angular.module('', []).factory('MessageSvc', ['$q','$rootScope','TemplatePath', ($q,$rootScope,TemplatePath) -> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Service # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization service = {} service.messages = [] # Queue for the messages service.count = 0 bootstraped = false currentMessage = null # Put the message in the queue service.putMessage = (message) -> service.messages.push(message) unless bootstraped bootstrap() # Return the current message service.pullMessage = -> currentMessage['templateUrl'] = templateMessageUrl() return currentMessage # Check if there's a next message and check of which type it is = -> if service.messages.length > 0 currentMessage = service.messages.splice(0,1)[0] if currentMessage.type == 'external-modal' openExternalModal() else service.count += 1 else currentMessage = null bootstraped = false service.count = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bootstrap = -> bootstraped = true # Used to open external modal # It expects the message to contain a msbBus (see MsbBus service) # The function will set the variable of the msgbus to true and call # when the modal is closed (to display next message) openExternalModal = -> msgbus = currentMessage.msgbus msgbus().value = true unregister = $rootScope.$watch((-> msgbus().value), () -> if msgbus().value == false unregister() ) # Return the template to be used for the category: category # (not used at the moment, see comment above) templateMessageUrl = -> switch currentMessage.category when 'taskCompleted' then return TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/maestrano-components/modal-messages/congratulations.html'] when 'information' then return TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/maestrano-components/modal-messages/information.html'] when 'default' then return TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/maestrano-components/modal-messages/default.html'] else return TemplatePath['mno_enterprise/maestrano-components/modal-messages/default.html'] return service ])