#= require_self #= require drivers/phantomjs/runner # stub out phantomjs window.phantom = {exit: ->} window.require = (file) -> switch file when "system" then {args: ["runner.coffee", "http://host:port/path", "200"]} when "webpage" then create: -> { open: -> {} evaluate: -> {} } describe "PhantomJS Runner", -> beforeEach -> @logSpy = spyOn(window.console, "log") @runner = new Runner() describe "constructor", -> it "sets the url from system.args", -> expect(@runner.url).toBe("http://host:port/path") it "sets the timeout from system.args", -> expect(@runner.timeout).toBe(200 * 1000) describe "#run", -> beforeEach -> @initSpy = spyOn(@runner, "initPage") @loadSpy = spyOn(@runner, "loadPage") it "calls initPage", -> @runner.run() expect(@initSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() it "calls loadPage", -> @runner.run() expect(@loadSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "#initPage", -> it "creates a webpage and assigns it to @page", -> @runner.initPage() expect(typeof(@runner.page["open"])).toBe("function") describe "#loadPage", -> beforeEach -> @runner.initPage() it "opens the url in the page", -> spy = spyOn(@runner.page, "open") @runner.loadPage() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@runner.url) it "attaches all the methods to page", -> spyOn(@runner, "pageCallbacks").andCallFake -> {callback1: "method1", callback2: "method2"} @runner.loadPage() expect(@runner.page.callback1).toBe("method1") expect(@runner.page.callback2).toBe("method2") describe "#waitForResults", -> beforeEach -> @timeoutSpy = spyOn(window, "setTimeout") @runner.initPage() it "evaluates in the context of the page", -> spy = spyOn(@runner.page, "evaluate").andReturn(false) @runner.waitForResults() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() it "sets a timeout of 100ms if not finished", -> spyOn(@runner.page, "evaluate").andReturn(false) @runner.waitForResults() expect(@timeoutSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() it "calls finish if Teaspoon says that it's finished", -> spyOn(@runner.page, "evaluate").andCallFake (f) -> f() spy = spyOn(@runner, "finish") window.Teaspoon.finished = true @runner.waitForResults() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "#fail", -> it "logs the error message", -> @runner.fail("_message_") expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Error: _message_") expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('{"_teaspoon":true,"type":"exception"}') it "exits with the error code", -> spy = spyOn(phantom, "exit") @runner.fail("_message_", 2) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2) describe "#finish", -> it "logs an empty string (to fix line feeds in the console)", -> @runner.finish() expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(" ") it "calls exit with a success code", -> spy = spyOn(phantom, "exit") @runner.finish() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0) describe "#pageCallbacks", -> it "returns an object with the expected methods", -> return unless Object.keys object = @runner.pageCallbacks() expect(Object.keys(object)).toEqual(["onError", "onConsoleMessage", "onLoadFinished"]) describe "callback method", -> beforeEach -> @callbacks = @runner.pageCallbacks() describe "#onError", -> it "logs the json of a message and trace", -> @callbacks.onError("_message_", ["trace1", "trace2"]) expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('{"_teaspoon":true,"type":"error","message":"_message_","trace":["trace1","trace2"]}') describe "#onConsoleMessage", -> it "logs the message", -> @callbacks.onConsoleMessage("_message_") expect(@logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("_message_") describe "#onLoadFinish", -> beforeEach -> @runner.initPage() @waitSpy = spyOn(@runner, "waitForResults") it "fails if the status was not success", -> spy = spyOn(@runner, "fail") evalSpy = spyOn(@runner.page, "evaluate").andReturn(true) @callbacks.onLoadFinished("failure") expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Failed to load: #{@runner.url}") expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@waitSpy).wasNotCalled() it "calls waitForResults", -> @callbacks.onLoadFinished("success") expect(@waitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()