require 'axlsx' require 'delorean_lang' class Marty::Xl include Delorean::Model def self.spreadsheet(worksheets) xl = xl.package end def deep_copy(value) return value.each_with_object({}){|(k, v), h| h[k] = deep_copy(v)} if value.is_a?(Hash) value.is_a?(Array) ?{|v| deep_copy(v)} : value end def merge_cell_edges(a, b) return b unless a.kind_of?(Hash) && b.kind_of?(Hash) a_border, b_border = a[:border], b[:border] return b unless a_border.is_a?(Hash) && a_border[:edges].is_a?(Array) non_match = a_border.detect { |key, value| key != :edges && b_border[key] != value } a_border[:edges].each do |edge| unless b_border[:edges].include? edge # add new edges: b_border[:edges] << edge # add new style/color for the new edge if there is no style # match with the old edges: b["border_#{edge}".to_sym] = a_border.each_with_object({}) { |(key, value), h| h[key] = value unless key == :edges } if non_match end end b end def merge_row_edges(a, b) return b unless a.count > 0 a.each_index do |ind| b[ind] = merge_cell_edges(a[ind], deep_copy(b[ind])) end b end def bordered_cells(a, b) a.each_index do |c| a[c] = merge_cell_edges(b[c], deep_copy(a[c])) if a[c] && b[c] b[c] = a[c] unless a[c].nil? end b.each_index { |el| b[el] = {} unless b[el] } end def position_row(d, column_offset, r_number, rows, styles, row_styles) rows[r_number] ||= [] styles[r_number] ||= [] row_styles[r_number] ||= {} new_row, new_style = rows[r_number], styles[r_number] (0...column_offset).each do |t| new_row[t] ||= "" new_style[t] ||= {} end d[1].each_index do |c_index| new_row[c_index+column_offset] = d[1][c_index] end if d[1].kind_of?(Array) if (d.length > 2) && d[2].kind_of?(Hash) && d[2]["style"].kind_of?(Array) d[2]["style"].each_index do |c_index| new_style[c_index+column_offset] = d[2]["style"][c_index] end end # apply style for the row as a whole: if (d.length > 2) && d[2].kind_of?(Hash) d[2].each do |key, value| unless key == :style.to_s row_styles[r_number][key] = value else # skip if the style is an array: /style as an array is # handled by the 'apply a style to each cell' section/ next unless value.kind_of?(Hash) d[1].length.times do |t| new_style[t+column_offset] = value end end end end # row data, style: rows[r_number], styles[r_number] = new_row, new_style end def position_elem(d, offset, last_row, el) x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h = d[1] column_offset, row_offset = offset y_coords = y2.is_a?(Fixnum) || d[0] != "image" ? [y1, y2] : [y1] x_coords = x2.is_a?(Fixnum) || d[0] != "image" ? [x1, x2] : [x1] # add the row offset: y1, y2 = { |y| if y.is_a?(Fixnum) row_offset + y elsif y.is_a?(Hash) && y["off"].is_a?(Fixnum) last_row + y["off"] else raise "bad offset #{y}" end } # add the column offset: x1, x2 = { |x| raise "bad range point #{x}" unless x.is_a? Fixnum column_offset + x } el[last_row] = [] unless el[last_row] || ["border", "image"].member?(d[0]) case d[0] when "conditional_formatting" el[last_row] << [d[0], [x1, y1, x2, y2], d[2]] when "merge" el[last_row] << [d[0], [x1, y1, x2, y2]] when "border" el << [d[0], [x1, y1, x2, y2], d[2]] when "image" el << [d[0], [x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h], d[2]] end end def position_borders(borders) b_styles = [] borders.each do |b| top_row, middle_row, bottom_row, edge_h = [], [], [], {} br, range, defaults = b col0, row0, colw, rowh = range raise "wrong border range #{range}" if col0 > colw || row0 > rowh || (col0 == colw && row0 == rowh) defaults = self.class.symbolize_keys(defaults, ':') boxborders = do |hash, key| hash[key] = { border: defaults.merge( {edges: key.to_s.split('_').map(&:to_sym)} ) } end boxborders[:nil] = {} tro, mro, bro = top_row.object_id, middle_row.object_id, bottom_row.object_id if col0 == colw # vertical line edge_h[tro], edge_h[mro], edge_h[bro] = ["left"], ["left"], ["left"] elsif row0 == rowh # horizontal line edge_h[tro], edge_h[mro], edge_h[bro] = ["top"]*3, ["top"]*3, ["top"]*3 else # box edge_h[tro] = ["top_left", "top_right", "top"] edge_h[mro] = ["left", "right", "nil"] edge_h[bro] = ["bottom_left", "bottom_right", "bottom"] end [top_row, middle_row, bottom_row].each do |r| if col0 == colw