# 1.4.1 (December 15th, 2013) * Fixed a superfluous warning message when using ruby >= 2.0.0 which is now the default when installing Vagrant >= 1.4.0 (at least on Windows). # 1.4.0 (November 28th, 2013) * Adding support to export to an [autoenv](https://github.com/kennethreitz/autoenv) file. See [GH-13](https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/13). * Deprecated usage of `-s, --script` option for command `vagrant user env`. This was replaced by the more generic and extensible `-f, --format FORMAT` option. The `-s, --script` option will be removed in 2.0. # 1.3.0 (November 19th, 2013) * Now using [minitest](https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest) as our testing library. * Added a new command that can be used either standalone or via a small bash script to easily export environment variables from your currently set parameters. See [GH-13](https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/13). * Keys associated to a null value are considered as being missing by the merge process. It is still possible to define a null parameter, but it will be overridden by any parameter and will not override any. See [GH-12](https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/12). * Fixed output of command `vagrant user parameters`, the keys were serialized as symbol instead of string. # 1.2.0 (October 24th, 2013) * Now showing better error message to the end-user when a parameter cannot be found. The message displays which key could not be found. Moreover, we show the context within the Vagrantfile where we think the error occurred: ``` Nugrant: Parameter 'param' was not found, is it defined in your .vagrantuser file? Here where we think the error could be in your Vagrantfile: 1: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| 2:>> puts config.user.param 3: end ``` See [GH-8] (https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/8). * Ensured that keys used within a `Bag` are always symbol. This make sure that it is possible to retrieve a value with any access method. See [GH-9](https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/9). * Now using [multi_json](https://rubygems.org/gems/multi_json) for JSON handling. # 1.1.0 (May 17th, 2013) * Rewrite completely classes `Parameters` and `Bag`. * Reduced chances to have a parameter name collapsing with an implementation method. * Removed dependency on `deep_merge`. We do now perform our own merge. * Added possibility to iterate through keys by using `.each`: ``` config.user.local.each do |name, value| puts "Key #{name}: #{value}" end ``` ### Backward Incompatibilities * `Parameters` is not extending the `Bag` class anymore. * `Parameters` and `Bag` attributes and methods are now almost all prefixed with __ to reduce clashes to a minimum when accessing parameters with method-like syntax (i.e. `parameters.git.master` instead of `parameters['git']['master']`) # 1.0.1 (April 9th, 2013) * Fixed a crash when `user` config value is `nil` preventing `vagrant user parameters` from working as expected. See [GH-4](https://github.com/maoueh/nugrant/issues/4). * Fixed a bug preventing the version from being printed when doing `vagrant user -v`. # 1.0.0 (March 21th, 2013) * For now on, this gem will follow semantic versioning. * Refactored how Vagrant plugin is architectured. * Now supporting Vagrant 1.1.x (Plugin version "2"). # 0.0.14 * Renamed `ParameterBag` to `Bag` * Cleanup `Bag` api * Renamed method `has_param?` to `has_key?` in `Bag` * Removed method `get_params` from `Bag` # 0.0.13 * Cleanup `Parameters` and `ParameterBag` interface * The method `defaults` has been removed from the bag * Setting defaults on `Parameters` now recompute the final bag * Improved `vagrant user parameters` command * Now using the exact config as seen by Vagrant, this includes defaults parameters * An option has been added to only see defaults parameters # 0.0.12 * Added travis configuration file * Added travis build status icon to readme * Fixed a bug when `.vagrantuser` file is empty or not a hash type * Improved parameters command * The parameters command is now a proper subcommand * An option has been added to see system parameters * An option has been added to see user parameters * An option has been added to see project parameters # 0.0.11 * Updated README file for installation via rubygems.org # 0.0.10 * Added a subcommand `parameters` for vagrant command `user` * Added a vagrant command `vagrant user subcommand [options]` # 0.0.9 * Fixed a bug with the new default values implementation # 0.0.8 * Introduced possibility to set default values * Introduced restricted keys (For now, restricted keys are [`defaults`]). * Fixed a bug with system-wide parameters # 0.0.7 * YAML is back as the default file format for parameters # 0.0.6 * Fixed a bug on ruby 1.8.7 which doesn't have yaml included in its load path by default # 0.0.5 * Introduced system-wide parameters file # 0.0.4 * JSON is now the default file format for parameters (due to problem with YAML) * It is now possible to store parameters in the JSON format