module Hippo::Concerns # Custom implentation of has_many and belongs_to # module AssociationExtensions extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def has_one(name, scope = nil, options = {}) opts = extract_private_options( scope, options ) associations = super handle_private_options( name, opts ) unless opts.empty? associations end def belongs_to(name, scope = nil, options = {} ) opts = extract_private_options( scope, options ) associations = super handle_private_options( name, opts ) unless opts.empty? associations end def has_many(name, scope=nil,options={}, &extension ) opts = extract_private_options( scope, options ) associations = super handle_private_options( name, opts ) unless opts.empty? associations end private def handle_private_options( name, opts ) association = reflect_on_association( name.to_sym ) setup_listeners( association, opts[:listen] ) if opts[:listen] setup_association_export( association, opts[:export] ) if opts[:export] end def extract_private_options( scope, options ) if scope.is_a?(Hash) scope.extract!( :export, :listen ) else options.extract!( :export, :listen ) end end # This gets complex; We # First setup proc's for each listener, # then attempt to load the associations's class # If that succeds, we're done, otherwise we add it # to PubSub's pending queue def setup_listeners( association, listeners ) targets = {} if listeners.any? && association.options[:inverse_of].nil? raise "Setting listener on #{name}##{} " + "but the association does not have " + "an inverse_of specified." end listeners.each do | name, target | targets[name] = make_association_listener_for(target, association) end begin klass = association.klass # This will throw if the class hasn't been loaded yet targets.each{ | name, proc | klass.send :_add_event_listener, name, &proc } rescue NameError pending = Hippo::Concerns::PubSub::PendingListeners.add(association.class_name) targets.each do | name, proc | pending[name] << proc end end end def make_association_listener_for(target, association){ | record, *args | associated_record = record.public_send( if associated_record args.unshift(record) if associated_record.is_a? ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy associated_record.each{ |r| r.send(target, *args) } else associated_record.send(target, *args) end end } end def setup_association_export( association, options ) export_associations(, options == true ? {} : options ) end end end end