r[col0] = boxborders[edge_h[r.object_id][0].to_sym] else (col0...colw).each do |counter| a = (counter == col0) ? boxborders[edge_h[r.object_id][0].to_sym] : {} # counter == col0 == (colw - 1) => merge the edges: a = boxborders[edge_h[r.object_id][1].to_sym] = merge_cell_edges(a, deep_copy(boxborders[edge_h[r.object_id][1].to_sym])) if counter == (colw - 1) a = boxborders[edge_h[r.object_id][2].to_sym] unless counter == col0 || counter == (colw - 1) r[counter] = a end end end if row0 == rowh b_styles[row0] ||= [] bordered_cells(top_row, b_styles[row0]) else (row0...rowh).each_with_index do |r, i| b_styles[r] ||= [] a = i == 0 ? top_row : [] a = merge_row_edges(a,bottom_row) if i == (rowh - row0 - 1) a = middle_row unless i == 0 || i == (rowh - row0 - 1) bordered_cells(a, b_styles[r]) end end end b_styles end def worksheet_rows(ws, rows, styles, row_styles, format, borders, images) wsrows = [] b_styles = position_borders(borders) rlenmax = { |el| el.kind_of?(Array) ? el.length : 0 }.max rows.each_with_index do |r, index| rlen = r.kind_of?(Array) ? r.length : 0 if rlen < rlenmax rows[index] ||= [] rows[index] += [""] * (rlenmax-rlen) end row_styles[index] ||= {} rsi = row_styles[index] rsi["style"] = styles[index].kind_of?(Array) ? styles[index] : [] if b_styles[index].kind_of?(Array) && b_styles[index].count > 0 len = [rsi["style"].count, b_styles[index].count].max len.times do |ind| b_styles[index][ind] ||= {} rsi["style"][ind] ||= {} rsi["style"][ind] = rsi["style"][ind].merge(b_styles[index][ind]) end rsi["style"] = rsi["style"].map{ |x| x || {} } end wsrows << ["row", rows[index], rsi] if format[index] && format[index].kind_of?(Array) format[index].each do |f| raise "wrong number of arguments for #{f[0]}" unless [ ["conditional_formatting", 3], ["merge", 2] ].member?([f[0], f.length]) wsrows << f end end end apply_relative_worksheet_ops(ws, wsrows + images) end attr_reader :styles, :package def initialize(worksheets) @styles = {} @package = wb = package.workbook # We got some sort of error if the worksheets is an array if worksheets.is_a? Hash ws = wb.add_worksheet(name: "EXCEPTION") ws.add_row ["error", worksheets["error"]] ws.add_row ["backtrace", worksheets["backtrace"]] return end raise "expected worksheets array, got: #{worksheets}" unless worksheets.is_a?(Array) worksheets << ["No data", []] if worksheets.count == 0 worksheets.each { |opl| name, ops, opts = opl raise "bad worksheet name: #{name}" unless name.is_a?(String) raise "bad worksheet ops: #{ops.inspect}" unless ops.is_a?(Array) raise "bad options #{opts}" unless opts.is_a?(Hash) || opts.nil? # Remove special characters and truncate sheet name due to Excel # limitations. The following chars are not allowed: []*?:\/ name = name.gsub(/[\[\]\*\?\/\\]/, '_').gsub(':', '').truncate(31) opts = self.class.symbolize_keys(opts || {}, ':') widths = opts[:widths] || [] gridlines = opts[:gridlines] != 0 ws = wb.add_worksheet(name: name) ws.column_widths(*widths) if widths.is_a?(Array) && widths.count > 0 ws.sheet_view.show_grid_lines = gridlines apply_relative_worksheet_ops(ws, ops) } @package.use_shared_strings = true end def add_style(style) raise "bad style" unless style.is_a?(Hash) || style.is_a?(Array) if style.is_a?(Array) { |s| styles[s] ||= package.workbook.styles.add_style(s) } else styles[style] ||= package.workbook.styles.add_style(style) end end def intern_range(ws, range) return range if range.is_a? String raise "bad range #{range}" unless range.is_a?(Array) && range.length==4 x1, y1, x2, y2 = range y1, y2 = [y1, y2].map { |y| next y unless y.is_a?(Hash) raise "bad offset #{y}" unless y["off"].is_a?