# Wx::SF::EditTextShape - edit text shape class # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands require 'wx/shapes/shapes/text_shape' module Wx::SF CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES = false APPLY_TEXT_CHANGES = true class ContentCtrl < Wx::TextCtrl # Constructor. # @param [Wx::Window] parent Pointer to the parent window # @param [Integer] id ID of the text control window # @param [Wx::SF::EditTextShape] parent_shape Pointer to the parent editable text shape # @param [String] content Initial content of the text control # @param [Wx::Point] pos Initial position # @param [Wx::Size] size Initial size # @param [Integer] style Window style def initialize(parent, id, parent_shape, content, pos, size, style) super(parent, id, content, pos, size, Wx::TE_PROCESS_ENTER | Wx::TE_PROCESS_TAB | Wx::NO_BORDER | style) @parent = parent @parent_shape = parent_shape @prev_content = content evt_kill_focus :on_kill_focus evt_key_down :on_key_down set_insertion_point_end if @parent_shape # update the font size in accordance to the canvas scale font = @parent_shape.get_font font.set_point_size((font.get_point_size * @parent_shape.get_parent_canvas.get_scale).to_i) set_font(font) set_background_colour(Wx::Colour.new(200, 200, 200)) set_focus end end # Finish the editing process/ # @param [Boolean] apply If true then changes made in edited text will be applied on text shape, otherwise it will be canceled def quit(apply = APPLY_TEXT_CHANGES) self.hide if @parent_shape @parent_shape.send(:set_text_ctrl, nil) @parent_shape.set_style(@parent_shape.send(:get_current_state)) # save canvas state if the textctrl content has changed... if apply && @prev_content != get_value @parent_shape.set_text(get_value) @prev_content = get_value # inform parent shape canvas about text change... @parent_shape.get_parent_canvas.on_text_change(@parent_shape) @parent_shape.get_parent_canvas.save_canvas_state end @parent_shape.update @parent_shape.get_parent_canvas.refresh end self.destroy end protected # Event handler called if the text control lost the focus. # @param [Wx::FocusEvent] _event Reference to the event class instance def on_kill_focus(_event) # noop end # Event handler called if the key was pressed in the text control. # @param [Wx::KeyEvent] event Reference to the event class instance def on_key_down(event) case event.get_key_code when Wx::K_ESCAPE quit(CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES) when Wx::K_TAB quit(APPLY_TEXT_CHANGES) when Wx::K_RETURN # enter new line if SHIFT key was pressed together with the ENTER key if Wx::get_key_state(Wx::K_SHIFT) event.skip else quit(APPLY_TEXT_CHANGES) end else event.skip end end end # Auxiliary class providing necessary functionality needed for dialog-based # modification of a content of the text shape. # @see EditTextShape class DetachedContentCtrl < Wx::Dialog # Constructor. # @param [Wx::Window] parent Pointer to the parent window # @param [Integer] id ID of the text control window # @param [String] title Dialog's title # @param [Wx::Point] pos Initial position # @param [Wx::Size] size Initial size # @param [Integer] style Window style def initialize(parent, id = Wx::ID_ANY, title = 'Edit content', pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|Wx::RESIZE_BORDER) set_size_hints(Wx::Size.new(-1,-1), Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE) main_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new @text = Wx::TextCtrl.new(self, Wx::ID_ANY, '', Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, [350,100], Wx::TE_MULTILINE) @text.set_min_size([350,100]) main_sizer.add(@text, 1, Wx::ALL|Wx::EXPAND, 5) button_sizer = Wx::StdDialogButtonSizer.new button_sizer_ok = Wx::Button.new(self, Wx::ID_OK) button_sizer.add_button(button_sizer_ok) button_sizer_cancel = Wx::Button.new(self, Wx::ID_CANCEL) button_sizer.add_button(button_sizer_cancel) button_sizer.realize main_sizer.add(button_sizer, 0, Wx::ALIGN_RIGHT|Wx::BOTTOM|Wx::RIGHT, 5) set_sizer(main_sizer) layout main_sizer.fit(self) centre(Wx::BOTH) end # Set content of dialog's text edit control. # @param [String] txt Text content def set_content(txt) @text.set_value(txt) end # Get content of dialog's text