module SolidusDynamicSitemaps::SolidusDefaults include Spree::Core::Engine.routes.url_helpers include Spree::BaseHelper # for meta_data def default_url_options { host: SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host } end def add_login(options = {}) add(login_path, options) end def add_signup(options = {}) add(signup_path, options) end def add_account(options = {}) add(account_path, options) end def add_password_reset(options = {}) add(new_spree_user_password_path, options) end def add_products(options = {}) available_products = Spree::Product.available.distinct add(products_path, options.merge(lastmod: available_products.last_updated)) available_products.each do |product| add_product(product, options) end end def add_product(product, options = {}) opts = options.merge(lastmod: product.updated_at) if gem_available?('spree_videos') && product.videos.present? # TODO: add exclusion list configuration option # # don't include all the videos on the page to avoid duplicate title warnings primary_video = product.videos.first opts.merge!(video: [video_options(primary_video.youtube_ref, product)]) end add(product_path(product), opts) end def add_pages(options = {}) # TODO: this should be refactored to add_pages & add_page do |page| add(page.path, options.merge(lastmod: page.updated_at)) end if gem_available? 'spree_essential_cms' Spree::Page.visible.each do |page| add(page.slug, options.merge(lastmod: page.updated_at)) end if gem_available? 'spree_static_content' end def add_taxons(options = {}) Spree::Taxon.roots.each { |taxon| add_taxon(taxon, options) } end def add_taxon(taxon, options = {}) add(nested_taxons_path(taxon.permalink), options.merge(lastmod: taxon.products.last_updated)) if taxon.permalink.present? taxon.children.each { |child| add_taxon(child, options) } end def gem_available?(name) Gem::Specification.find_by_name(name) rescue Gem::LoadError false rescue Gem.available?(name) end def main_app Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end private ## # Multiple videos of the same ID can exist, but all videos linked in the sitemap should be inique # # Required video fields: # # # YouTube thumbnail images: # # # NOTE title should match the page title, however the title generation isn't self-contained # although not a future proof solution, the best (+ easiest) solution is to mimic the title for product pages # # # def video_options(youtube_id, object = false) ({ description: meta_data(object)[:description] } rescue {}).merge( ({ title: [Spree::Config[:site_name],].join(' - ') } rescue {}) ).merge( thumbnail_loc: "{youtube_id}/0.jpg", player_loc: "{youtube_id}", autoplay: 'ap=1' ) end end