module Sbn class Variable attr_reader :name, :states, :parents, :children, :probability_table def initialize(net, name = '', probabilities = [0.5, 0.5], states = [:true, :false]) @net = net @@variable_count ||= 0 @@variable_count += 1 name = "variable_#{@@variable_count}" if name.is_a? String and name.empty? @name = name.to_underscore_sym @children = [] @parents = [] @states = [] @state_frequencies = {} # used for storing sample points set_states(states) set_probabilities(probabilities) net.add_variable(self) end def ==(obj); test_equal(obj); end def eql?(obj); test_equal(obj); end def ===(obj); test_equal(obj); end def to_s @name.to_s end def to_xmlbif_variable(xml) xml.variable(:type => "nature") do @states.each {|s| xml.outcome(s.to_s) }"SbnVariableType = #{self.class.to_s}") yield(xml) if block_given? end end def to_xmlbif_definition(xml) xml.definition do xml.for(@name.to_s) @parents.each {|p| xml.given( } xml.table(@probability_table.transpose.last.join(' ')) yield(xml) if block_given? end end def set_states(states) states.symbolize_values! @states = states generate_probability_table end def set_probability(probability, event) event = @net.symbolize_evidence(event) unless can_be_evaluated?(event) raise "A valid state was not supplied for variable #{@name} and all its parents in call to set_probability()" end combination_for_this_event = [] @parents.each {|p| combination_for_this_event << event[] } combination_for_this_event << event[@name] index = state_combinations.index(combination_for_this_event) @probabilities[index] = probability generate_probability_table end def add_child(variable) add_child_no_recurse(variable) variable.add_parent_no_recurse(self) end def add_parent(variable) add_parent_no_recurse(variable) variable.add_child_no_recurse(self) end def set_probabilities(probs) @probabilities = probs generate_probability_table end def evidence_name # :nodoc: @name end def add_child_no_recurse(variable) # :nodoc: return if variable == self or @children.include?(variable) if variable.is_a?(StringVariable) @children.concat variable.covariables else @children << variable end variable.generate_probability_table end def add_parent_no_recurse(variable) # :nodoc: return if variable == self or @parents.include?(variable) if variable.is_a?(StringVariable) @parents.concat variable.covariables else @parents << variable end generate_probability_table end def set_in_evidence?(evidence) # :nodoc: evidence.has_key?(evidence_name) end def get_observed_state(evidence) # :nodoc: evidence[@name] end # A variable can't be evaluated unless its parents have # been observed def can_be_evaluated?(evidence) # :nodoc: returnval = true parents.each {|p| returnval = false unless p.set_in_evidence?(evidence) } returnval end # In order to draw uniformly from the probabilty space, we can't # just pick a random state. Instead we generate a random number # between zero and one and iterate through the states until the # cumulative sum of their probabilities exceeds our random number. def get_random_state(event = {}) # :nodoc: seek_state {|s| evaluate_marginal(s, event) } end # similar to get_random_state() except it evaluates a variable's markov # blanket in addition to the variable itself. def get_random_state_with_markov_blanket(event) # :nodoc: evaluations = [] @states.each {|s| evaluations << evaluate_markov_blanket(s, event) } evaluations.normalize! seek_state {|s| evaluations.shift } end def generate_probability_table # :nodoc: @probab @probability_table = nil if @probabilities and @probabilities.size == state_combinations.size probs = @probabilities.dup @probability_table = state_combinations.collect {|e| [e, probs.shift] } end end def evaluate_marginal(state, event) # :nodoc: temp_probs = @probability_table.dup remove_irrelevant_states(temp_probs, state, event) sum = 0.0 temp_probs.each {|e| sum += e[1] } sum end def transform_evidence_value(val) # :nodoc: val.to_underscore_sym end private def seek_state sum = 0.0 num = rand returnval = nil @states.each do |s| returnval = s sum += yield(s) break if num < sum end returnval end def state_combinations all_states = [] @parents.each {|p| all_states << p.states } all_states << @states end def remove_irrelevant_states(probabilities, state, evidence) # remove the states for this variable probabilities.reject! {|e| e.first.last != state } index = 0 @parents.each do |parent| unless parent.set_in_evidence?(evidence) raise "Marginal cannot be evaluated because there are unset parent variables" end probabilities.reject! {|e| e.first[index] != parent.get_observed_state(evidence) } index += 1 end probabilities end def evaluate_markov_blanket(state, event) returnval = 1.0 temp_probs = @probability_table.dup remove_irrelevant_states(temp_probs, state, event) temp = get_observed_state(event) event[@name] = state returnval *= evaluate_marginal(state, event) @children.each {|child| returnval *= child.evaluate_marginal(child.get_observed_state(event), event) } event[@name] = temp returnval end def test_equal(variable) returnval = true net_name = variable.instance_eval('') returnval = false unless == net_name returnval = false unless variable.class == self.class and self.is_a? Variable returnval = false unless returnval and @name == if returnval parent_names = [] variable.parents.each {|p| parent_names << } my_parent_names = [] @parents.each {|p| my_parent_names << } returnval = false unless parent_names.sort == my_parent_names.sort returnval = false unless @states == variable.states table = variable.probability_table.transpose.last my_table = @probability_table.transpose.last returnval = false unless table == my_table end returnval end end end