require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' share_examples_for "model with concurrent draft" do it "should be invalid with a draft promotion schedule date in the past" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at = 2.days.ago @object.should_not be_valid @object.should have(1).error_on(:draft_promotion_scheduled_at) end it "should be valid with a draft promotion schedule date in the future" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at = @object.should be_valid @object.should have(0).errors_on(:draft_promotion_scheduled_at) end describe "after draft promotion" do before :each do @object.promote_draft! end it "should have copied the content from the draft content" do if @object.respond_to?(:content) @object.content.should == @object.draft_content end end it "should have set the promotion date/time" do @object.draft_promoted_at.should be_close(, 10) end it "should have cleared the scheduled date" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at.should be_nil end it "should have promoted the draft" do @object.should have_draft_promoted end end it "should have the draft promotion scheduled if the date is in the future" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at = @object.should have_draft_promotion_scheduled end it "should cancel the scheduled promotion" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at = @object.cancel_promotion! @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at.should be_nil end it "should be promoted when the promotion time has past" do @object.draft_promotion_scheduled_at = 1.minute.ago @object.should be_draft_should_be_promoted end it "should automatically promote the draft when necessary on load" do @object.class.update_all({:draft_promotion_scheduled_at => 2.minutes.ago}, :id => new_object = @object.class.find( new_object.should have_draft_promoted end end describe Snippet, "with concurrent draft" do dataset :snippets before :each do @object = snippets(:first) @object.update_attributes(:content => 'content test', :draft_content => 'draft content') end it "should not be publishable" do @object.publishable?.should_not be_true end it_should_behave_like 'model with concurrent draft' end describe Layout, "with concurrent draft" do dataset :layouts before :each do @object = layouts(:main) @object.update_attributes(:content => 'content test', :draft_content => 'draft content') end it "should not be publishable" do @object.publishable?.should_not be_true end it_should_behave_like 'model with concurrent draft' end describe PagePart, "with concurrent draft" do dataset :pages before :each do @object = pages(:home).parts.first @object.update_attributes(:content => 'content test', :draft_content => 'draft content') end describe "after draft promotion" do before :each do @object.promote_draft! end it "should have copied the content from the draft content" do @object.content.should == @object.draft_content end end end describe Page, 'with concurrent draft' do dataset :pages before :each do @object = pages(:home) end it "should be publishable" do @object.publishable?.should be_true end it_should_behave_like 'model with concurrent draft' end