# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog (1.0.0)](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and, as of version 0.3.0 and later, this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning (2.0.0)](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [2.0.0] - 2023-07-07 ### Added - `Loba.ts`: `log` option to allow logging to Rails.logger (ignored if unavailable) - `Loba.val`: `log` option to allow logging to Rails.logger (ignored if unavailable) - SECURITY.md to specify security policy ### Changed - Dropped support for Ruby prior to 3.0.6 - Changed output to always write to STDOUT (regardless whether Rails is present) - Changed to only write to Rails.logger (when present) when `log` option is set to `true` - Updated YARD documentation for improved completeness - Refreshed gems and dependencies ## [1.2.1] - 2021-09-05 ### Added - Optional specs for developers to check Loba performance (no surprising issues found) ### Changed - Updated README reference links - Updated to support Ruby 2.2.2 as minimum (retreated from 2.5 for broader support) - Refactored to separate stripping quotes from .inspect-generated strings ## [1.2.0] - 2021-09-05 [YANKED] ## [1.1.0] - 2021-08-20 ### Added - CHANGELOG.md to follow "Keep a Changelog" convention - minor unit tests ### Changed - Replaced colorize gem with rainbow gem for MIT license purity - "Changelog" section of README.md to refer to new CHANGELOG.md - `Loba.ts`: "(in ...)" of notice now has a space instead of a "=" (matches `Loba.val`) - `Loba.ts`: string continuation instead of concatenation for performance - `Loba.val`: string continuation instead of concatenation for performance ## [1.0.0] - 2021-08-18 ### Added - `Loba.val`: added `Loba.value` as an alias ### Changed - `Loba.ts`: use Ruby 2.x-style keyword arguments instead of an options hash [BREAKING CHANGE] - `Loba.val`: use Ruby 2.x-style keyword arguments instead of an options hash [BREAKING CHANGE] - Updated for more recent Ruby versions (>= 2.5) - Updated gem dependencies - Expanded unit testing - Refactored code to better compartmentalize for easier maintainability - Updated user documentation, including corrections and better `production: true` warning - Updated YARD documentation ### Removed - Gemnasium link from README - Last positional argument as `true` or `false` to control presence in production environments - Options hash support to control `production: true` and `inspect: false` [BREAKING CHANGE] ## [0.3.1] - 2017-04-07 ### Added - YARD documentation - `Loba.val`: `inspect` option to control use of `.inspect` on an argument value - `Loba.ts`: added `Loba.timestamp` as an alias ### Changed - Converted to options hash instead of implicit positional arguments - `Loba.val`: nil values now display as `-nil-` instead of blank output ### Deprecated - Last positional argument as `true` or `false` to control presence in production environments ## [0.3.0] - 2017-04-07 [YANKED] ## [0.2.0] - 2016-12-02 ### Added - Initial publication to RubyGems.org - Gem badge to README - Code Climate integration ### Changed - Improved and corrected documentation - Various bug fixes - Generalized for Ruby and reduced Rails centricity ## 0.1.0 - 2016-01-06 ### Added - Initial implementation [Unreleased]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v2.0.0...HEAD [2.0.0]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v1.2.1...v2.0.0 [1.2.1]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1 [1.2.0]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0 [1.1.0]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0 [1.0.0]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v0.3.1...v1.0.0 [0.3.1]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1 [0.3.0]: https://github.com/rdnewman/loba/compare/0.2.0...v0.3.0 [0.2.0]: https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog/releases/tag/0.2.0