edit control. # @return [String] Edited text def get_content @text.get_value end end # Class encapsulating the editable text shape. It extends the basic text shape. # @see Wx::SF::TextShape class EditTextShape < TextShape class EDITTYPE < Wx::Enum INPLACE = self.new(0) DIALOG = self.new(1) DISABLED = self.new(1) end # Default values module DEFAULT # Default value of EditTextShape @force_multiline data member FORCE_MULTILINE = false # Default value of EditTextShape @edit_type data member EDIT_TYPE = EDITTYPE::INPLACE end property :force_multiline, :edit_type # @overload initialize() # Default constructor. # @overload initialize(pos, txt, diagram) # User constructor. # @param [Wx::RealPoint] pos Initial position # @param [String] txt Initial content # @param [Wx::SF::Diagram] diagram parent diagram def initialize(*args) super @text_ctrl = nil @force_multiline = DEFAULT::FORCE_MULTILINE @edit_type = DEFAULT::EDIT_TYPE @current_state = 0 end attr_reader :force_multiline # Set way how the text shape's content can be edited. # @param [EDITTYPE] type Edit control type # @see EDITTYPE def set_edit_type(type) @edit_type = type end alias :edit_type= :set_edit_type # Get current type of text shape's edit control. # @return [EDITTYPE] Type of edit control # @see EDITTYPE def get_edit_type @edit_type end alias :edit_type :get_edit_type # Get assigned text control allowing user to change the # shape's content directly in the canvas. # @return [ContentCtrl] instance of wxSFContentCtrl class def get_text_ctrl @text_ctrl end alias :text_ctrl :get_text_ctrl def set_text_ctrl(txt_ctrl) @text_ctrl = txt_ctrl end private :set_text_ctrl # Switch the shape to a label editing mode. def edit_label if get_parent_canvas shp_pos = get_absolute_position scale = get_parent_canvas.get_scale dx, dy = get_parent_canvas.calc_unscrolled_position(0, 0) case @edit_type when EDITTYPE::INPLACE shp_bb = get_bounding_box style = 0 style = Wx::TE_MULTILINE if @force_multiline || @text.index("\n") # set minimal control size shp_bb.set_width(50) if @text == '' || (style == Wx::TE_MULTILINE && shp_bb.width < 50) @current_state = get_style remove_style(STYLE::SIZE_CHANGE) @text_ctrl = ContentCtrl.new(get_parent_canvas, Wx::ID_ANY, self, @text, [((shp_pos.x * scale) - dx).to_i, ((shp_pos.y * scale) - dy).to_i], [(shp_bb.width * scale).to_i, (shp_bb.height * scale).to_i], style) when EDITTYPE::DIALOG prev_text = get_text DetachedContentCtrl(get_parent_canvas) do |text_dlg| text_dlg.set_content(prev_text) if text_dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK if text_dlg.get_content != prev_text set_text(text_dlg.get_content) get_parent_canvas.on_text_change(self) get_parent_canvas.save_canvas_state update get_parent_canvas.refresh(false) end end end end end end # Force the edit text control to be multiline # @param [Boolean] multiline If true then the associated text control will be always multiline def set_force_multiline(multiline) @force_multiline = multiline end alias :force_multiline= :set_force_multiline # Event handler called when the shape was double-clicked. # The function can be overridden if necessary. # @param [Wx::Point] pos Mouse position. def on_left_double_click(pos) # HINT: override it if necessary... edit_label end # Event handler called when any key is pressed (in the shape canvas). # The function can be overridden if necessary. # # The function is called by the framework (by the shape canvas). # @param [Integer] key The key code # @return [Boolean] The function must return true if the default event routine should be called # as well, otherwise false # @see Shape#on_key def on_key(key) # HINT: override it if necessary... if key == Wx::K_F2 edit_label if active? && visible? end super end protected # Event handler called by ShapeCanvas to request,report canvas changes. # @param [ShapeCanvas::CHANGE] change change type indicator # @param [Array] _args any additional arguments # @return [Boolean,nil] def _on_canvas(change, *_args) if change == ShapeCanvas::CHANGE::FOCUS text_ctrl = get_text_ctrl text_ctrl.quit(APPLY_TEXT_CHANGES) if text_ctrl end super end private # Return cached state # @return [Integer] def get_current_state @current_state end end end