(Fixnum) ws.rows.last.index + y["off"] } [x1, y1, x2, y2].each { |x| raise "bad range point #{x}" unless x.is_a? Fixnum } Axlsx.cell_r(x1, y1) + ":" + Axlsx.cell_r(x2, y2) end def recalc_offsets(ops_pos) new_ops1, new_ops2, new_ops = [], [], [] # precalculate the offsets of pos options embedded in another pos opt: ops_pos.each { |d| new_ops1 += d[2].select { |inner_ops| inner_ops if inner_ops[0] == "pos" }.map { |inner| [inner[0], d[1].zip(inner[1]).map { |x,y| x+y }, inner[2] ] } } # keep the offsets of non-pos options embedded in pos opt: new_ops2 = { |d| [ d[0], d[1], d[2].select{|inner| inner if inner[0] != "pos" } ] } new_ops = new_ops1 + new_ops2 count = { |d| d[2].select { |inner_ops| inner_ops if inner_ops[0] == "pos" }.count > 0 }.count count == 0 ? new_ops.sort : recalc_offsets(new_ops) end def apply_relative_worksheet_ops(ws, ops) non_pos = {|opl| opl[0] != "pos" } ops_pos = {|opl| opl[0] == "pos" } ops_brd = {|opl| opl[0] == "border" } if (ops_pos.count > 0) # Wrap all non-pos options in a pos option with offset 0, 0: pos_00_ops = non_pos.count > 0 ? [ ["pos", [0, 0], non_pos] ] : [] # Recalculate the offsets of embedded pos opts: ops = pos_00_ops + recalc_offsets(ops_pos) elsif (ops_brd.count > 0) # Wrap the non-pos options in a pos opt with offset 0, 0: pos_00_ops = [ ["pos", [0, 0], non_pos] ] ops = pos_00_ops end rows, styles, row_styles, format, borders, images = [], [], [], [], [], [] ops.each { |opl| raise "bad op #{opl}" unless opl.length > 1 case opl[0] when "pos" op, offset, data = opl raise "bad offset #{offset}" unless offset.is_a?(Array) && offset.length == 2 && offset.all? {|x| x.is_a? Fixnum} # column offset, row offset: column_offset, row_offset = offset r_number, last_row = row_offset, row_offset data.each do |d| raise "non array data #{d[1]}" unless d[1].is_a?(Array) raise "non hash data options #{d[2]}" unless [NilClass, Hash, String, Array].member? d[2].class case d[0] when "row" position_row(d, column_offset, r_number, rows, styles, row_styles) last_row = r_number r_number += 1 when "conditional_formatting", "merge" position_elem(d, offset, last_row, format) when "border" position_elem(d, offset, last_row, borders) when "image" position_elem(d, offset, last_row, images) else raise "unknown op #{d[0]} embedded in 'position' option" end end when "row" op, data, options = opl raise "bad row op #{opl}" unless data.is_a?(Array) || opl.length > 3 raise "non hash options #{options} for row" unless options.nil? || options.is_a?(Hash) options = self.class.symbolize_keys(options || {}, ':') options[:style] = add_style(options[:style]) if options[:style] ws.add_row data, options when "row_style" op, row_num, style = opl # FIXME: need to handle Array? raise "non hash arg for row_style" unless style.is_a?(Hash) raise "bad row num #{opl}" unless row_num.is_a?(Fixnum) style = self.class.symbolize_keys(style, ':') style_id = add_style(style) row = ws.rows[row_num] = style_id when "merge" op, range = opl raise "bad merge op #{opl}" unless opl.length == 2 range = intern_range(ws, range) ws.merge_cells range when "conditional_formatting" op, range, format = opl raise "non hash arg for format" unless format.is_a?(Hash) range = intern_range(ws, range) format = self.class.symbolize_keys(format, ':') color_scale_a = format[:color_scale] if color_scale_a raise "color_scale must be an array" unless color_scale_a.is_a?(Array) raise "non-hash color_scale element" unless color_scale_a.all? {|x| x.is_a?(Hash)} format[:color_scale] =*color_scale_a) end dxfid = format[:dxfId] format[:dxfId] = add_style(dxfid) if dxfid.is_a?(Hash) ws.add_conditional_formatting(range, format) when "image" op, range, img = opl raise "bad image params #{range}" unless range.is_a?(Array) && range.length == 6 x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h = range raise "bad image range, width or height #{range}" unless [ x1, y1, w, h ].all? {|x| x.is_a? Fixnum} ws.add_image(image_src: "#{Rails.public_path}/images/#{img}", noSelect: true, noMove: true) do |image| image.width = w image.height = h image.start_at x1, y1 image.end_at x2, y2 if x2.is_a?(Fixnum) && y2.is_a?(Fixnum) end else raise "unknown op #{opl[0]}" end } worksheet_rows(ws,rows,styles,row_styles,format,borders,images) unless [ops_pos.count, ops_brd.count].all?{ |a| a == 0 } end # recursive symbolize_keys. FIXME: this belongs in a generic # library somewhere. def self.symbolize_keys(obj, sym_str=nil) case obj when Array {|x| symbolize_keys(x, sym_str)} when Hash obj.inject({}) { |result, (key, value)| key = key.to_sym if key.is_a?(String) result[key] = symbolize_keys(value, sym_str) result } when String (sym_str && obj.starts_with?(sym_str)) ? obj[sym_str.length..-1].to_sym : obj else obj end end end