword_lbl, s, class: "ForewordTitle") f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def example_parse(node, out) name ="./name")) sourcecode_name_parse(node, out, name) if name super end def error_parse(node, out) case when "recommendation" then recommendation_parse(node, out) when "requirement" then requirement_parse(node, out) when "permission" then permission_parse(node, out) else super end end def anchor_names(docxml) super recommendation_anchor_names(docxml) requirement_anchor_names(docxml) permission_anchor_names(docxml) end def recommendation_anchor_names(docxml) i = 0 docxml.xpath(ns("//recommendation")).each do |x| next if x["id"].nil? || x["id"].empty? @anchors[x["id"]] = anchor_struct(i+1, nil, "Recommendation", "recommendation", x["unnumbered"]) i += 1 unless x["unnumbered"] end end def requirement_anchor_names(docxml) i = 0 docxml.xpath(ns("//requirement")).each_with_index do |x| next if x["id"].nil? || x["id"].empty? @anchors[x["id"]] = anchor_struct(i+1, nil, "Requirement", "requirement", x["unnumbered"]) i += 1 unless x["unnumbered"] end end def permission_anchor_names(docxml) i = 0 docxml.xpath(ns("//permission")).each do |x| next if x["id"].nil? || x["id"].empty? @anchors[x["id"]] = anchor_struct(i+1, nil, "Permission", "permission", x["unnumbered"]) i += 1 unless x["unnumbered"] end end def recommend_table_attr(node) attr_code(id: node["id"], class: "recommend", cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, style: "border-collapse:collapse" ) end REQ_TBL_ATTR = { valign: "top", class: "example_label", style: "width:100.0pt;padding:0 0 0 1em;margin-left:0pt" }.freeze def recommend_name_parse(node, div) name = node&.at(ns("./name"))&.text or return div.p do |p| p.b name end end def recommendation_parse(node, out) out.table **recommend_table_attr(node) do |t| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| recommendation_label(node, td) end **{ valign: "top", class: "recommend" } do |td| recommend_name_parse(node, td) node.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) unless == "name" } end end end end def recommendation_label(node, out) n = get_anchors[node["id"]] label = (n.nil? || n[:label].nil? || n[:label].empty?) ? "Recommendation" : l10n("#{"Recommendation"} #{n[:label]}") out.p **{class: "RecommendationTitle" } do |p| p << label end end def requirement_parse(node, out) out.table **recommend_table_attr(node) do |t| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| requirement_label(node, td) end **{ valign: "top", class: "recommend" } do |td| recommend_name_parse(node, td) node.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) unless == "name" } end end end end def requirement_label(node, out) n = get_anchors[node["id"]] label = (n.nil? || n[:label].nil? || n[:label].empty?) ? "Requirement" : l10n("#{"Requirement"} #{n[:label]}") out.p **{class: "RecommendationTitle" } do |p| p << label end end def permission_parse(node, out) out.table **recommend_table_attr(node) do |t| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| permission_label(node, td) end **{ valign: "top", class: "recommend" } do |td| recommend_name_parse(node, td) node.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) unless == "name" } end end end end def permission_label(node, out) n = get_anchors[node["id"]] label = (n.nil? || n[:label].nil? || n[:label].empty?) ? "Permission" : l10n("#{"Permission"} #{n[:label]}") out.p **{class: "RecommendationTitle" } do |p| p << label end end def initial_anchor_names(d) @prefacenum = 0 preface_names("//preface/abstract"))) @prefacenum += 1 if"//keyword")) preface_names("//foreword"))) preface_names("//introduction"))) @prefacenum += 1 if preface_names("//submitters"))) sequential_asset_names(d.xpath(ns("//preface/abstract | //foreword | //introduction | //submitters"))) n = section_names("//clause[title = 'Scope']")), 0, 1) n = section_names("//clause[title = 'Conformance']")), n, 1) n = section_names( "//references[title = 'Normative References' or title = 'Normative references']")), n, 1) n = section_names("//sections/terms | "\ "//sections/clause[descendant::terms]")), n, 1) n = section_names("//sections/definitions")), n, 1) middle_section_asset_names(d) clause_names(d, n) termnote_anchor_names(d) termexample_anchor_names(d) end MIDDLE_CLAUSE = "//clause[parent::sections][not(xmlns:title = 'Scope' or xmlns:title = 'Conformance')]"\ "[not(descendant::terms)]".freeze def middle_section_asset_names(d) middle_sections = "//clause[title = 'Scope' or title = 'Conformance'] | "\ "//foreword | //introduction | "\ "//references[title = 'Normative References' or title = 'Normative references'] | "\ "//sections/terms | "\ "//sections/definitions | //clause[parent::sections]" sequential_asset_names(d.xpath(ns(middle_sections))) end =begin def clause_names(docxml, sect_num) docxml.xpath(ns(self.class::MIDDLE_CLAUSE)).each_with_index do |c, i| section_names(c, (i + sect_num), 1) end end =end def conformance(isoxml, out, num) f ="//clause[title = 'Conformance']")) or return num out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |div| num = num + 1 clause_name(num, "Conformance", div, nil) f.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end num end =begin def clause(isoxml, out, num) isoxml.xpath(ns(self.class::MIDDLE_CLAUSE)).each do |c| out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"]) do |div| num = num + 1 clause_name(num, c&.at(ns("./title"))&.content, div, nil) c.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end end =end def middle(isoxml, out) middle_title(out) i = scope isoxml, out, 0 i = conformance isoxml, out, i i = norm_ref isoxml, out, i i = terms_defs isoxml, out, i i = symbols_abbrevs isoxml, out, i clause isoxml, out annex isoxml, out bibliography isoxml, out end end end end